Genesis 42:1-38: Are You Changing?
Sermon Tone Analysis
Chik-fil-a in Alabama - an hour wait in line. Didn’t hear, “My pleasure” when I finally got my food. Wasn’t really a Chik-fil-a. Must have been a McD’s in disguise.
That Chik-fil-a has a lot of changing and growing to do if it’s going to meet the standard of Chik-fil-a.
You have a lot of changing to do as well if you are going to live up to the standard that God has for you.
God did not save you for you to stay the same. He is sanctifying you - a Spirit led work in which God uses His Word, His church, and circumstances to change you.
Spirit-led, but you have to cooperate with that work.
Beginning 2022, now a good time to ask, “Are you changing?” Over the past year, have you seen growth in your relationship with the Lord? Or, has nothing really changed?
Growth does not equal just growth in knowledge. Growth is growing in knowledge AND Christ-like character.
Matters for you - If you are not growing, you are rebelling.
Matters for our church - what could God do among His people if we were all committed to our spiritual growth?
An assessment this morning: three ways to know you’re growing in Christ/changing into the person He wants you to be.
Joseph 2nd in command after years in prison. In all of his trials, Joseph has kept his eyes on God.
Even though he’s in power his heart longs for home. After so many years in Egypt, he looks like an Egyptian, but he’s not. He missed his father.
Joseph’s family - feeling affects of the famine. Jacob: “Why you standing around looking at each other? We’re gonna die! Go to Egypt. I hear there’s food there...” God’s plan coming together.
Long journey to Egypt. 300 miles... Ten brothers go - Benjamin stays home - Joseph’s younger brother by Rachel. Took Joseph’s place in Jacob’s heart. He lost Joseph, he wasn’t going to lose Benjamin. (vs. 4) - Jacob suspicious of his sons - maybe it was their fault Joseph was dead?
Joseph in charge of grain distribution - the brothers bow before Joseph. Gen. 37 - dream coming true.
They have no clue who Joseph is - he looks and speaks Egyptian. Joseph doesn’t reveal his identity - treats them like strangers and speaks harshly to them.
Is Joseph seeking revenge? Why is he so harsh? Reality: testing his brothers. They contemplated killing him, threw him in a pit, and sold him into slavery.
Joseph wants to be reunited with his family, but can he trust his family? Had his brothers changed?
A series of tests to see if they had changed - in a sense doing the same thing to his brothers as they had done to him - tables are turned.
Joseph’s accusation: “You’re spies...”
They explain themselves: “No, we’re 12 brothers. One is dead, and the youngest is at home.”He sees ten brothers - one’s missing - Benjamin.
Panic in Joseph’s heart: where’s Benjamin? Had they killed Benjamin? Had they sold Benjamin into slavery?
“You’re not leaving until Benjamin is here.” Gives them three days in prison to decide who was going to return home for Benjamin. If no one goes, was Benjamin even alive?
After three days, Joseph’s deal: One of you stays. Take grain and come back with your youngest brother.
vs. 21-22: “We’re being punished!” They know it… they know what they’ve done. Reuben speaks up (vs. 22).
Joseph overhears - he’s moved to tears. He longs for his family…
Joseph binds Simeon before them, fills their containers, returns their silver, gives them provisions, and sends them away. Certainly the brothers would return for Simeon.
They leave with food, the money they had brought, but without their brother Simeon. Left him bound as a prisoner.
They stop to rest for the night and one of the brother’s finds silver in his sack! Response: “What has God done to us?” vs. 28… (The right thing… return to Egypt with the silver… “There’s been a mistake...” BUT… they can’t. They’ll be accused of being thieves.)
First time in the story that the brothers talk about God. They haven’t walked in a relationship with God, but now God has their attention. He was bringing these brothers face to face with their sin. What would they do? Would they return the silver, and would they come clean with Jacob?
Return to Jacob. Simeon’s missing… Jacob’s mind racing… “The man in charge wants us to bring back Benjamin to prove we’re not spies.” They emptied their sacks - and silver in each of their bags. They’re afraid!
vs. 36 - “This is your fault! You are making me childless.” Reuben vows two of his sons if they don’t bring Benjamin back.
Jacob: “Benjamin will not go.”Tragic! Notice Jacob’s words: “Benjamin alone is left.” Jacob not willing to trust his sons, and not willing to risk sending Benjamin to get Simeon. Jacob hasn’t changed. He’s still playing favorites.
Joseph’s brothers haven’t changed either. They walk away and abandon Simeon much like they had walked away and abandoned Joseph years earlier and still unwilling to confess.
They move on with life trying to forget Egypt. Imagine they don’t talk about Simeon around the dinner table. They try to forget him. After their conversation with their father, no further attempt to go rescue Simeon. They don’t think of Egypt again until they’re without food again.
Joseph’s question: “Have my brother’s changed?” End of the story, they have not. Neither has his dad.
These are the same brothers that don’t seek God and take matters into their own hands.The family is still dysfunctional. They acknowledge God but don’t follow God well. Joseph is the only one in the family who models integrity and faithfulness to the Lord.
How do you know if you are changing? How do you know if you are becoming the person God wants you to be?
You respond to conviction from the Holy Spirit.
You respond to conviction from the Holy Spirit.
Joseph’s brothers: “What has God done to us?” What God had done was convicted them - brought the brothers face to face with their sins.
What is conviction? It’s knowing the weight of your sin. God convicts you by showing you the reality of your sin. Often, in the midst of your sin, you excuse or overlook it: no big deal, but then the consequences come. God uses the consequences of your sin to bring about the conviction of sin so you might say, “I did it! I sinned against God!” (David and Bathsheba)
Why does God convict? Because you are His child! He wants to accomplish His will in your life, and your sin hinders His will. Hebrews 12: God disciplines those He loves.
Changing people WANT conviction. (Psalm 139:23-24) We LONG to live right before God. Do you? Challenge: daily make David’s prayer your prayer.
When you feel the weight of conviction, what do you do? Confess? Make things right with God and others? Or, ignore it?
Pearl white car - It sparkles - I just wanted it to be better…
Same sense of urgency because you know it’s not right. You just want it to be right. “What do I have to do right now to make it right?”
You don’t keep living in your past failures.
You don’t keep living in your past failures.
Nothing really changes at the end of the story. The brothers have been convicted, but they don’t repent.
They tell Jacob what happened, but they don’t tell Jacob what they did. This was the time to come clean with their dad, but they don’t. If they would have come clean, maybe Jacob would have trusted them and sent Benjamin so he could free Simeon.
Instead, life goes on like nothing happens. Nothing changes. The brothers stay in their sin.
You can't keep living in your past failures and expect your life to change. You want change. You want to grow in Christ, yet the reality is that it’s not appealing to you as staying like you are. So, for years, you stay stuck spiritually. No wonder you lack satisfaction, contentment, joy, etc. No wonder you keep running back to the same sins. (PRIDE!)
Two words: He’s better. Everyday, tell yourself, “He’s better.” When you’re tempted: “He’s better.” When you want to fill your life with what seems pleasurable in the moment: “He’s better.” He’s better, and His ways are better.
To reject opportunities for change is foolish. Confession and repentance is an opportunity for change. Sad reality: Surrounded with opportunity. Holy Spirit inside of you, a church that loves you and wants you to grow, Bible preaching, LCGs, Discipleship groups, accountability. You have NO REASON not to change. The reason you don’t is you! You can’t blame your circumstances, others, God, etc. Take responsibility!
A changing person keeps reminding himself that “He’s better” and follows His better ways. Do you?
You take responsibility for the well-being of others.
You take responsibility for the well-being of others.
Leaving their brother to die - just like they did to Joseph. Tragic! That’s not what Jesus followers do! (1 John 3:16) Jesus followers are changing from self-centered to other-centered.
You cannot make life about you. Surefire way to stay stuck in sin instead of growing in Christ. When life is about you: never willing to give up your life for the sake of someone else. When life is not about you: you realize you exist to give up your life for the sake of others. Change comes as you sacrifice.
We cannot leave anyone behind. God has not placed you in this church just for you. God has placed you in this church for someone else. Why it’s important for you to get involved.
I’m thankful for people who decided NOT to leave me behind. A pastor who intentionally invested in me, student workers who cared for me, worship leaders who encouraged me to use my talents for the glory of God.
Who in this church will you spiritually care for in 2022? Means you have to realize that this place isn’t a place for just YOU to be cared for. Means you have to get involved, listen, and respond.
Changing people are other-centered. Are you?
God has not left you behind.
Genesis 42 ends rather hopelessly - BUT - God at work - He’s not going to leave this hopeless, messed-up family behind. He’s going to accomplish His will through this family. He’s going to ultimately bring forth His Son from this family line who will be the Savior of the world because God wants to leave no one behind. He wants all to come into a relationship with Himself (2 Peter 3:9). He wants to CHANGE your life.
First step to experience the change God wants to bring about: Believe that God loves you so much that He gave His Son for you. Believe Jesus died and rose again for you and give your life to Him. This morning, give your life to Jesus.
Believer, are you changing or resisting? God convicting you this morning. Will you respond? Will you confess? Will you obey Him today?