Renewed Purpose: Part 1
Hi. Hi, Ashley. How are you? I need a couple of things to get us to set up. Please have your big strong hands. I need to bring this whiteboard through this direction. Pretend I am the Whiteboard and Hermes. Can I please get you to bring some of those stools over?
Thank you so much. And then that one can just go over there on the other side. Amazing. Okay, so, if you don't know me, my name is Michael and I'm very, very excited about this evening. I am also very nervous because though, I am no stranger to. Talkin. I actually have a crush on myself, but I've been spending a lot of time in the blood. They lost two weeks and there is a really, really exciting would that God has placed on my hot to launch S off into 22. But I am very excited joining me to my ride. So you will left is the ones of formulas of traps and
Adam Mitchell Lindsay. Visa Visa my Hermes literally we live in a house together. So instead of calling each other flatmates or like, roomies, we cool. Those homies cuz I got to be helping me out today, and I'm going to sit on this chair and I'll probably sit on this chair for about 3 minutes. Until I spoke about tonight, tonight's well, actually not even tonight this year. We are going to talk about is this idea of boldness? My terrible face on Instagram yesterday, but I really felt like the wood bowls and put it on a hot and it is a concept of word on that. We wanted to dig into this year and gone, a twelvemonth journey of actually trying to figure out what it looks like. And the fact that boldness isn't just for the extra vet, the people that out there but it's for everyone. The fact that baldness comes from God and that God gives us boldness to take the unchanging gospel into an ever-changing world. And so before we talk about boldness, we needs to talk about is because boldness, if left unchecked has the potential to create some interesting situation because boldness can be just about anything right. Boldness is just An action really, isn't it? All this is just doing something. About something and sign actually both missed. Can take a lot of different phone. Let me, let me give you a couple of examples. The way that I have done my slides, which I may or may not if you hop over to the next one. Caleb at was the first date going on a little bit crazy, but sometimes, anyway, helping somebody. If you don't know who this is the movie, The Blind Side, the lovely Sandra Bullock. Every Sandra Bullock movie is worth watching and she she take somebody in who's in a disadvantaged position and And hope that helps with that practical needs and give them value and worth, and listen up, and say, this is what builds his skin looks like. It can look like going out of that comfort zone to help others and to lift, other people up. And to use the blessings that God has given us to pour it on to other people and let them up as well, just like Jesus died so that he could lift us up. Moving on to the next one with us. If we got another incredible and all such tragic example of boldness, Iron Man, giving his life so that the rest could live, These are a couple of examples of what boldness can look like boldness. And many ways can be channeled in some incredible ways. Boldness, can be channeled to help people, to lift, people up to add value to people. It can be as crazy as giving you a life with somebody or it can be as simple as just smiling at somebody as you walk across the street. And you can see on the screen boldness. Can also take another phone. If you are not aware. This is about the girl from The Matrix ocean. What's her name of those? I can pick one of those cakes because sometimes people annoy us and we just kind of want to punch him in the face and act of boldness is acting in aggression or fear of frustration or anger and imposing that on to someone else. And so, as you can see, both of us can take good form and it can take some forms that at the house, not so good. And so if we ought to be bold and pasta, Dave is going to be speaking on Bold next month. Holy fool, beautiful. Tri-C weeks of positive talk about old. Miss me so much fun. Before we got there. We need to understand. I need something to help Channel it, to help focus it right. And what boldness needs? Is Vision. We can't talk about boldness until we talk about Vision, right? Make sense? Right? Sorry this this year everything is going to be connected and see what I did encourage you to do is bring a notepad and Pen here on Friday night to grab out your phone and send it to do not disturb your notes. And like start writing things because Mel is going to be writing some things on that board. And there are things that I need you to take away from tonight because tonight's not going to finish tonight. Not just going to be next week in the next week, and the next week, and the next week and in six months time. I want you to remember it. Write it down to wrestle with it. Think about it or just if you've got a really good memory, then good for you or you can take a photo of the sport of the end. First point that I want you to write down. Is that Vision boldness with vision? Boldness starts with vision. That makes sense right now on what the beginning of my myself that what I'm talking about, but boldness begins with vision, as Mel. Writes it down on the Whiteboard. I want to encourage you grab. I put in notes, title, it something fun like Renewed purpose, colon vision. And right. Dan boldness. Begins with vision. Boldness, begins with a vision.
Savannah. What's vision? What is vision?
What are the question that? What you guys think? What is Vision? How would you define it? How would you describe it? What does it look like to you? Anyone?
Sites. And he had that site.
For thinking, a shaver that anything else for thinking dreams Vision sites. Sing with the head ambition. A goal, a plan. I love a plan.
I wonder why.
Vision. I'm just going to go straight to point number to write the stem vision is the ability to think and plan but I had some of those words came through plan, the future with imagination. And wisdom. Now this actually just came up Google cuz you know how sometimes you like fall off. I'll come up with some cool definition of something based on like what I don't know what it's going to be super unique and everything. I've read the Google definition of really good sex. I use that one but this is the ability to think or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, but I would like to suggest. And as we go through in the next couple of weeks, I think you're going to find that very quickly is that vision is the ability to think and to plan the future with imagination and wisdom. Inside. That's the kind of vision that we're talking about and we're going to explore the life of somebody or or small pot of the life of somebody and his name is Nehemiah a Nehemiah but we're going to look at that story. I'm going to because me and my write the book, it was written in first-person. It was me and Maya himself writing about himself and his events of his experience is and how he interacted with the circumstances in the world around him. I'm sorry. There's some really cool ways that this idea of thinking and planning an imagination and wisdom. Came to be through the way that he reacted to a situation that God placed him in and said, we're going to look at him tonight. And next week. I'm going to explore how old is that fits together and explore that definition of vision a little bit more and I'll just hold on to that vision. Is the ability to what? Anterior. If you chill with. And with them all cute.
Nehemiah Nehemiah around through some of the notes. And what I was thinking of, possibly would let Michael use. Hope way too much for going to have to split this into several pots. Whereas I was originally just doing one to walk is not become too and he said Mike was soon as you see the finish slide, you got to jump out of that plane and parachute because I am knowing knowing it for waffling on site. That's one and two. I'm going to get me. 100 me to come up and read it for us, but I don't have it on the screen because I want y'all to get the Bible app on your phone or to get your Bible app out, or if you do. Have the Bible app on your phone. Does a million and free version. So, please go and find it. We're going to be reading from the NIV. So Nehemiah one verse one and two, and when I say stop, I might just interject in, while you are talkin. Say, let's go to miss you while I was in the Citadel of suicide. This is Nehemiah talking to Whoever asks, in this case. I just want to make the quick point there. Me and Maya lived in this place. Could Susa and it was the capital city of ancient, Persia. And he lives in the Citadel of Persia. The Citadel, in the city was like the 425 Palace of the Persians. It's where all of the important people, the king, and the people in the king of God and people within his courts with all their like Hozier tour through the higher echelons of society. That's where all of those people that want to make the point here. Me and Maya. The kind of person that me and Maya was is he was obviously somebody very important somebody very high up and close to the king because you don't just get to stay in the Citadel of the capital city for no reason. He's obviously very disciplines, probably very intelligent, probably very hard-working and dedicated and he spent a lot of time earning the trust and loyalty of the people around him like the king so that he can be in a position like that because the king Don't keep people around if he doesn't trust them. Then Nehemiah, that's why he lived. And that's a little bit about what that tells us about the kind of person that he is. Mitch. Please continue one of my brothers from Judah with some other man, and I questioned them about the Jewish Remnant that survived the Exile. And also about Jerusalem. We have a guy come up to me and Maya and me and Maya is asking them a question. He wanted to know about the Jewish Remnant and if they had survived Exile and also about the state of the city of Jerusalem, that might not make a huge amount of sense at the moment. If you're not familiar with the places in the cities on, but for now, I'm going to go into that in a sec. But for now, I just want to make the point that Nehemiah is an important guy and he's chilling in the Persian Citadel enjoying his tea, doing things that important people do not know what that is, and But but his heart is somewhere else because even though he's in that position, even though you probably has a million more important things that he could be thinking about. He is thinking about the Jews in a Faraway lands, in this place called Jerusalem, and he's wondering and he's interested in their well-being. And he wants to know what the situation is. There at the moment. The capital of Persia is about 1300 kilometres away. From Jerusalem, and that's about about he had to camera. I think Google Maps told me.
If you don't have plans, so call us or anything like that.
I want you to think to yourself. Why do you reckon Nehemiah was so interested in Jerusalem and the Jews and the people? His people even though Jerusalem was a place. He had never been to an even though he was haha and people get really met them. You're hot for a place and a People he'd never been to and he's mostly in the damn it just thinking you mine.
You was right. He is Jewish.
I think in your mind.
Go to Sky and it's thinking about Jerusalem and these people and you might be asking the question who are these people? And what is the type? I have no idea what this is about. Is. I don't know what's happening. What's going on? I don't know anything. Let me give you a very brief synopsis of the history of the city of Jerusalem. Because that is going to give us some really interesting perspective. When we go back and look at me in my again, next week, next, Friday night and explore the way that he reacted to the vision that God gave him. Is. God promises land to Abraham and his descendants. Caleb? Can I get the map up on the screen? So this is a cute little Egypt and Jerusalem and Mount Sinai and the Dead Sea and side. But before we get here, it's important that, you know, that all the way back when thousands of years ago. God gave a promise to the sky named Abraham and he said that you will inherit the Promise Land. And in Genesis 15, if you want to write that down and go have a look later. He actually Define exactly what geographical area is that included. And so God made a specific and intentional promise and y'all. He made a promise to Abraham and said that it was sometime later. You might recall the story of the Israelites and that Exodus from Egypt at story. That was some time later that, when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, that plan really started to come to fruition. And when the Israelites left, Egypt, I followed that red line and I went to Mount Sinai. And then they did the loop de loop and then they ended up just above the Dead Sea between the Dead Sea in the Jordan River in a place called Kane in the land of Canaan. The place that God had promised for them. I'm sorry then and since this guy named Joshua and Joshua was the person who succeeded Moses when he passed away and just some incredible in military campaign to the very faithful guy to God and jump to the next slide will see some of the area's a little bit small to see, but some of the areas that Joshua took us over there, on the right hand side with the green ones off. That's where they started. That's why Joshua started. And when Moses left off and you can see all the various different cities that under Joshua's rule. The Israelites were able to take over and caption. This was all lands that God had promised to them and if you actually go through and read the stories in the Bible of the real events that happened, you'll be amazed and every single bottle, it would have been impossible except for God. The intervention of God and the goodness of God and the hand of God. Cuz when God gives you a promise, go to give, you gives you a vision. You will make it happen. He will make it happen. And that's what he continue to do. And you can see even that Jericho is one of the Cities, you guys might remember the story of Jericho, the rules miraculously feeling that was going to Joshua's go over to King, David move for a couple of hundred years. Give me the next flight Caleb with God's Joshua, David and David went and basically took over the rest of The areas of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas through some of the stronghold and economic stronghold in the region was very difficult to do it playing in the food, but I thought guy was able to, he went into that and took her over to wrestling the city. That Nehemiah was thinking about. It's okay with Jerusalem and it became part of this land promised land that God had given them and then we move forward, one more error and wheel and I got one more. Emily lands in the era of King Solomon, King Solomon was David's son.
And under King Solomon. The Blue Area here is the reach and influence that this Israelite power pads. And these blue lines, almost to the borders. Of the promised land that God promises to Abraham all the way back when that was a little bit to follow. But I'm going to do a quick recap for you. But first God, make the promise with Abraham and then because of God's faithfulness God's people move towards the promise and they begin to inherit this Promised Land through taking Israelites out of Egypt through Joshua and his military campaigns into the promised land and then through David to continue that Legacy and took him more. And then finally, through his son Solomon, who was able to attain or inherit through the grace and the wisdom, and the power and the hand of God, and then Nation the whole blue area, which is so close. To the full amount of area that God promised them that they would have all the way back in the days of Abraham. But then Solomon. Started to become unfaithful. He got distracted by his wives and his Harem. And so this incredible Empire here, which by the way, is what for Fetch with the golden age of Israel. It was the city. This nation was a Crown Jewel of the regions around it. It was influential. It was powerful. It was the only region in the area at that time but didn't build its success on slave instead, its success was built by God on God's principles and God's ways and God's promises and God's laws. And because of that, they were able to be successful and I are cool and ethical way.
He started becoming selfish. And so, did the people. And Israel become become short-sighted. And started to decrease in power and influence and in resources, and so as Israel was becoming unfaithful.
In the East Babylon, Babylon, King, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel Meshach Shadrach. And Abednego. That guy is creating this Empire in the East Babylon. Edwin Babylon. Threatens Israel instead. Of turning to God is real by spice. Support and help and Aid to Egypt. Who is to the east knife? Is to the West. Sorry. Don't mean. Go back to slides, Caleb.
You've got to Ruslan there, then to the West Egypt and to the east you've got Babylon and Babylon led by King Nebuchadnezzar. He wanted all of that land, right? And so he goes to war with Egypt and Drusilla, Miz on the Egypt protection, because that buying it. But then in 6:05, BC. Babylon. Fractions. Egypt and takes over the whole region including Jerusalem. And so, then the Exile of Jerusalem begins in 6:05, BC 605 years, before Jesus is born. This is what happened.
605 years before Christ. The Israelites went into Exile into Babylon, some two to three million Jews into exile.
and at this point, Jerusalem. The city that Nehemiah was pining for hundreds of years. Later could have become like any other ancient city. Forgotten. Except to history. What? God made a promise when God makes a promise. What? He keeps his promises and certain, Jeremiah 29 verse five and seven. I'm going to get, Mitten me to read that. Jeremiah, Jeremiah 29, 5, and 7, and God has something important to speak into the lives of the Jews while they're in. Exile in Babylon, Mitch build houses, and settle down, plant Gardens, and eat what they produce. Marry, and have sons and daughters, find wives for your thumbs, and give you a daughters in marriage so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increasing number of that. Do not decreased also seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into Exile. Pray to the Lord for it because if it prospers you to will prosper,
God asks people to Faithfully serve where he had placed them. And I just want to, I just want to put that at the moment. If you feel like you are in a season of frustration of Exile, what does nothing around you? Everything seems dry or it's frustrating and you don't know what a 10, there's no doors. There's no doubt. It's no light. At the end of the tunnel. I want to encourage you to lean into God, and to spend time with him, and spend time, and it's loud, and be close to him and be comforted, that in their seasons is often. God wanting us to stay planted that, just like the bad. Just like the Jews with taken into Exile in Babylon. They could have complained and sat around and being like this sucks. But instead of word into their lives and said, plant yourself. Multiply Prosper, seek the prosperity of the place in the environment that you're in because if it costs, you will prosper.
For example, Daniel Shadrach Meshach Abednego with some people who planted themselves in Babylon. And we know that they became High officials within the king's court, because of the story of the fattest. That's Flamin. Hot Dennis. That's an example of people who took that would seriously who applied it, and he became influential within the city of Babylon city, which hated the Jews that decimated them, threw them out, and didn't want them anything other than to slavery. Start moving forwards to Jeremiah 29 verse 10 and 11. Sorry, Rich. God, continues a couple of days later and says this. This is what the Lord says when 70 years to complete, if the Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill. My gracious promise to bring you back to this place for. I know the plans I have for you to play as the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future.
I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah says, when seventy years, I completed the Babylon or another words, when when the Jews when you guys have been in captivity for 70 years. I am going to set you free another promise. I promise, I promise say that they knew that God was still there. That he was good. He didn't want them to do that for a second and say God made a promise with him promise that he would he would release them. So that back to Ben, go on to the field, figure promise that God had made to them. And so, just under seventy years off, to Babylon, takes control of Jerusalem, and the people of God are exiled. God do something simply unfathomable to be honest with you. In 5:36 BC. The Persian Empire led by this guy named King soccer.
Caleb. Steve Rob's Babylon, taking control over the entire region, the city of Jerusalem. Now it goes town. And so this is what the Persian Empire looks like after it took over the entire Babylonian region in 536 BC. And isn't it interesting? But at the same time, King Cypress, the King of Persia issues. A decree that all people who were in captivity by Babylon, would return to their Homeland to rebuild. 70 years, after the Jews, went into captivity with Babylon, a bigger fish. Persia came along once the map and then looked at the GPS and said, you know what, you guys can go home, you guys can rebuild that just does not make sense. Does that make sense to you guys?
It's the place that, you know. What time does that happen? It doesn't happen, especially in those days. Like why why would pose you and King Cypress? Take over this whole region, millions of people of a bed posle in slavery, to help fortify and build up their own palaces that are in cities, add value to their own agendas.
You guys can go back to Jerusalem. You guys can go and rebuild. 70 years after God promised, that it would be. So God made it. So.
Because of God's faithfulness. They could not move back to this land that they were promised.
And while they were freed from Exile, through slim, continue to struggle under constant attacks, from the neighbouring regions that tried multiple times to repair the walls. But every time fails because of these attacks, in the past 70 years, the once marvelous city of Jerusalem light under Relentless Siege with no one believing, we could ever be possible to repair the walls and ultimately Jerusalem. I'm sorry. What happened is? King Cypress freezing there? Go back to Jerusalem, but the under pressure from surrounding region. And so God has made good on his promise. That in 72 years. They would go back. But now, it was time for God to make good on his promise, that they would inherit This Land once again. And that is where a guy Nehemiah, who we started with. Anticipatory.
I want to make a point here.
The Israelites never actually.
Attained the Promised Land.
You might not realize this, but the lens that God promised them. They got close in the time of Babylon. Sorry, in the time of King Solomon. I got clothes.
But they never that borders, never expanded to where Gump God promised that they would, they never got bad thinking about like they got there and they sort of the dad and they live there. And then, you know,
God was good on his promises, but I never made it. Why do you reckon that is?
Think about it in your head. How do you think that is?
I'm going to leave that question with you for a second.
The clothes. I want to throw a third, take away the third point to you. When you write this down. 3 vision is always bigger than you.
Vision is always bigger than you.
Next week. We're going to continue looking through Nehemiah.
Next week. We're going to keep going through Nehemiah.
And what I need you to understand when we go through Nehemiah, is that the vision that God is about to place on his hot and the next two buses which with so close to but just happened cut through yet. The vision that God is just about to put on, nehemiah's hot, did not stop with him and it was not going to be finished off to go to Sun with him. The vision that God placed on me, and Maya is hot. God started before Nehemiah was around and God with continuing off, Jeremiah. I was gone. Until what? I want you to understand it, is we go in, as we going to the series on Toki, my vision and prayer and fasting, and then into boldness. It's really, really important for my heart to yours that we understand as a church that before we seek a vision from God. We have the humility to understand and recognize that Vision, always always bigger than you. And the reason I just spent, what seemed, like an eternity going through the history, and boring, you with the facts and the details and the, and the little bits in between. is because if we look at King Solomon, they were the closest during his Reign that they had ever been to inheriting the full lens. God gave them. They were the closest they had ever been, because they were faithful because I stood on the Promises of God because when he gave them, the Ten Commandments in Exodus and when he gave them laws and Leviticus, I stood by those principles they stood by those laws, even when they didn't make sense. even when they didn't know how to how to sort them out, some made sense, that something didn't and I just have to
Moses was like that. Joshua was like that, and David was like that and Sullivan was like that. The promises of God became more and more real. I moved closer and closer to receiving this promised land and its fullness. But just before they could get there, they were cut off. Why was that Why would I cut off? Because King Solomon? He lost Focus.
He was sitting in his throne, enjoying his Harem, and the riches, and his faithful as he once was, he looked around, and he decided that the blessing from the vision that God had him attend. He would take the himself.
His own benefit for his own gain for his own Glory. He became selfish and it became complacent and it became distracted.
He didn't see Vision as bigger than himself anymore. And say this is what happens when God gives us a vision, but then we lose focus. If you make your vision about you, actually, this is an appointment. Can you write this down?
If you make Vision about you.
You will lose focus.
You will become blind to it.
You at least fake it? You will become blind to it.
And you might even.
Disqualify yourself from it.
You make Vision about you, you lose focus. Become blind to it and possibly even disqualify yourself from it.
Suppose we go into the series on vision. I just really wanted to make that point. I just really wanted to make that point. Vision is always bigger than me. It's bigger than you. What God wanted to do is he wanted to make Jerusalem in Israel. The beacon of the Mansion, what? I see the finish on the screen, so I'm finishing up. What would happen. If true slim remain faithful. If Israel. Remain faithful, King Solomon remains faithful. Imagine what would happen or what Jerusalem, or the Middle East, or the political climate for the economic climate. Would imagine what? How climate today would be like, if Solomon and the people off to him, remain faithful to the vision, I wouldn't have just inherited the land. That God promises, because we know that God keeps his promises and that's all they had to have attained it. If only somebody would remain faithful. But imagine what the vote would be like today if that part of the wells.
Was shining. If it was an example of leadership and character across the globe. I mentioned the example that would set to other political leaders and other countries and other citizens. Imagine what God could have done. With another Century. Another Millennia, another two Millennia of faithfulness to God's Vision. Imagine what reason would be like today in your life. could be like if you were faithful to God, if you took his Promises and claims them boldly and Faith. Your life could be like if you took his law and his principles seriously. Imagine what Innovation Church could be. Could be because God says that he can do unthinkably more than we could ever possibly dream or imagine if we're faithful. Imagine what God could do through you through Israel. Through us through this church, only, we were to remain faithful. I'm going to finish with this.
That is much easier said than done.
Cuz you're probably thinking right now, like me is like, it is not an easy thing to remain faithful to God, right? It is not an easy thing to remain faithful because we are human and we sin. I'm a mess up and we have days when things are amazing and good and then we have days when things are not so amazing, and I'm not good. Each of us are just as susceptible as Solomon was as David was as much as anyone else. Taking God's vision and making it about us, throwing it out. The winds are losing focus and discolored, find yourselves from it. That's by the gospel comes in. Because God saw that and he realized that all of a sudden and I'll invite the band up God saw that and he realized that all of a sudden.
I need to make a way. I need to make a way for my people to be able to make good on my promises to my people. Because what's happening right now, is it working is what he sent Jesus? He sent Jesus, and Jesus lived, a perfect life, as an example to us. And Jesus died, being a perfect sandwich, human for us.
And so, because of that sacrifice, because of Jesus. And because of the love of God, What started all the way back when he created us and it still continues today? Because of that love because of that sacrifice and that hot for us.
God doesn't need people who perfect because what's going to happen. Right? Is God is going to give you a vision. Whether it's today next week or six months from now. God is going to play. Something on your hot. Lucky place tonight. Me and my is how I'm going to look at that in seven days time. He is going to play something on your hot and you are going to be responsible for shooting that Vision responsibility. It doesn't matter if you are responsible for creating the missing, his best place like me and Maya, God might put you in the middle of a mess and say you will you didn't create it and I'm going to do something wonderful for you. You've got to take responsibility for that vision, and that means you've got to be responsible for the kind of person that you are, and the actions and the decisions that you choose to make. And the time that you choose to spend with God and invest in God and so close to him. So that his love and his grace and his character in his goodness and his integrity and his self-control and all the fruits of the spirits can rub off on you, that's going to become a responsibility, but you have to, but the good news is all he wants us to be his clothes. All he wants us to be as close.
Little bit more next Friday with Nehemiah has to be his class. Set screw up and to make mistakes and then to come back and repentance. Go away, and I don't know that drunk. Crazy headed to a club or sleep around.
for them to come back, and to be like,
Please help me do better.
She struggled with pornography and then to close the lid and walk away and be like I'm so sorry. Help me to do better.
The struggle with gossip. I meant to hear that. Something that you said to someone else ruin somebody else's life.
and to be like,
I need to be better. God help me become better. Kind of ruinous that both intensity. If that's if we can be that close to God that close to God, that we are transparent and everything. that was then, taken transparency, will allow God to shape us that closeness like Gods to Live in to go through us, and to inject his love, and his grace, and his kindness, and his goodness, and his integrity and self-control and is compassion into us from. We will then be able to start living inside out. And if we're going to see next week, that's the kind of life that me and my lived. He was not a perfect man by any stretch of the imagination, but he was a man. Closer to God. It was a man that went, he failed, picked himself up. He put himself before God and he said, help me to do better. I'm sorry. I want to do better on a live in the promises that you have Steven. And if we can be that because that kind of people that Innovation this year is going to be the most incredible year that you have ever seen experience. God is going to do things Beyond Your Wildest imagination, and I'm really excited about that. I planted with go to work through some of these hard things. He's hot to compensation C's, hot streets so that we continue to feel that sells and the lightness of Christ so that we can become a church who God looks at these guys. A faithful. And I am going to reach the world through them. Looking for something you guys again next week. Next Friday. The Amaya. Thank you for your time. Thank you for staying with me. Plus you guys.