I Give You The Keys!
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The New Anointing
The New Anointing
We are here because we’re hungry, we’re here because we don’t want christianity as usual, we’re here because we want a new dimension of spiritual breakthrough a touch from God that will do something for us that will enable us to be used by God in this hour.
God said my people are sick, and My heart is wounded.
Not only are they sick physically but also spiritually.
As we are seated here and we can see clearly because of the lighting and we are warm in here because of the electrical heating system...
I wish I didn’t have to stand up here and be negative but then again I don’t really mean that…
but how many of you know you can’t produce the current that’s going to be drawn upon by these lights that will give them the ability to shine and dispell darkness which is there purpose...
that cannot happen if you only plug into those sockets positive input… it’s impossible to everyone of those sockets...
There are two wires one on one side and one on the other, that give this ability to shine forth light.
One is called the positive wire. ( we have a lot of people that want nothing else then this positive message ). They don’t want to hear… they don’t want to hear that conviction of the Holy Spirit to come upon their life that will get down beyond the collar bone and really do something for them in a life changing experience, they don’t mind having the surface as long as they can walk through life with a positive mental attitude…
That’s alright if you only want to produce surface… results...
But you cannot produce what we are talking about which is that ingredient that gave the early church the divine capability to reach its known world in less then 200 years without radio, television without the printing press...
There is another wire which goes to those receptacles and its called a negative wire. And its not until you take the positive and hook it up and the negative and hook it up and then you got to do something else...
Every one of these wires have insulation so does our lives and the devil wants to see to it that our lives are insulated from the reality...
You can’t make a contact with power until you take those wires until you strip them down and you make them naked and bare. If you hook these wires up with the insulation you can go to the light switch all you want to and switch all the switches on you want to and you’re not going to draw any current!
The only thing that draws a current is a naked wire. The only thing that draws on the true reality of the power of Almighty God that gives you the ability to stand before the world and declare the works of a/the resurrected Son of the Living God that is not in the grave is a life that is naked before the Holy Spirit where God can come and do something for the individual who is willing to die...
How many of you believe God knew the strength of the enemies power?
He saw that power when he rose up against Him and 1/3 of the angels followed him.
He saw that power when man succumbed and followed him and willingly yielded up his life to follow him.
What would you think of a God who knew the strength of the enemies power and sent His Son here to face him and not give Him the necessary tools or equipment?Not just to wage a war but to Win...
You wouldn’t think very much of Him would you …
The person who came closest to seeing Jesus as He really was when He was here on earth was a centurion solder, a captain in the army of Rome. ( Matthew 8:5-13 ) “He said my servant lieth at home sick with the palsy grievously tormented” Jesus said,” I’ll come and heal him.” The centurion said,” just wait a minute, He said that’s not necessary.”
He said,” look at me Lord you see these bars… he said I say to a man go and he goes I say to another come and he comes he said I am a man of authority. He said I am a man under authority, under the authority of Rome, he said when i speak those men in my garrison and in my command obey my voice. He said it’s not necessary for YOU to come to my house, stand right here speak the Word only...” SPEAK THE WORD ONLY!
“VERILY, be it unto me even as thou has spoken it...” (God’s promises)
He took the limit off God! Of time. Of space… You don’t have to come to my house and lay hands on Him SPEAK THE WORD!
you know what he said to Jesus don’t act like a man act like a God… Don’t act like a man a man is limited, he’s got to be in one place… YOU’VE got more then that ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO YOU.
He said i’ve got power over solders, but he said You’ve got POWER and AUTHORITY but it’s not over solders it’s over sickness, disease and all the works of the enemy, SPEAK THE WORD! …
When Jesus went back to His Father He didn’t take The Keys of the Kingdom with Him. He left them here…
Matthew 19 “I give unto thee The Keys of the Kingdom.”
My brother my sister the earth is the Lord’s… (are you ready?)
God said the sooner you realize what you’re fighting against… where your warfare is… DON’T GET TIRED, GET’M UP!
SIN, SICKNESS, DEATH… We’re not going to deal with what we see on the surface anymore, we’re going down to the root cause. WHAT IS IT? It’s the curse...
BUT the curse is not greater then the cure!
There is no victory without total surrender, Get’m Up. (fight)
I GIVE UNTO YOU OF THE KINGDOM. (are you ready?)
WHATSOEVER YOU SHALL BIND ON EARTH (Matthew 16:19) “whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven! And whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. And I say unto you if two of you on earth shall agree as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them of My Father which is in heaven for where two or three are gathered together in My name there I AM!”