The Excellency of God

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January 9 2022

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Good morning. Everyone. Good to be the Lord's House. So glad that you are here. If you're visiting with us. We're so thankful that you are here as well. If you would take your Bibles and turn with me to Psalm 8, Psalm 8, one of my favorite songs. If not my all-time favorite song. Psalm and verse number eight,

the psalmist. Rights and verse 1. Oh Lord, our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth? Who have set your glory above the heavens? Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants. You have ordained strength because of your enemies that you may silence the enemy and the Avenger. When I consider your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained. What is man that you are mindful of him? And the son of man that you visit him? But you have made him a little lower than the angels and you have crowned him with Glory and Honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea that passed through the pads of the Seas. Lord our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth? Let's pray together are Great and Mighty father. We humbly bow before you Lord, in this, our Lord, as we come before you and worship you in spirit. And in truth. And father, we are thankful Lord for all the truths that we have some this morning together as a congregation standing upon your promises. And probably ask you Lord, as we come to this time of preaching. That Lord, that you would turn our eyes upon you turn our ears. That we are able to listen to your word and father. I pray that you would apply your word to our hearts. I pray. Lord, you fill me up with your spirit. Hide me behind the cross your Jesus. We ask all these things and you're the mighty name of Jesus Christ, your only begotten son. Amen. Song eight is really a transitional some and I say that because if you read the five previous song, David feels like he's in a tunnel. He's he's going through a very difficult time. And in those, psalms David phrase to be rescued from his enemy. But here in Psalm 8, it is as if David is coming out into the sunshine again. To celebrate. Really the Excellency of God. The Majesty of God. And what is interesting about this song is that we noticed that David begins this song, many ends this particular song with the same words. He says oh Lord our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth? He says that a one. He says it again. And verse number 9. And so, David places these two identical versus much like bookends on a bookshelf at the beginning. And the end of this particular song and what David is doing. This is called a literary device that is called and inclusio. Until these verses are set at the beginning and the end much like within the frame of a picture much, like the book ends on a bookshelf and he does this, to signify to signal that the entire song. The entirety of this song is about the majesty and Excellency of our God. but, as beautiful as this song me is, What's amazing, is that many theologians believe that this is one of the earliest Psalms that David wrote, if not, the very first song that David wrote. So, think about that David wrote, this beautiful song. This Majestic song about God, when he was just a young man, a young teenager. All my some scholars believe.

It'll be written this song to be written while David spent many nights out in the open fields in the pastures. Keeping watch over his father's sheep. I've been other theologians believe that this was written during the time of David's, just after David's, great victory, over the Giant Goliath. But either way, wherever, or whenever David wrote, this particular song, David Penn these beautiful words. It's very apparent that he was just struck in all in the awesomeness and Majesty in Wonder of almighty God. I know the element that makes this song So Beautiful is that it is a song that was written in light of God's consideration of humanity. It was written with this mindset. That God cares for men. He cares for mankind until this song speaks of God's gracious love and care for Humanity. Hey, listen, God is not some distant deity. Who is just totally unaware of his creation? No, listen, he is very concerned about his creation. As a matter of fact, he's so concerned about his creation that he knows a very numbers of hair that we have Upon Our Heads. Scripture tells us this but this time also speaks of not only God's consideration of mankind, but it also speaks of the profeta, kleit concerning Christ's the coming Messiah and it tells us somewhat of his Redemptive work for men. And so seeing these two beautiful elements in this song, really, really feel then that this song is a Psalm of worship. It is a Psalm of Thanksgiving.

Unto the Lord, revealing the divine nature of God. So I wanted to take a few moments this morning to examine the beautiful words of David as he describes the Divine attributes of God and here in this summer, going to see his omnipotence God's omnipotence. His power is power in creation. We're going to see his self existence and its self-sufficiency as Robbie taught in our Bible study. Just previous to this service. Someone has to consider this soft this morning, the Excellency of God. The first thing I want you to notice with me this morning. Is this the Lord's? Preeminence the Lord's preeminence again. Verse one tells us. Oh, Lord our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth who have set your glory above the heavens. Now whether David wrote this song Sitting among the sheep on a clear dark night or just after the battle with the lieth. David was absolutely compelled to Worship the Lord.

Whenever David wrote this David was well aware. There were none like the God. He served David knew the glory of the Lord exceed the height of the heavens. David realize God's name was exalted above all other names. As we consider this morning briefly the extra exclamation rather. I trust you noticed and verse 1, a distinction in the names at David mentioned in verse 1 and verse 1. David refer to God as Lord capital L, O R D. That is the word, Yahweh or Jehovah. And then he says our Lord lowercase. So David was literally saying, here in verse 10, Jehovah. Are Adonai, the name. Jehovah is God's personal name? It is his Redemptive name, it reveals that he is. The Eternal. He is the self-existent one. God is in need of nothing. He himself is life. Jehovah. I've been the Next Name, Lord after that, the name in the Hebrews Adonai refers to the Lord being our Master. He is our own or he is our Sovereign, he is in complete control. And this is really quite significant when we consider the context of when this was written, and even in the context of our own life today. Now, getting whatever situation David was in, when he wrote this particular Psalm. We understand that David need his drinks and David needed wisdom. If David wrote this song, as a young Shepherd, he needed strength and he needed wisdom as a Shepherd. David need his strings to know how to fight against the predators of his father's sheep. He also needed wisdom as to where he must lead his sheep for their growth and protection. And if David wrote this as a soldier, just after he faced Goliath and David knew that because of the big three he had over Goliath. He only had it because of the god-given strength that he had and the wisdom that God gave him. But neither case, David was absolutely confident in the Lord that he served. He knew. Jehovah. Yahweh was his Lord and Master. David knew his life was observed and his life was governed and directed by none other than Jehovah himself. David believe that he belong to the Lord and so, knowing that he belong unto Jehovah, then David had nothing at all to see her. And so listen to me this morning that off to bring great comfort to us. This off to bring great Assurance to the children of God today. We like David must come to the understanding that God as our father is watching over us. He is directing us. He is governing our course of Life. As we talked about last Wednesday and Psalm 37, the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord. So why should we fear? Why should the child of the king? The child of Jehovah fear anything? If any should fear let those who know not our God be the ones who fear may. They see in US. Those who have been saved by the grace of God. Those who have courage and confidence not within ourselves. But within The God Who sustains us. We serve just as David serve Jehovah. He is our Lord. He is our Master. We belong to him. We have been bought with a price by the precious blood of Christ, Our Lord. And so consider that thought do you think God the father would allow us to be orphaned will allow us to be abandoned knowing the great price at his precious son paid for our Redemption. No, No wonder David says oh Lord. Our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth? All his name is seeds. All other name. How excellent is his name? That speaks of the Majesty of God is speaks of the greatness of God, the loftiness of his wonderful name. Notice. Secondly, the Lord's power. We have seen the Lord's preeminence, but notice secondly, the Lord's power. And herein versus two, and three David considered his weakness. And he also considers his in at inadequacy as a to overcome the adversity. So he faced notice. He spoke of his Conquest. and birth to it says this. Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants, you have ordained strength because of your enemies. That you made silence the enemy and the Avenger. The message of Psalm 8 is that Yahweh. Jehovah Reveals His Majesty in this world noticed this by using weak people to do his great work. God Reveals His Majesty God Reveals His Excellency how by defeating his enemies through the weakness of children. Know. What is this mean? What is the psalmist mean here? Well, God is in the business of using little things to display his power for his glory. There is power and what the world seems to be weak. I mean, just consider young David here. The young Shepherd boy who, though? He was young. He was able to slay a lion and a bear. And though he was very weak and very young. I mean, remember he tried to put on Saul's armor to fight Goliath. It would not even fit. It was so small and so young. But yet. Use this week, seemingly, weak individual to accomplish this great, this Great and Mighty work of God, by defeating Goliath. So God does his greatest work through human weakness. And why does God choose to do his greatest work through human weakness while he does. So because

When God uses a week. People to do, Great and Mighty things, God's glory shines brighter because it is obvious that it is his power and not a power. The Apostle Paul says the same thing in 1st Corinthians. Chapter 4. Number 27, but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. Until we see that week children in Mortal men could not possibly be responsible for the power that works through them. We know that their power comes from God himself. Hey, we just consider the spread of the Gospel. Consider the spread of Christianity. That is now known throughout the entire world. How to get started. It got started by 12 men who were mostly uneducated men. They most were most of them were fishermen. And the world looked at these men as lowlifes as nobody's, but not on purpose called these men to, as Acts chapter 17 talks, about to turn the world upside down because of their spread of the gospel of Christ. Oh my God, it's in the business of using little things. He's in the business of using weak things seemingly week. Things to display his glory. I used a Jawbone of a donkey in the hands of Samson to slave thousand. He is David's hand to use a small Stone to slay Goliath. A giant in Elijah's hands. He just use a hand full of flour and oil to create a Perpetual meal for the Widow in her son. I'll just ask the song We sang, in our first service little is much when God is in it. A man little is much when God is in it. Don't think that just because the number of people within this building is much smaller than the Lost World outside. That's somehow that we're coming out on the losing end of the deal. No, listen, God uses the weak things, the seemingly weak things to orchestrate, his mighty power in order to greatly Maurice, Bentley shine, his glory through that situation until the glory goes to y'all way, whose Majestic name, absolutely permeates Heaven and Earth. And listen, this is a very important perspective at this point in the song because it helps us to understand why God's anointed king suffers like he does. He speaking about Jesus Christ. God allows his annoying to God, allows the Messiah, the coming Messiah, his son. To be seemingly, be weak and oppressed so that his own glory and power will shine more brightly through him. A Christ, conquered the shame and weakness of the cross. We just consider how weak and impotent. Jesus seem to be while hanging naked on an old Roman cross. And they're above him, was this, the assignment that read and the king of the Jews and mockery. What kind of King, what kind of concrete would hang naked on a cross? Where where is the power in that? I'll listen to me, but it is through Christ. It is through Christ and his perceived weakness that God demonstrates the power of the Gospel.

God often allows us to be weak. The oftentimes allows us to be oppressed so that it is obvious that the power comes from God and not from us. So, God makes his name Majestic. An excellent by using weak people like you and me to do his great work for his glory. Can we see his Conquest? We see you. Then in verse 3, his creation.

David says, when I consider your Heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained. Hear David considered the heavens. He's no doubt. He's gazing upon the night sky. That Starlit Night and he stands in wonder. He stands in amazement at the power of God in creation.

All that his eyes could see as he beheld the vastness in the beauty of the universe. He knew that it was all created by the mighty hand of God. And listen, it was all there. It was all there according to his God's divine plan and by his unequal power. David said when I consider your heavens and the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained. David was literally amazed when he considered the awesomeness of God. I don't know about you, but from time to time. I will intentionally go outside on a clear night. And just behold the heavens. Just behold the Stars. The planets, the Moon.

Are Galaxy glows at Night by the glow? Of some 200 to 400 billion stars. Some 100 light years away. As large as our galaxy is. Our galaxy is not the only Galaxy the best estimate is that there are roughly 170 billion other galaxies. Gathered and strong like filaments. Crawl space. In the Bible says, a verse 3 that all of this is the work of God's fingers. All of this is the work of God's hand. Davis, Juan David is wanting those who sing this song or who were later read the song to consider the vastness of our universe. He wants us to see and behold the beauty of this earth and the Wonder of our human body. And that all of this was created and it is sustained by the god of Heaven. You said David wants us to meditate over such things because he knows that if we meditate upon such things as creation, it will bring something that we all need and that is humiliation. You will see just how small you are when you look up to the heavens and see the vastness of the universe.

and just think, The same God, who created the universe. Is argon. He's my God. He's my savior. He's my king. I love Jeremiah what? He says, Jeremiah 10:12.

He says he has made the Earth by his power. He has established the World by his wisdom and has stressed out. The heavens at his discretion is, as if David just Jeremiah, just got finish reading the song, mate. I love that. Notice thirdly. The Lord's provision. We see the Lord's, preeminence. We see his power. We see thoroughly his provision. Verses 4 through 8, David discusses, God's awareness of man Mankind and he points to the coming of Christ as Redeemer. Not notice in this, we see in verse for his presence, his presence.

Verse for says, what is man? That you are mindful of him. And the son of man that you visit him. So, David was absolutely amazed. He was astonished. That man would even enter the thoughts of such a powerful and divine Lord. After considering the vastness and beauty of God's creation, David just stood in awe, and in wonder that God was mindful of us. And that he would visit us with his gracious presence. I don't know about you. But I too am amazed that. God would care for us as much as he does. He loves us, he cares for us. He watches over us. I'm thankful that he is aware of our need and he knows every works of Our Lives. Those of whom Christ has redeemed. He knows us intimately. I Rejoice to feel his presence in my life. And have a gracious privilege of fellowshipping, with him through prayer and the reading of a scripture. We are blessed beyond measure to be offered an intimate relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Our lord. Again, verse for says, what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him. I noticed this is at, again. This song is really to fold. It's not only God consideration of man, but it's also prophetic and nature as it's pointing us as good at giving us as a foreshadowing of the coming Christ. Because listen you cannot miss hear the prophetic nature of the statement. David's word for your point to the coming of Christ into the world. And we have just finished celebrating that coming of Christ into the world. The Incarnation. We call it Christmas. The son of man coming to the world. How did the son of man and visit us? Well, he came and he was born of a virgin. And there he took on the body of human flesh. And their God visited man and their gods wealth Among Us. Oh my what a love that is what, condensation, condensation, condensation. That is what humility that is that the Creator would have busy. And not only visit, but he would identify with us and all points.

You live the life that we could not live.

We think about his present there and verse for, but they noticed his Providence in verse 5. This is for you have made him a little lower than the angels and you have crowned him with Glory and Honor. And here, we see that David rejoiced in the Providence of almighty God. David Newman. Khan was the desire and will of God in creation. David knew that mankind was was God's highest work in creation. It was mankind, whom God formed from the dust of the Earth. It was mankind that God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and gave man life and it was only mankind that God said let us make man in our image. Because of that man. Enjoys the communion with God in The Fellowship Of God. Animals. As great of a creation, they are. Cannot and do not enjoy the fellowship with God. This gracious position of Fellowship is only reserved for men. But notice mankind was placed within the order of creation, just below the angels of heaven. And what David thought about this? David was absolutely overwhelmed at such loving favor. Hey, listen. If we were honest this morning, if we were honest, we would all have to admit that God has offered more blessings upon us than what we deserve. A man. We don't deserve the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us, but we to enjoy his Divine favor and we have the privilege of walking in power ship with him through his son the Lord Jesus Christ. You think about that? You have to ask yourself. Who am I? Who am I that the god of Heaven would recognize and bestow upon me. Such grace and favor. We must also consider the Providence of God in Redemption here. We know that Christ stood with God in heaven before the foundation of the world. Before the creation of the world Christ was there. John 1:1 in. The beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God. He enjoyed Christ. Enjoy the worship of angels. And the glory associated with heaven. But in order to provide for our Salvation Christ willingly condescended to the lowly estate of man. Submitting to a place that was a little lower than the angels. His glory in Divinity, may have been covered in hidden by human flash. But he remains God in every way. Jesus did not cease to be God while he was Road in human flesh. He willingly carried out perfectly with the law of God demanded in that was perfection.

He willingly Came To Die For Us. This was all in the providential hand of God. Making the way for our Redemption. Notice Philippians chapter 2 and verse 7.

Hawks just about this.

This is what made himself, speaking of price of no reputation. Taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. therefore, God also has highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every name. And so we see his presents. We received his Providence in noticing verse 6 & 8 is playing versus 6s. You have made him. To have dominion over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen even the beasts of the field. The birds of the air in the fish of the sea that pass through the pads of the seeds. So David knew God had given man, really a position of honor and authority over the works of his creation. That is man had dominion over the animals, man. Had dominion over the birds and the beasts and the creatures of the sea. And of course, this charge was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden that he was to subdue, the Earth. He was to have dominion. This was all, was in the divine plan of God, but we know that Adam ultimately failed to fully fulfilled this Dominion when he send in the Garden of Eden, And So prophetically, speaking here, notice this also speaks of Christ. He created all and therefore he is above all. He has dominion over all and notice that Christ. Who is our second Adam Christ, Our second. Adam will complete. What are first Adam failed to do. Now, we know Jesus came the first time as a sacrificial lamb, who was slain before the foundation of the world. He was, he came as a sacrificial. Lamb to provide atonement for sin. He was born in obscurity and a little town called Bethlehem. He was born, not in a king's Palace or a king's bed, but he was laid there in a Manger. He was despised and he was rejected. He gave his life as a ransom, for us. However, Jesus will return. Amen. And in his return, it will be much different than his first Advent. Jesus will come and great power. He will come and great, Glory sub doing all things and having all creation, totally under his feet. He will rule and Reign the Earth with power and authority. Philippians 2 and verse 10 houses. That, at the name of Jesus. Every knee, shall bow. Of those in heaven in those in Earth and those under the Earth. And that every tongue shall confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, the Father.

Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 8. Says, you have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him. He left nothing. That is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death. Crowned, with Glory and Honor that he by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. All listen. Jesus is coming again, and he is coming in great power, and great glory to have dominion over all things, notice. Lastly. The Lord's, praise the Lord Praise. Again in verse 9. It's the same as verse 1. Rick says, oh Lord. Our Lord. How excellent is your name in all the Earth? As David concludes, his thoughts of of the Majesty in the power and grace of our Lord, Heath offers praising to him for all he is and for all he provides Again. David confirms that none can compare to the Lord, his name and Majesty exceeds all others. None rivaled the Lord and David's day and none rival him today for there is only one Lord, and that is our God, in the beauty of this particular song that it displays. Listen, this song of praise and thanksgiving should also be our song. Who Among Us can say that God has not been good to us in our day.

Hey, listen, when I consider the his greatness, when I consider His Majesty, we cannot help. But stand in all of him. We ought to be amazed everyone of us of how much he cares for us and loves us. We have to be amazed just how much our Lord longs to fellowship with his Fallen creation. We ought to be amazed that he would love us enough to leave the glories of Heaven for the suffering of the cross. For our Redemption. We have to be amazed that he is preparing a home in heaven. For those who have been saved at a home, that is free from pandemics, a home. That is free from master and vaccines politicians. A home that is where our savior is. All what a gracious. Lord, we have. How excellent. How Majestic is your name in all the Earth? I will ask you questions, we close. Have you considered a lord likely? Have you considered him? Have you considered his power? Have you considered his greatness? Have you considered his Excellency? Do you ever at all? Ever Ponder. All that you have in him?

We talked to in this busy, very fast paced Society. Be intentional to take time, just to ponder. What all God has done for us?

Listen, when you Ponder such things, it will compel an attitude of worship and gratitude. How long has it been? Since you generally offer Thanksgiving for his many blessings? Why don't you notice this? That David was able to perceive these great? Attributes of God. Because David knew God, personally. He knew his Lord. His Lord, new David, his master. New David. Do you know, Christ? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ? Personally? Have you filed your heart? Have you received Christ as your lord and savior? Have you repented of your sin and trusted him by face?

Do you realize? That every knee will bow. And every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord every knee. And every tongue weather in this life. Or in judgement all will Proclaim him as Lord. And if you are unsaved, if you never been saved, I plead with you to respond to him by face today. Believe upon the Lord, Jesus Christ. And thou shalt be saved. Let's pray together. A gracious and kind Heavenly Father Lord, what a tremendous tremendous song.

As it's just very concisely. Displays your Excellency. And father, I pray that we those of us who've been saved for many years or would look upon these things that we have looked at and I meditate on these things. That we would consider once again your greatness. Nervousness. But yet, consider how detailed you are and your love. You care for individuals. You know, us intimately. And father, I pray that if one is here that has never trusted Christ. I pray that Lord through this, the preaching of your word. and through the Holy Spirit, God, that you would draw. The center for your son, Jesus May today be the day of their salvation. may they believe, And my baby forever saved. With all these things in Christ name. Amen. Lee's going to come and share with us briefly about a guess. I'm new app that are turkeys going to

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