Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Acts 1:1-11
Luke is most assuredly the writer of Acts.
As it was at the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, he is writing to Theophilus.
Theophilus is not well-known by us, other than he must have been high up in government.
His name is said to mean “loved by God”.
Other than that we just know that Luke wrote his accounts to him.
Let’s move right on in to this moment.
The setting is the Mt. of Olives, made clear in verse 12. 11 disciples are gathered at this moment.
Judas is dead, Peter gives a revealing testimony of the unbelieving Judas, later on in this chapter, in which the disciples chose 2 men, for one of them to be chosen to make them 12 disciples again.
Matthias was chosen.
But at this moment, there is only 11, Jesus is nearing His departure from earth.
He has been with them 40 days since His resurrection.
Let’s read............
Acts 1:1-11..........Jesus tells them to go wait in Jerusalem, possibly where they had the Last Supper.
This would be where they would receive the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 2).......Now, to the heart of the message......
Jesus tells the disciples to wait for the promise.
The promise of the Holy Spirit......
You can read in John ch.
14, ch.
15, & ch.
16, where Jesus promise these disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit and the functions of the Holy Spirit.
Now, let us take a moment to note who Jesus has chosen for this.........At least 4 of them were fishermen, John 21 might suggest that there 2 or 3 others made their trade as a fishermen.
Matthew was a hated tax collector, that it is possible he was an extortioner.
Simon the Zealot, by the word zealot, some believe it means that Simon was involved in political revolution talk......wanting to overthrow the Roman government.
The others we just do not know.
Through the journey with Christ we find these men were a work in progress.
Over anxious at times.
Sleepy at times.
Scared at times.
Even at this moment, they were asking questions outside of their purview.
Does all of this sound familiar?
Common men, with no real special qualities, who stumbled at times during their walk with Jesus......Does that ring a bell?
These men needed help and they will get it, just as we do and the promise has been made and fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit!
The question they ask is one that we all might ask.
When you going to restore the Kingdom of Israel?
When are you going to put down the evil and set up Your government?
That is what they are asking.
Jesus answered their question.....It is need to know and you don’t need to know!
It is not for you to know, only God the Father knows!
Jesus corrected the disciples by directing them away from what was not in their power to know, but rather to what power was going to be given unto them!
Notice how Jesus phrases this..... “But, you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you.......”
The only power you have is what is given by God the Spirit..........
The power that is in God the Father, is not ours to have or know.......but the Holy Spirit is giving us the power that we need and what is that power????????
From that power they were made witnesses of Jesus Christ, in Jerusalem, and all over the earth!!
Uttermost carries the meaning of “final” which means to the very last place!
This all by God’s design, but you get the idea of the disciple’s function?
To be witnesses of Jesus Christ.......That is our only function, there is not another!
I get so excited about this, because I struggle and I see others struggle with their purposes and we get lost in all of the silly can be a torment to some.
All of that is man-made!
The power of the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus to us and keep us in Jesus and that is our witness, it is Jesus Christ!
Isn’t that simple, doesn’t that relieve the burdens that we folks, as well as ourselves, have put on us!
When Jesus tells them that through the Holy Spirit that they will be witnesses of Him, that sums it up to me!
The Gospel life is Jesus Christ, He fulfilled everything that is required of mankind by God!
He lived perfectly, which is required through God’s law!
He received the eternal wrath of God on the cross in one day.
God’s eternal wrath is the punishment for sinful humans.
Jesus took it for us!
He was raised giving us eternal life, that through His complete work we will not have to face eternal wrath but eternal life with Father God!
Jesus Christ is the Gospel!
Our duty is not to figure out when, but be a witness of Jesus Christ, the Good News!
Be a witness everywhere and in every place!
This is where the Lord has brought me in this message..........The Holy Spirits only purpose is to empower us to be a witness of Jesus Christ.......The angel asks them why are they staring into the sky?
Jesus will return (it is not for us to know the time or season) just like He came.....
In not so many words, the angel is telling them that Jesus has ascended Luke 24:50-51 “And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.
And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.”
No need to continue to look in the sky, Jesus will come back in the same way He left........
In the meantime, go receive the power and go be the witnesses of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ!!!
This ole rag tag bunch will be given power from on starts in the upper room and there was 120 people there....
Then the Holy Ghost comes, they start witnessing to people about Jesus and by the end of that powerful day of Pentecost, 3000 souls were added to the Kingdom of God!
My goodness, it is overwhelming to me to think of this!
I think of how the world has infiltrated the church and we measure the church (body of Christ) by so many ways!
This might not be the case with some of you, but ask yourself if set out looking for a church what would you look for in a church?
Some will say they will look for the music.....
I told you about an article I read about how to grow your church.
It was 7 ways and one of them was to: have your music target age groups 19-39!
Our music should never target anyone but Jesus Christ!
Some will look to what kind of kids or youth programs they have.
Some look to the size of the church, whether big or small.
Some look at who goes there or who the preacher is.......
These are not measures for the church, if we are measuring churches by these standards then we have become worldly......
I am not saying those things are bad, but to measure a church good or bad by them is worldly!
If we measure by our standards, then that is worldly!
The only measure we have is Jesus Christ.......
Is that a place that testifies of Jesus Christ and Him crucified?
We don’t need to hear why this denomination believes this or that, all we need is the report of Jesus Christ!!!
No wonder so many people are over anxious, angry, sleepy, and scared.........
When I think in terms of worldly things I get frustrated and frustration leads to everything that is not of Jesus.......
I have read of some pastors committing suicide, not sure of all the reasons, but I will say that if had anything to do with ministry then the frustrations of keeping up with the worldly model of the church is impossible and it is frustrating!
If I measured our church as far as attendance over the years, it would be an ebb and flow.
Up and down......and if we gauge or teaching and preaching on that, then we are not following the Holy Spirit, we are not following Jesus!
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 “For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.”
From where I stand today in my understanding, that is all that a church should be measured by! Jesus the Christ (crucified Savior) the Son of God (Lord of all)!
Anything else and you will be frustrated, angry, tired, and scared!
These are not traits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
Those traits are witnesses of Jesus Christ!
Lastly turn with me to 1 Corinthians 4:8-17............
Paul gives this church a false or sarcastic praise..........telling them they have reigned as kings, but they were he meant as living in an earthly kingdom.....basically living for the world.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9