Striving Together
Striving Together • Sermon • Submitted
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· 26 views"Church" is not the place a baptised believer goes, it is who they are! They are connected to grow and as a result of their growth they become unified to one another for the purpose of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Striving Together
Striving Together
Text: Philippians 1:12-30
The concept of church is often times misunderstood. I say this due to statements I’ve heard people say over the years. They go something like this:
I am going to church
I attend_________ church
Where do you go to church?
Not only do I make this estimation on similar statements, but also on the common perspective of today’s church members. For example, some are persuaded that due to the Bible never clarifying how many times to worship on the Lord’s day, I can pick and choose how often I participate in church.
The alarming conclusion is this, “church” has been REDUCED to a time and place of a gathering; that is corporate worship. Here is my point, no matter if we are gathered together in obedience for worship of it is 2pm on Thursday, YOU ARE THE CHURCH!
Paul’s charge of a specific togetherness does not begin and end with each worship service. The affairs of your life happen more outside these four walls than in.
2022 Theme Thesis: Being resolved to live in light of the fact that know matter where I am or what I am doing, I AM Clear Springs Baptist Church!
2022 Theme Thesis: Being resolved to live in light of the fact that know matter where I am or what I am doing, I AM Clear Springs Baptist Church!
Illustration: When you are on the clock where you work, you conduct yourself in light of your employment. If you are an employer, you represent your business at all times.
1) Your Personal Connection
1) Your Personal Connection
A. The origin of our connection (vv1-5)
A. The origin of our connection (vv1-5)
Notice the affection between Paul and these believers:
(v3) “Remembrance of you”
(V4) Paul’s interceding for them (while imprisoned) was done with joy.
(v7) “Have you in my heart”
(v8) “How greatly I long for you.....bowels of Jesus Christ”
B. The perspective of our personal preparation for our gospel connection
B. The perspective of our personal preparation for our gospel connection
(v24) Your life is in need of my life.
Turn to: 1 Corinthians 12:13-22
Now, please notice how Paul’s individual perspective of their connection was a huge part of his awesome motivation to see things through a gospel lens.
He gives us a clear understanding of how the preparation of one’s life must come before the using of one’s life; his presence would further (bring about progress) to their spiritual life.
Notice (vv12-14)
Notice (v20) “Christ MAGNIFIED in MY BODY”
Notice (v21) “For TO ME to live IS CHRIST, and to die is GAIN”
2) Our Powerful Progress
2) Our Powerful Progress
We will now see the needs which are satisfied through Pauls’ presence.
I am speaking to the reason why we must STRIVE TOGETHER.
A. It promotes spiritual progress
A. It promotes spiritual progress
QUESTION — Who here likes to make progress? Who here likes for their kids to make progress?
DONT’ MISS THIS — Paul mentions NOTHING in regards to MATERIAL things! Progress that has any eternal weight is that of gospel progress in your life!!!
REMEMBER what the main premiss is for this year: YOU ARE THE CHURCH; being the church is more than what happens within these walls.
1 Corinthians 10:31 “31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
ILLUSTRATION: What brought about turning the ground white this passed Thursday? One snow flake? 1,000 snow flakes? NO! It took EVERY SNOW FLAKE. It not only took ALL the snow flakes, but they all had to fall consistently over a certain period of time!
Progress in their JOY of FAITH
gospel content ⇔ faith n. — the content of what is (and should be) believed about the good news of Jesus’ way of salvation.
Paul teaches us that our lives (being together or apart) should be about directing the heart to the joy of Jesus’ salvation and His salvation alone.
2 Corinthians 1:14 “14 As also ye have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.”
Our striving together (side by side) promotes our hearts to saturate with joy over the salvation Jesus has accomplished for us!!!
3) Our Primary Purpose (v27)
3) Our Primary Purpose (v27)
There is a permissible element God has placed in your care; the conduct of your life; your conduct’s state of “being.”
Paul is challenging these believers to have a NO TOLERANCE for any other shaping source to grip your life.
Don’t overlook the unifying power of Jesus’ gospel!
Paul is speaking about the unity of people!!!
People who can be rebellious, unforgiving, prideful, rude, arrogant, self absorbed, etc.
God in His sovereign wisdom has designed a powerful means for His people to progress in their unity for the purpose of advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ:
Holy Spirit
Holy Scriptures
For the church to fulfill it’s ultimate goal, those who make up the church MUST REFORM their understanding of what it means to BE THE CHURCH. Those who continue on in their shallowness of BEING THE CHURCH will continue failing in their reason for living.
Look around! You have been given the privilege of being a huge part of the progress of those you see to conform to the gospel and advance the gospel.
Here is my question for YOU: Will you continue failing them or will you repent toward BEING THE CHURCH (valuing your connection, valuing your preparation, and be committed to the unity of advancing the gospel of Jesus)?