Sermon Tone Analysis
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Lesson 5: King David: From Obscurity
1 Samuel 16-18
I’m excited this week as we begin about five or six weeks on king David, that is my goal anyway.
He is one of the greats of the Bible.
Can I say as we being this section on Him, please know that he is special in so many ways.
There are many reasons for this, but let me mention this tonight:
He is special because he was not a priest, he was not a prophet, he was not a even a first born, or anything of old that would make him special.
He is not even special because he was the king of Israel because we know that there about 42 kings between Israel and Judah.
What made him special was because of his faith.
It was that faith that brought on many of the blessings that we will start to see tonight.
Of course, he is also special because though him was promised a kingly line which ultimately resulted in the Messiah, in Jesus Christ.
And then we know that David was not a perfect man, he was not a sinless man.
Yet God used Him in a great and mighty way.
It is through David that God show a truly wonderful picture of Christ’s forgiveness and mercy.
David’s life was a great life in that it was one of humility and submissiveness.
It is a blessing to see God choosing to display his mercy and picture Himself through this life.
One o the most exciting things about David, is that before him very little is known about the Messiah, but suddenly a flood of light is shone about who Christ would be.
For as David was born in Bethlehem, so was Jesus would be born there.
As David was born in obscurity and not known till later, so was Christ.
As David was faithful to His father and not losing a sheep, so was Christ, and more and more.
The Psalms that he wrote were full of prophecy about Christ.
The Obedience of David
He was Obedient
David simply obeyed the Lord, which included:
A. Fulfilling his father’s will
He also did this for is Spiritual Leaders, teachers and even older siblings\
B. Fulfilling his responsibilities
You won’t find David shirking responsibilities for more exciting activities.
The reasons that David was chosen, and Saul was rejected was because of David’s obedience and Saul’s disobedience.
The will of God may not be the easy road, it might be the road less traveled in life, but it is simple, obey God, follow the Lord.
If you want to be chosen by or used by God, you must follow Him and obey Him.
God is not blessed by disobedience, He is blessed by people who have the attitude that they want to obey God for God’s sake, for His honor, for His glory.
Not because of fear; not because of a desire to get more – but just to bless the God of heaven who has done so much for them.
C. Having a heart of obedience
I want to be like David and have a heart after Gods.
1. Fulfill all God’s will in abstaining from evil
1 Peter 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
2. Fulfill all God’s will in abstaining from self-will
3. Fulfill all God’s will in compliance with His direction
4. Fulfill all God’s will in obeying the Spirit
Anointed of God
1 Samuel 16:6-13
Not chosen for his personal appeal
“…Look not on his countenance,”
We are so wrapped up in personality, looks, and dress, God is not looking at those things when he makes a choice.
He was ruddy
Some commentators said this means he was a red head
Some say this meant his skin was red from the sun and wind in the wilderness
At the very least it means that he was reddish in color, either from redness from work, or lack of rest, or blushing we are not sure.
He was withal a beautiful countenance
There was something special about his countenance, he had a spirit about him that was special, not necessarily his looks or his physique, must mostly in his attitude.
You can tell people by their spirit sometimes:
B. It is not according to personal ability
“…or on the height of his stature.”
Personal strengths and abilities are not what God is looking at when makes choice of service.
Did you know that God use you and your abilities that you have now to do whatever he has called you to do?
C. The standard of God was faithfulness
David was faithful in the fact that he performed his duties gladly, no matter what anyone else was doing.
David was faithful in that his position may have been lackluster and base in man’s eyes, but it was the job his father gave him to do, he was going to do it to the best of his ability.
God is still looking for one who is faithful This means one who is doing what he is supposed to do faithfully
David Facing Goliath – the Great Trial of His Faith
Notice the trials that David faced in order to see victory not only for him and his family, but also for his people.
Some how we thought when we got right with God and started serving Him that everyone would be excited, but it just isn’t true.
We thought God would just open the door and let the sunshine and joy fill our lives, but that is not what happened.
A. The Taunting Brother
B. The Discouraging Leader
C. The Scornful Enemy
D. A Gracious God
1 Sam 17:49-51
Reasons for David’s Great Victory over Goliath
A. Qualifications for the battle
David always fulfilled his responsibilities, to his father and family and even standing up to the enemy for his people.
He was faithful regardless of what he was missing out on
He was faithful regardless of the threats
He had faced a lion and a bear and a bear, this was not a worse in threat to Him, just different.
B. Right Attitude into the battle
David did not let personal attacks divert him
We already read 1 Samuel 17:28 when Eliab accused him.
To David, there was a greater cause that the attacks that came at him, notice what he did in verse 30 - he simply turned away from such abuse.
He did not rail back, or spend a lot of time defending himself, he simply turned his attention to the need of the hour, the Champion of the Philistines
b) David did not let naysayers discourage him
David went forward, while others floundered at the prospect of going.
Saul was a discouragement to David, but was later willing in verse 37 to allow him to go and face the Philistine.
Do you think that God allows discouragement in our lives?
Of course he does, he is testing our resolve to do right, to see if it is real.
If a little discouragement is enough to stop you from serving God, you were not going to be worth a lo
The point is, sometimes our resolve isn’t worth a lot, especially if we give in the first sight of discouragement.
c) David did not allow attacks on his people or his God go unanswered
1 Samuel 17:26, 45
C. Excellence during the battle
There are many ways that David showed excellence during the battle.
He had confidence to answer Goliath in the name of the Lord of hosts, v.45
He honored God in the midst of the battle, v.47
He ran to meet the foe, v.48
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