Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
We Still Communicate
When is the last time that you received a letter?
A written-on paper, snail mail, letter?
It has probably been a very long time, and for some, perhaps never.
I’m not talking about a birthday card, or a thank you note, but a letter from someone who had something they want to tell you.
When Marci and I were dating, we sent letters back and forth to each other almost daily; and we both looked forward to receiving them.
I couldn’t wait for the mail to arrive.
I would eagerly check my mailbox, hoping for one of those letters, and if the only thing that I received was “air mail;” that is, an empty box, I was disappointed.
But I remained hopeful, because I knew another one would show up soon, perhaps the next day.
Those frequent letters were so important to us at the time that we both kept them.
We don’t read them, but we’re not going to get rid of them because they formed an important part of how we grew our relationship with each other while separated.
We were separated because we spent our last year in college at different schools that were 600 miles apart.
We visited each other a couple of times, and we called each other a little bit more.
But not too often.
The pay phone I had access to for those calls was attached to a wall in the dorm hallway next to the lounge area, so it wasn’t exactly a private conversation.
It was those personal letters that kept us connected.
Boy have times changed.
No one writes “snail mail” letters like that anymore.
It’s not that we stopped communicating, but we didn’t need to send letters because we started living together, which meant we could talk about things, and we still do.
But as technology has entered the picture, we are not just talking in person anymore, we are using our phones to communicate on and off every day.
We use them to talk when we’re separated, but more often, we are using them to send each other texts, pictures, and videos; which is why we are always looking at our phones, and why we feel a little “naked” without them.
But we are not just communicating with each other, but with lots and lots of other people from whom we are separated.
And we don’t want to miss anything important that one of them might need to say to us.
But Is It Personal?
While we wait for something important, a lot of what comes gets communicated, is not.
So, we have to sort through it.
To help us, our phones now have the ability to notify us when an important communication actually comes in.... but since most of us don’t really know how to set up our phones, we often get notified about things that we don’t really care about, from people we don’t really know all that well.
But when we do get that all important message, we’re more than willing to interrupt the time we have with whoever we’re having it with at the time to check that message.
It used to be that we’d say something like, “I’m sorry, I’ve been waiting for this call, it won’t take long;” but now we just pick up our phones and check our messages whenever and wherever.
We can even get a little obsessive about it, because it really is nice to receive a message from someone who wants to tell us something.
And that’s the kind of message that Gaius received.
Let’s be honest about modern communication.
Sometimes it is hard to know whether the person your communicating with is really who they claim to be; which is why there is a lot fraud these days.
I once got a text from Bill Redmond who was in China and lost his wallet and needed some cash forwarded to him so he could get back to where he was supposed to be.
Only, it wasn’t actually from Bill.
And I wasn’t the only one to get it.
And some of them tried to help him before they realized it was a scam.
There really are a lot of people out there who are more than willing to pretend to be someone you know, or someone you would like to know, but whose only really purpose is to get you to send them some of your money.
You might not realize it, but they had a similar problem in the first century.
People were writing letters about important things, like how to obey God, or about raising money to help those suffering in another place; and attached an important person’s name to it, like Peter or Paul, but they said things that Peter and Paul would never have said, and advocated changes or support that they would never have requested.
Scams were just one of the reasons that they preferred face to face communications over letters.
When you are face to face, you know exactly who you’re talking to.
And, you have to remember that letters where a fairly new way of communicating back then.
Previously only the very rich could send letters.
You had to know how to read and write, or hire someone who could.
You had to have the materials on which to make a letter, which were very expensive.
Then you had to put some sort of seal on it that the receiver would recognize so they could have some confidence that it was really from you.
And then you would have to send it by courier, and they might need a traveling companion to make sure they made it to the destination safely.
So that courier would have to be trained because they didn’t just deliver the letter like a postman but had to be prepared to answer questions and explain what was in the letter if the recipient didn’t quite understand it.
Or they might have been sent to help the receiver to begin acting on what the letter indicated needed to be done.
The goal of a letter back then was to communicate something important that needed to be addressed when the sender couldn’t go and meet with them face to face.
3 John was one of these ancient, personal letters that was delivered to Gaius.
Gaius was a man who was identified in the book of Acts as being from Derbe; which was a small town located in the south-central region of modern-day Turkey.
The apostle Paul had passed through this town on his first and second missionary journeys, and had established a church there.
We are not told when Gaius first heard and responded to the good news of what Jesus had done for him, only that it was Paul who delivered that news and who baptized him when he responded to it.
It seems that Gaius, like Jesus’ own disciples, left his former life and started following Paul, from whom he learned what it meant to follow Jesus.
That’s why Gaius was in Ephesus with Paul when Demetruis, a silversmith who made his living creating trinkets for those who came to visit the Temple of Artemis, raised up a mob to lynch Paul.
Paul had been preaching that there was only One God and that the Temple and others like it were just man’s creations.
Paul did things that evidenced God’s power was behind his message, and there was nothing like it ever done by anyone representing Artemis, so those who accepted Paul’s gospel stopped buying those silver trinkets.
It seems that Demetruis wasn’t really fighting for truth, but for a way of life in which he could keep turning a profit.
But some of those in the mob he stirred up really did believe in the old Greek and Roman gods.
And they wanted to cancel Paul and his preaching.
They rushed those who were preaching, but instead of catching Paul, they ended up grabbing Gaius and another traveling companion of Paul’s named Aristarchus.
We aren’t told why Paul wasn’t with them that day, but when Paul heard of it, he wanted to go down and get in the middle of it.
But those with Paul told him that it was too dangerous, and they convinced Paul to slip out of town.
Gaius and Aristarchus would later be released and they would catch back up with Paul.
Gaius, by the way, was a popular name back then; sort of calling someone today Bob or Steve.
So, if you are wondering, it was a different Gaius who hosted the church in Rome in his house.
He was also a believer, but he was a wealthy Gaius.
Paul sent greetings to him at the end of his letter to that church.
But he wasn’t the Gaius addressed in this letter.
Gaius of Derbe is the one who received this letter; and it is believed that he had returned to help lead the church in Derbe after Paul’s imprisonment in Jerusalem, although some think that it was only after Paul’s death that he returned.
Either way, Derbe is probably where Gaius would have been living and serving when he received this letter.
It was pretty far from Ephesus, about 300 miles, which is probably where the Elder lived who sent this letter.
The Elder Writes a Letter
The Elder wanted to encourage Gaius.
There is some debate about the identity of this Elder, but most scholars agree that it was, as the title of this ‘book’ proclaims, John.
But which John?
There is a long-standing debate about this question, but everything in this short letter seems to indicate that it was the Apostle John.
He lived until 90 AD, so he grew older, had plenty of wisdom to share, and his later ministry was in Ephesus.
We don’t know how Gaius and John got connected, but since John outlived all the other apostles, a young leader like Gaius may have turned to him for direction and support, especially since there were a lot of people going around from church to church trying to convince these early church leaders to disregard the truth about Jesus that had been handed down to them by the apostles.
We do know that John, the Elder who wrote this letter, developed such a close relationship with Gaius that he came to think of him as a son, a beloved son.
The Elder
The Greek term translated Elder is ‘presbuteros.’
It indicated one who was older.
Jesus used it to indicate that the prodigal son’s brother, who stayed home, was older.
And it was used by Luke when reporting how Peter quoted from the prophet Joel to explain what was happening on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell on them, saying: “young men shall see visions, and ‘presbuteros’ men will dream dreams.”
(Acts 2: 17).
In the gospels ‘Presbuteros’ was the title given to the Jewish leaders who served along with the chief priests to rule over Israel.
Their “existence” goes all the way back to the time of Moses.
He called the elders of enslaved Israel together to tell them God’s plan to set them free.
An elder could represent a family, a tribe, a city, a village, even a nation.
And these elders would met together to make decisions for those they represented.
They would meet with the religious leaders to do so.
In Jesus’ day those leaders were the chief priests, the scribes, and the Levites.
And together they would come up with a plan to govern God’s people.
Most of the time they were good plans, but they were also known to make some bad ones; like they did in regard to Jesus, opposing Him at every opportunity.
And there were times when the Elders of the people of Israel didn’t do what they were supposed to do.
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