The night is far spent
Don’t Get bitter
1.Wake Up!!
2. Dress UP
3. Clean Up
4. Grow Up
HAPPILY ever after.
4–5. The situation of the psalmist was grave indeed. Engulfed by The sorrows of death (lit., the cord of death), surrounded by ungodly men (lit., sons of Belial), and chased by The sorrows of hell (lit., the cords of Sheol), there was nowhere to turn but to God. Spurgeon observes, “From all sides the hell-hounds barked furiously. A cordon of devils hemmed in the hunted man of God; every way of escape was closed up. Satan knows how to blockade our coasts with the iron war-ships of sorrow, but, blessed be God, the port of all prayer is still open.…”
6–15. David did the only thing he could do, that which he was in the habit of doing. In my distress I called upon the LORD. In reaction to Jehovah’s hearing the prayer of the psalmist, the earth shook and trembled, an event not without precedent in this land. There went up a smoke out of his nostrils. This is an Oriental way of expressing fierce wrath. The entire description is designed to depict the majesty of God who bowed the heavens also, and came down to help his child