Intro In the current situation here we have been inundated with requests for help. Most have need of help. But some are just self-serving. Tell of 82 year old in “Tiny House.” Tell of last call that night.
It brings out the best and the worst.
I. V26-29 Labor for Food that Truly Satisfies
a. The people followed to be fed.
b. Jesus refuses
c. Ref Jn 4:11-26 Samaritan woman at the well
d. Jesus forces them to lift their view to a spiritual level
e. They kept trying to manipulate
f. Jesus tells them Faith is a work
II. V30-31 Manna in the wilderness
a. They were Con artists
III. V32-33 Perishable Bread Vs True Bread of Life
a. Perhaps a reference to Prov 9:5 Wisdom personified
b. I AM the true Bread
c. I have come to bring Life to the whole world
d. I reveal true life because I reveal the Father
IV. V 34 The People Still Refuse to see
a. Isa 1:18-20 God lets some refuse
V. V35 I AM The Bread of Life
a. Matt 4:4 “Man shall not live…”
b. Prov 9:5 The Jewish scholars used to make the Law the bread
c. Not saying that when we come we do not need to grow Heb 5:12-6:1
VI. V36-40 The Ones Chosen by God Will be Saved
a. V 40 this is those who see and believe
b. Acts 2:37 ask the question “What Must We Do?” sincerely