God's Word Still stands
If you heard me.
Sing to the Lord, a new song, sing to the Lord, all the Earth, sing to the Lord. Praise His name for playing the Salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the Nations, his marvellous Deeds. Among all people for great, is the Lord, and most worthy of praise. Shall we stand as we sing Our Hands price?
Our heavenly father, we come before you this morning to give you, thanks for all the blessings. You provide. We're so grateful for the grace. You show us daily. We bless your holy name as we go throughout your service today. Forgive us where we have failed. You allow your Holy Spirit to flow through us as we worship this morning. Be with those. Are you bring your healing hand to them? Less our speaker? Is he brings your message to us? Will you join me in the Lord's Prayer? Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our debts. As we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from the line is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Welcome everyone. I hope everybody had a good week and stayed warm. Mornings, not too Pleasant out there, but it's okay. Do we have any other announcements? Other than the fact?
Okay. Open. Heart surgery said.
Anything else?
Okay, we will have cews tomorrow night here in Fellowship Hall. Anyone have anything to report on any of our people that are laid in?
Everybody here that. All right.
so, we Abrahamic prayer.
In the second letter is an affirmation of faith. I wanted to. For we do that for me or affirmation. I wanted a firm two things.
I believe that the Bible is, True, I believe in the inerrancy of A or B without here. And secondly, I want to affirm my ignorance about a lot of what's in there and sometimes my arrogance about a lot of what's in there. And why do I bring it up? Because God put it on the heart. Mainly, but why did he put it on the heart? Well, the word tells us. But we have false prophets. and I think that's one of those things that we read and I better not turn this into a sermon that
And they're all around us and probably every denomination, including hours. so, it's time to take hold of says, And an affirmation, shall we affirm our face? I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God.
Holy and eternal God.
We serve you and humility. For we are Fallen people in a world that seeks to change your word to align more closely with our immoral ways. The day of false prophets permeates every part of our culture. And so many are taking down the path that leads to destruction. No, she did confess to do it in your name. The father threw us, the faithful your word. It's like the tree planted beside the river and it Bears the fruit of Truth.
May, we receive your blessings standing firm in your word? Treating others as we wish to be treated. Loving the center without affirming the sand. Studying scripture that we will be blessed with your wisdom and better able to recognize the wolf in the costume of the shepherd. Father, we seek your guidance in our search for the lawn called by you. He will be our spiritual leader and our pastor of this congregation.
Grannis discernment patience. And I never grateful attitude as we seek your will for us as individuals. And as a congregation. May we serve you and meekness? And father teaches how to love like Jesus. What's the ones in our congregation? You face uncertainty. You are healed. Those who are lonely or discouraged. Remove the air and loss brought about by disease and injury. Bother you are great. And we praise you.
Senior Holy Spirit to buy in US. I'm worried that we might be imitators of Christ. This is what we asked Jesus.
For the communion meditations. I'm I'm all I'm going to do is read from the word of God. Can you speak too much? And it's a fairly lengthy reading and is found in Isaiah. I'ma start with, in in the 52nd chapter of Isaiah, the 31st and read through the end of the 53rd chapter.
See, my servant will act wisely, you will be raised up and left it up and highly exalted.
Just as there were many who are appalled that him, his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and his form large Beyond human like this. So will you sprinkle many nations and Kings will shut their mouths because of him for what they were not told they will see and what they have not heard they will understand. Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed. He grew up before him like a tender shoot and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or Majesty to attract us to him. Nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men.
Man of Sorrows.
And we're suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces. He was despised. And we esteemed him, not. Surely he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet. We consider him stricken by God. Smitten by him and deflected, but he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us, peace was upon him. And by his wounds, we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way and the lord has laid on him. The iniquity of us. All he was oppressed and Afflicted yet. He did not open his mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter a sheep before her shares is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Buy a profession and judgment. He was taken away and who can speak of his descendants for. He was cut off from the land of the living. For the transgression of my people. You were stricken. He was assigned. A gray with a wicked though. He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth? Get it was the Lord's will to crush him and caused him to suffer and do the Lord make his life, a guilt offering. He will see his offspring and prolong his day, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand, after the suffering of his. So he will see the light of day. He will see the light of life and be satisfied by his knowledge. My righteous servant will justify many and he will bear their iniquity. Therefore, I will give him a portion among the great and he will divide the spoils with the strong because she poured out his life into death and was numbered with the transgressors or he bore the sins of men and made intercessors. Intersection for the transgressors and that's why we do communion. Archimedean hand. Number 321.
Loving God, our creator, you are good and it is good for we your people cuz the knowledge you and fullness May the communion. We share at this time serve to remind us that we serve Jesus. The Risen Savior and in him, find Hope and peace. In Christ name, we pray.
And father, we thank you to say many blessings are given rest for your yawning, this coming week. Maybe those who are sick and be with those, you can't be here. Reggie Bush on our country and our leaders pledged to give going to give her in. Christ's name. We pray. Amen.
I don't want you to worry. I'm not giving the sermon today. Our speaker is going to make his way up front shortly. I think he needs, no introduction. We all know him, some of us know him better than others.
He can't get out of the roof.
Okay, in case you don't know, it, it's Phillip.
Hello, is this thing working? It is working. Well, thank you that you for the wonderful song wanted to add before beginning, which really surprised me this morning was Mark. Connelly was talking about is exactly what the holdup. Message. I prepared was. It's entitled, God's word still stands sensually, it's the importance of studying scripture. And so if you ever had any doubt, if the Holy Spirit Works within us and in her church, really be quite a coincidence for it to be. Exact message. That's really good.
Been with me. So is God's word still stands? Let us begin with the word of God. If you have your Bibles turn to 2nd Timothy 3:14.
Yeah, I supposed to Mark so that way I can.
You however, continue the things you have learned and become convinced of knowing from whom you have learned them enough from childhood. You have known the sacred writings, which were able to give you the wisdom that leads to Salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus. And then the second reading was, Psalms 1 versus 2 through 3, but his Delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law, doth, he meditate day and night, you will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and it's Leaf does not with her and then whatever he does, he prospers. So today will be discussing the importance of scripture, particularly the importance of scripture to us as Christians and why it is essential to growth in a relationship with Christ or Allah. This will be a very brief survey of it. Of course. It's not possible to even begin to give this topic Justice. And the India was it a guineas at 5 minutes short time that we have together. It would take him a very long time to even begin to approach doing it. So it'll be a very Recently, it actually took more time in preparing this message in deciding which material to pass over into the lead and so out. I think the first came out probably about like 40 or 50 minutes and I was researching this. The Puritans used to preach for so long that one of the tasks of a deacon where to go this long poles and then at the end of it, they would either attach a feather or a bag of Bob. I was some kind of their job was to encourage to wake them up. So I don't think we need to list. Any deacons for that today was the So they were the three main points to a message. There's actually four. So the the first one is God is the author of scripture. The second one that you need, this of God's word. And then the third one, God's word still stands, which is the top of the messages. They all tied into that. But that gets into more detail. And on the 4th when God's word testifies for itself, let us pray that the holy spirit will bless us message to help us to see God's love and grace for each one of us for by giving us the Bible. I believe, we are even more blessed than the official lights that lived during Moses time who witnessed God's amazing Miracle firsthand. I used to think really nice to live back then to the witness has been let out of Egypt.
Does he's being part of an across the Bible? They only had to exit us. So, we have the complete revelation of God's Bible. We have the Old Testament. We have all the New Testament, and not the other not to mention that almost all the Israelites that were in the wilderness. That died because they rebelled against God and really clear beer. Go like this. He's partying. That's not going to actually convince you. Then. Does the bible teaches us about the character of God God's love and concern for us. How to properly worshipped God how we are supposed to care for a fellow man. The beauty of God's creation and most importantly, how did he say from this world and to be born again through Christ Jesus, if he turn to Psalms 19:7 38t to speak there a test to see if anyone's following the long, I'll pick one of the verses and I'll change something where it would be a completely different one. And we'll see if anyone catches it. If not, then the next 10-15 minutes for correction of Psalm 19:7 38. The Lord is perfect restoring. The song. The testimony of the Lord is sure. Making wise, the simple, the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing, the heart. The Commandment of the Lord is pure in life. TI's. All scripture was breathe out by God, although most of it was written by humans. Scripture testifies that the author was God and God alone. When we read the Bible. We do not read Moses interpretations, or just Paul's abused. What we read. What we are reading is the very word of God Scripture, testifies? As we just read that God's word is perfect in that it's from him. So now we're going to the second point, the uniqueness of God's word and I'm not sure. Yeah, I believe everyone has done this at some point and continues to do due to our fallen nature is a human's butt while studying the Bible. Sometimes I will get the Oh, I'll get kind of hate to say it but doubts that, you know, there's the Bible claims a lot and it specially when you're studying, some of the things in the Old Testament and the New Testament there make some very big claims and in the meaning of life. I mean, how God would love us so much that he would send us his son so that we can be reconciled with him. How do I get? This is just made up or how is this? You know, really sure how can we Be absolutely sure. It's the True Religion really Christianity is it is it actually is longer Hinduism or something like that? Because if you believe in Christianity, you know, that there's it's either you're you're right, and they're wrong, or they're right? And you're wrong. It's not a it's not a thing where you're riding your ride in your right. And so that's one thing that's on my mind every now and then when most other religions have a single version of their holy text. For example in Islam. They have they have the Cranberries to my parent's dismay in disapproval might I add in college when I signed up to take I think it's for the history of Christianity class. The I found out later it was on the far, far end of Campus. So I would have to walk about a thing about 1 or 2 miles in 15 minutes, and I thought I was going to do that. So I switch to the only class that was still available, that was closed which was contemporary Islamic history. When I tell my mom, that I had switched from Bible History to the just less than pleased that she was paying for that. It was rather interesting and the When one thing that I learned on that, is that in a Islam, they have just one. Holy book called in the car and just has one human Arthur, which was Muhammad. There's only one version and there are, there's no debate about which manuscript is correct, which we have with Christianity him. I can do the time. We don't have nearly enough time to go into the details, on the differences of manuscripts in that, but I just have one version and even in the translations of the Koran you have to print the are the original Arabic right next to the translation. So if you go to buy a copy of the Quran, I wouldn't recommend it. If you have the the English on one side and then on the other side, you have the Arabic because there's only one version. They want to be sure that your
When did the translation? That's so the Mormons believe that Joseph Smith recorded a new revelation from God. From Golden tablets, Golden Plates of reformed Egyptian Arrow, glass with Islam. It's also written. Just buy went out there and and they have a single manuscript. There's multiple versions of Joseph Smith's work there just one V1 version only be so they don't have any dispute bike. We have a Christian is he studied like they do with the with the Bible. So now I'm getting into God's word still stands. Or scripture, or Bible has been hated and despised by the world ever. Since God, revealed his will trust through the prophets, and scripture. Remember how the Israelites when when God in his grace and mercy, gave Moses the Ten Commandments on the highway at the top of the mountain.
What did you find out when she got down from the mountain? I mean, this is just a short. Of time when Moses went up to the mountain, to get the Ten Commandments and when he came down, he found the bed made a golden calf and they were worshipping Edge and he and Moses got mad and threw the tablets down and broke them. And even that was written by the very hand of God is from the beginning. The world does not treat the word of God Timely.
I lost my place. so, and then Remember how the so if you trying to Luke 11:49 and for this reason also the wisdom of God said, I will send you them prophets and apostles and some of them they will kill. And some they will persecute. So that the blood of all the prophets shed since the foundation of the world, may be charged against this generation from the blood of Abel. To the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar in the house of God. Yes. I tell you it shall be charged against this generation. Jesus charged the Pharisees with having killed, all of the Prophet sent by God because they hated the truth. therefore, do not be surprised when the world that the world does not accept the word of God, nor nor nor treated, kindly, the, the
Percy's, although they eat the the the way that they interpreted it and translate it that they essentially got it is of all meeting which I'm afraid kind of what's happening in happening today. You have all these. Yes, I will take the Bible and then they will try to interpret it differently from the clear. Meaning of what the original intent was still take it out of context. They'll instead of looking at it, as how how y'all doing. Okay. What were what were your intentions? This was written for a specific group of people during a very specific time. And so well, looking looking at and try to figure out what the meaning is. You have to try to put yourself in their shoes and then figure out okay, what was the message to them? Then after we find it, then we can find out how to apply that message to us. Which is what the first Ascent. Do you like? I think of the Pharisees were trying to like, with your parents Jesus. I'll skip that, since we're a little short on time, also said after that in John 15, if you where are the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world because of this world, the world hates her because of this the world hates you. This is because we are not of this world. As Jesus told pilate. My kingdom is not of this realm or world is with Christ Jesus, circling back to your original question. How can we be sure that the word of God is actually from God? And if your wife is a predatory just saying earlier that's explaining why there's so much hostility towards Christians and The word of God. Both from externally saying in historically, reinterpret the scripture to suit some other purpose rather than Got it in what God has revealed to us. So how can we be sure that the word of God is actually from God. There's two parts that God speaks to us humans. You have natural Revelation and then you have a special Revelation natural Revelation. That's things that speak about God, but it's not, it's not like seeing the of the way that the world has order that, you know, we have people were alive. I can say hello. How are you by the DNA found in plants and trees, Revelation, special Revelation is the specific. Things that God has revealed to us through scripture. And that will be the main part that we focus on next. Because that's the part that gives us what we need to know on South on South First, outpatient. So scripture, testifies for itself, basically, if it proves itself, so, the
the God's word still stands despite the
Sorry, so, yeah, so despite the best efforts of this world to discredit God's word. It has not succeeded nor could succeed. Again time does not permit us to treat the subject as we ought to despite the world's best efforts to disprove part of scripture, where to find inconsistency with in it or some historical inaccuracy. They found absolutely nothing. The other day. I went to a website trying to see what, what what they say about, why why they don't believe in God and all the answers that they have some remarks about some, something like that, that shows that the Bible just doesn't make sense or there's a contradiction. I was really disappointed. I mean it was it was so I knew it was like the I would like at the Jesus was talking with the disciples at the Last Supper when we boarded the question a little bit different than Matthew said it differently than Mark said it's something something like that, but the content is exactly the same and that's the best that they can come up with. They can't come up with anything or they take a verse out of context, something like that. But as far as finding anything meaningful that, they can change anything like that at the historical inaccuracy, I think in the 1800's is really when it take to offer than trying to find some kind of I was some kind of evolution and things I've done. Like o this King was an actual during this time. So I must have been drunk when he mentioned this or just said he did exist here and I started really a couple hundred years ago, but now they actually had to go back and say, oh well when we said that the Bible was wrong on this, actually we have some new evidence that shows the Bible was right? And so there's not the, the the Bible still stands as the most researched most proven storico document that has it shows a tall Ultra Z.
I was the only way that the the different manuscripts of the Old and New Testament, they're dating and content point to God's word. Being kept intact through God's intervention himself. There's no other way to explain how it could be consistent for all these years with the different mini fridge, where they say. It's a weakness weakness of Christianity that we have so many different manuscripts and differences between them where he's with or the they just have one version. The main thing is, if you have all these different ones, how is it possible that they all say exactly? The same thing is just, Miami is like a delay here, or an extra a man out of here that in no way changes. The content of the actual of the actual message. so, the So the wrapping up on the differences between the Bible and in these other religious texts. They I said, I mean is the Koran and the Book of Mormon there from a human story.
They had they were written from a single human Source. They don't. They did not have the same consistency that the Bible has. The Bible has a consistent theme throughout as mentioned above, their doesn't exist any contradiction in the Bible. So the other the last part of the structure, testifies for itself, the third point is that scripture test, testifies for itself. The best defense for a Bible is with, in the Bible. It's not something outside of it, unlike ourselves. It doesn't need any help for us to defend the Bible. How could a human Arthur trailer? Work? Such as the Bible if it was, manufactured is some suggested or just a collection of historical writings that some people put together. It's a total of 66 bucks with forty or more different authors written over about two thousand years is When the Genesis to Revelation was written over over about 1,400 years, included fisherman, King's soldiers. And also my daughter, how you favorite 1 Farmers. So it has a range of people that have one person that was the prophet. So the prophet himself wrote the entire book, of course, it's going to be a pain in the butt. It's just amazing that you can have over 40, different authors writing about the same. Exact topic about God's Will and salvation with the same theme of God's plan for us, God's love for us and God's salvation for us. And Hebrews chapter 4, for the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. And piercing, as far as the division of Soul, and Spirit joints, and Marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. So in conclusion, we have discussed our Bible is unique compared to other religious texts that although it may be difficult to believe that times. Everything contained within it is revealed will of God and God's will God's very important. It is my sincere, hope and prayer that all of us as a congregation. And as members of Christ that we honor our Heavenly Father by treating his book, The Holy Scripture reverently and giving it's a priority in your life. That's such a special book demands. It is all too easy to neglect. The study of such a great and wonderful gift of God and I'll be the first one to admit. That I don't study the Bible nearly as much as what I said that over a month, which thinking about how how special it is is when Today went so different especially within the past 50, 60 years. We've been blessed with so many different Bible. Translations of my family's been making fun of me that I have bought every single Bible translation. In other people at Mardel's know me all too well, but it's cutting the Bible that we have available to us. Now that that we didn't have earlier. I open up your phone, go to Google and pull up, just like that that we forget, the sacrifice that other Christians have made in order to bring us God's word in her own language. Does anyone know who William is in Dallas?
She did not even you, give us the first English translation in the 1600s. It became the basis for the cage. 8 King James version bad for his his crime of translating the bible. Translated the Bible into English from Latin. He was strangled and burned at the stake for not recanting and green to hatches. But just writing to stop printing it. So it's, it's been a long process to get it where we can read the Bible in, in, in the form that we can now. And we're so fortunate to, to be able to get used to, you have to go to the church, there just be a single copy or like Paul's letters if I guess if you're really wealthy, maybe you could have it at 4 to have an extra copy yourself. A very few individuals actually had to go to the bookstore and buy one for our congregation. It is especially important that I'll just be familiar with God's word just as Mark, it said earlier so that we make sure that we remain faithful faithful to Jesus Christ. Let's go ahead and end with the prayer. Our church has been richly blessed these many years with mr. Walker as our pastor search for a minister to our congregation has to make time for the reading and study of your holy and perfect word. You have so richly blessed us from our wonderful country that we live in a church, family and community and especially for Mr. Walker's, dedicated service for these past 52 years, help us serve you and worship you in the way that you would have us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. so, now the closing hymn is See him in 58.
Open Gmail stand.
What do you want to do it? Or would you like me to do? Okay, so gracious to you. May the Lord lift his favor on you and give you peace now and forevermore.