How to Evaluate Your Pastor...and Yourself.
Then are we the servants of God, then are we the disciples of Christ, when we do what is commanded us, and because it is commanded us.
No man preaches that sermon well to others that does not first preach it to his own heart. He who does not feed on, and digest, and thrive by, what he prepares for his people, he may give them poison, as far as he knows; for, unless he finds the power of it in his own heart, he cannot have any ground of confidence that it will have power in the hearts of others.
Exercising yourself to godliness in solitude will be a probable evidence of your uprightness. Men are withheld in company from doing evil by the iron curb of fear or shame, and provoked to do good by the golden spurs of praise or profit; but in solitariness there are not such rubs in the way of lust to hinder our passage, nor such baits in the way of holiness to encourage our progress.