The Indestructible Plan of God

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Christians can proclaim the Godpel of Jesus Christ in faith that nothing can overthrow the God's plan

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The Indestructible Plan of God Pastor Greg Stansel Acts 5:12-42 January 9, 2022 Snap shot: Christians can proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in faith that nothing can overthrow God’s plan. I. The gospel message is authenticated (5:12–16) II. The gospel message cannot be silenced (5:17–32, 40) III. The gospel message cannot be overthrown (5:34–40) IV. The joy of suffering for the gospel message (5:41, 42) Scripture references: Deuteronomy 34:10–12; Matthew 21:15; Acts 19:11, 12; 2:42; John 3:3–8; 4:48; 1 Corinthians 1:22–24; Matthew 24:24; Revelation 13:13, 14; 16:14; 19:20; Romans 10:17; Ephesians 4:1; Acts 7:9; Genesis 50:20; Acts 17:5; 3:15; John 1:4; John 11:25; 1 John 1:2; 5:11; Proverbs 16:1, 4, 9, 33; Isaiah 14:24; Matthew 5:10, 11; Psalm 20:1, 7; Deuteronomy 12:5, 11 Connect What are some examples of how you have seen the world attempting to overthrow the plan of God? Study Point 1: The Gospel message is authenticated (5:12–16) READ Hebrews 1:13–2:4 1) What was the purpose for the “ministering spirits”? Discuss how these verses reveal God’s plan to authenticate the good news of Jesus Christ. Why is the authentication of this message so important? 2) What is the warning given in these verses? What is the command? What things in your life hinder you from living out and applying this authenticated message of the gospel? What reminds you of the certainty of the perfect gospel? Point 2: The gospel message cannot be silenced (5:17–32, 40) Point 3: The gospel message cannot be overthrown (5:34–40) READ Psalm 2 3) What are some ways you presently see attempts to silence and overthrow the gospel message? What does Psalm 2 tell us about these attempts to overthrow the plans of the Lord? 4) What do these verses tell us about the Lord? What do these verses tell us about Jesus? How does this passage increase your faith in the plan of God? How does it increase your faith in your mission to participate in the expansion of the kingdom of God? Point 4: The joy of suffering for the gospel message (5:41, 42) READ 1 Peter 4:12–19 5) What can Christians expect according to Peter? What does it mean to “share in Christ’s sufferings?” What are we warned in these verses to not suffer for? How have you seen the Christian church suffering for Christ? How have you seen the Christian church suffer in the wrong way? Personal question: How have you suffered for Christ? 6) Discuss what Peter means by, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God . . .” How does this verse relate to suffering? Pray the passage Lord, we praise you for authenticating your gospel message through signs and wonders, just as you have been doing from the beginning of time. We pray that you would continue to add believers to your church by the multitudes! Lord, continue to grant us boldness to proclaim your Gospel openly and before all people so that your name is made great. We ask that you would grant us wisdom when we are questioned and opposed. Give us the ability to respond, not in anger, but in confidence that your plan will go forward with or without us. Help us to obey you Lord instead of humanity. Lord, we rest in your sovereignty and trust you fully. In Jesus name, Amen. Memorize & Meditate “But Peter and the Apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men’” (Acts 5:29). Preparing for next week Read: Acts 6:1-7 Ask: questions of the text. Pray: through text, for pastor as he prepares, for your heart to hear, for the congregation to hear, for all of us to be obedient.
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