Church: A Body of Believers

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Church: A Body of Believers

Text: Romans 14:1-23

Introduction: When someone says the word “Church”, what immediately comes to mind? Is it rows of pews, a pulpit, stained glass windows, and a fellowship hall? Perhaps it’s Sunday school, preaching, evening service, or Bible Study. In the Bible, the “church” meant much more than that. It was a body of born-again, baptized believers who worshiped together, prayed together, and endured persecution together.

I. As a Church, we should build each other up (vs. 1-3)

A. We are to receive those who are “weak in the faith” with love.
1. As Christians, we are to show the love of Christ to all that set foot in the Church Building as well as those in our every day life.
2. When a visitor walks in, how are they greeted? Do they feel welcome?
a. Do not wait for someone else to greet him or her, you go do it!
b. Visitors should never leave Church without having felt welcomed.
c. Story about pastor by the door.
3. Church “clicks” should not exist.
a. Many times we only talk to our little group of friends.
b. Make the members feel welcome, too!
B. Do not let petty disagreements sever your Christian relationships.
1. What are doubtful disputations?
a. Arguments, disputes, over matters that are doubtful.
b. Do you find yourself arguing with other Christians over matters that have little or no importance?
1) A church can squelch its growth by simply doing this.
2) When visitors see members arguing over small matters, it does not convey to them a message of brotherly love; rather, one of family feud.
3) Story: Did Adam and Eve have a belly button?
4) If you still insist on arguing, do us all a favor: take the argument somewhere else.
5) I have personally witnessed a church split.
c. Do not let tradition be the source of a disagreement. The Pharisees and Saducees were often guilty of this very thing.
1) Matthew 15:1-14 The blind leading the blind
2) Don’t fall into the ditch of tradition.
2. Petty arguments can kill a church; united we stand, divided we fall.
a. Imagine the effect that a divided army would have.
b. The whole army would slaughter itself.
c. This is Satan’s goal.
d. Our enemy is Satan, not other Christians or even non-Christians. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

II. Do not over-criticize or judge your fellow Church members.

A. It is God’s place to judge, not ours.
1. “Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant…”
a. We are God’s servants and God’s servants to be judged.
b. God determines the heart of his servants, whether they be standing or fallen.
c. God is able to lift up those who have fallen.
d. Do not hinder God’s call to those who have fallen.
2. It is not the servants place to judge his fellow servants.
a. God has called each of us to a different purpose in his plan.
b. Verse 7,8—We are God’s.
c. Verse 10,11,12, 13—We will all give an account before Christ.
1) “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.”
2) Judge yourself that your criticism does not “trip” a brother.
B. Christian Liberty verses 15-23
1. We must be careful as Christians that we are not a stumblingblock to other Christians and non-believers.
a. Ask yourself:
1) Will this action show love to my brothers/sisters in Christ?
2) Does it show love towards God?
3) Does it edify or break down?
b. Example: drinking.
2. Does your current lifestyle show a picture of love to your brothers/sisters in Christ? Towards God? Does it edify or break down other people?
3. Is your heart right with God today?

III. Conclusion

A. A Church is a body of believers that are striving to do God’s will.
B. Are you doing your part today?
C. Are you a stumblingblock to other Christians?
D. Does your witness glorify God?
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