Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning.
Today's reading is from the New Testament to see a pistol of Paul to the Apostle Titus and we'll be reading.
The first chapter in the entire chapter.
And it begins Paul a bond servant of God and Apostle of Jesus Christ.
According to the faith of God's elect in the acknowledgement of Truth, which Accords with godliness in Hope of eternal life with God who cannot lie promise before time began.
But hasn't do time manifested.
His words were preaching, which was committed to me.
According to the Commandment of God, our savior to Titus, a true son, and our common Faith, grace, mercy, and peace, from God, the father in the Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Savior, for this reason.
I left you in Crete that you should sit in order.
The things that are lacking in a point elders.
And every city that I commanded you.
If a man is blameless in the husband of one wife, having faithful children, not a curse or just impatient or insubordination for a bishop must be blameless as a steward of God, not self-willed, not Wicked, temper, not given to Wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable a lover of what is good sober-minded.
Just holy self-controlled holding fast.
Faithful word is he has been taught and may be able by sound Doctrine both to extort.
and convince those who contradict Was there a mani and subordinate?
Both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision who is Miles Must Be Stopped.
Who is avert whole household, teach me things, which they are not for the sake of Dishonor game.
One of them a profit of their own said, cretans are always Liars.
Evil beasts, lazy, lazy gluttons.
This testimony is true there for a rebuke them sharply.
They may sound in the face, the sound in the face, not giving heed to Jewish fables and Commandments of men who turn from the truth, to a pure, to the pure, all things are pure but you those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure but even their mind and conscience are defiled.
They profess to know God, but in Works, they deny him being a Bominable disobedient and has qualified for every good work.
Is that is the word of the Lord.
Thank you, Mike.
You may be seated.
We're going to look this morning for just a little while at this book of Titus, Titus 1:5.
By the way, is the verse that was the key verse for the ministry that I had it for a number of years called or thoughts because that word occurs in Titus 1:5.
It says, set those things in order that remain Titus, as a young Pastor was left by Paul on the island of Crete to set things in order, and that's the word from which we get our word Orthopedics and orthodontist.
Which means to straighten bones and straighten teeth.
And from that we see in this verse the Titus was the set things in order.
Now, sometimes that isn't Pleasant, if you happen to have a bone that needs to be, used to reset is probably going to hurt a little, but it needs to be done in order that the body will go straight.
So it's important that we understand some Keith Roo's from this.
And then giving instruction to, Titus, Paul points out.
Some key cruise that help us to understand the quality of the Christian Life.
Paul says, first of all, he mentions God's elect.
There's probably no other subject.
That is created more fear.
Or in the question charge been the issue of election election or calling is something which God's sovereignty does and which does not change.
It is just boarding.
A note in the book of Romans chapter 11 verses 20 through, 30 is the whole Passage.
Would let me just 31 verse there for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
God doesn't change his mind.
Another words.
No matter how hard you wish that you had a different gift than you have.
God has already given you a certain gift and they expect you to use it.
So it's important to know that God has ordained that he set that aside.
Now, we're going to talk a little bit more about how he does that because election is is described in the scripture and this is not my idea.
This is from scripture.
And so I want you to follow along with me.
It is based upon God's Eternal perspective, not on the passage of time, but it is committed communicated for our understanding as a progression.
Does two key passages that speak of election.
What is in the first Peter?
It speaks of the question as being elect according to the foreknowledge of God.
And the idea that there is that it descends from the foreknowledge, to the election down from, is another way to translate that down from the foreknowledge of God.
It's important to understand that before knowledge, as far as God is concerned comes first.
God for knew everything about you and about me.
And as a result, he took steps and we'll see this in the past.
He took steps to see to it that we were saved.
But there's another passes that were fairly familiar with one of the verses in the passage.
And that's Romans.
8:28 says, all things work together for good to them.
That love God.
Remember that verse.
But do you remember the next worse after it?
It says this for whom he did for know.
He also did for Destiny and who made for destinate.
Is there a movie called?
And then, the next verse goes on to say, whom he called, then we Justified and then we Justified them a glorified.
I can look around this car gation today and then there's a few of you at least they don't look very glorious.
But as far as God is concerned, those who believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, her already glorified.
That is a one-time act by God.
God is eternal, he is not bound by time.
And so things don't happen in sequence.
As far as God is concerned, they half of the all at once.
I don't understand that.
I am a creature of time and everything.
I do, I have to do in order and if I get the order confused, I get it all fouled up.
I've tried to put things together sometime, and gotten another part first and that and then had to take it apart in order to get it together, right?
It helps when you read the instructions.
I told but I seldom do that.
It's important to know that God has made the decision with regard to election based on what a Forno's.
Who made it for know?
That me also predestined.
Who me progestin?
Those he called, or elected?
The word is eclectus for which we get our word elect, by the way, and that's where it comes from.
It'll Act.
God elected, who me for new now, he gives this it a progression for us in this passage so that we can see how it works, but he did it all at once.
He just did it.
There's an interesting thing because I have talked with the theologians about this man, who disagreed with me and disagreed, with the scripture about this said, while God is Sovereign.
And so he's made the decision.
He was going to be saved.
And that's irreversible.
It may be that he's made the decision, but he did it based on what he knew would happen in your life on the foreknowledge.
And that's why I described in this way.
That's not my idea.
That's what the scripture says.
I can maybe illustrate, this very crudely one, my younger brother.
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