Free To Say So!

Full Speed Ahead  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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I Am Redeemed!

Redeem - To Free, To Liberate - To buy back, Purchase. . .
Lady Hudson loves to redeem her coupons - coupons represent money that is there but you cannot access it unless you liberate it - In order for you to receive what is locked in that bar-code, you must liberate it!
Those coupons can sit bonded up in your pocket book, but until you liberate the value they have that will bring your total cost down, you will continue to pay the full price instead. . . When you could have saved, you pay full price!
Many of us have been in bondage so long that we do not believe we have the freedom to say we are free; we have been bound by our past mistakes, decisions, sins, we keep The Redemption Jesus paid as you, bound up!
Blessed = Favored By God - Favor is fair, it is only unfair to those whom do not realize they are free to say so! As we were talking last week, on how we should not allow our feelings to cause us to miss God, you should not allow your feelings to cause you to say you are not free to say so!
For too long we have been diminished thru religious rhetoric to think less than, which has caused us to not realize we are Free To Say So - Yes, you have been constrained by the world systems to relegating your praise and worship because it may cause someone to become offended - Yes, you have been bound by the world systems to believe that you cannot stand for God and seek righteousness always!
I have been commissioned and appointed by God today, The Holy Spirit guiding me, to let you know that you are Free To Say So because God liberated you from the guilt, the bondage of the law, the stain of sin, He sent His Only Begotten Son as a ransom for us all, but you must stand up and Say So!
The enemy has confounded our thinking far too long, he has quieted our voice too much; it is time for The Redeem (liberated, bought back, free. . .) to raise up and let the earth know who you are in God and I refuse to be diminished any longer!
I Am Blessed - And because I know that I am Blessed, “Matthew 5:16 (NKJV)16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
In order to move full speed ahead, I must empower my thought life and know that because Our Father established this, because He began this, I am perfected in His Eye! Matthew 5:48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
This Psalm is a Psalm of praise, very familiar and as I stated before, we have become too familiar with God, it is time we shake up some things in order to re-seat what God has sowed. . .
We said it on Wednesday, “Leave It Behind. . .” whatever “it” is that is keeping you from “Saying So!” then you need to let that go because you have a praise that needs to reach heaven so that God Our Father will settle down in this circumstance!
Believers/Knowers, we’ve been quieted too long, “Let The Redeem Of God Say So. . .” What am I saying is so Pastor? So Glad you ask!
Remember, Redeem = Freedom, Liberated - By The Holy Spirit of God Who Jesus The Christ gave us and sealed us up with Hope!
Job was becoming so distraught going through his circumstances, understandably so, but regardless of what it looks like you must always declare The Mercy of God over your life, you must remind your heart that you are Redeemed!
You have to “Say So” The Never Failing Word of God over your circumstance, and realize that because you know He lives, you are redeemed! Job 19:25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth;
The song writer says; “When I Look Back Over My Life and Think Things Over, I Can Truly Say That I Have Been Blessed, I Have A Testimony. . . “
This Psalms is not for us to become familiar with it, but to embrace it and say so!
Say what God has done for you - Let the enemy know that I can relate to Psalm 107:6 (NKJV) 6 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, And He delivered them out of their distresses.
There were times when I was so bound by my sins and my thoughts, I could not say so!
But now that my eyes have been opened and I realize that My Redeemer Lives!
I can Say So! I am Free To Say So!
Even when I know I was wrong and yet did not want to accept it, did not want to adhere to the counsel of God, and went to do my own thing, my own way; yet I testify that although I may not have ascertain the prize yet, but I have Say So because God has given me such a blessed assurance and hope because I know that My Redeemer Lives, therefore I can Say So in advance for those things God will manifest soon!
His Record Is Better Than Good! He cannot fail - so I Say So! I know that my Redeemer Lives - He has liberated me from the chains and broken them into pieces, He lives so I can face whatever tomorrow may brings!
I am so glad that I am Free To Say So - That I was a wretch undone, a sinner, sinking deep in sin, sinking to rise no more! But my Father Who Art in Heaven, Who, in the beginning was The Word and His Word was with Him!
But He Knew The Plan for you and for me, so He sent His Word and rescued us. . . Psalm 107:20 (NKJV) 20 He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.
The word systems want you to be confounded by your natural and your past, it wants you to adhere to not saying so and not realizing that you are no longer under condemnation, but you are free!
Free To Say So - That His Word rescued me, His Word healed me, His Word delivered me from my own destructions. . .
And because I know He holds my future, Christ is worth the living because He Lives! I take off the muzzle, I remove the mask, and I Say So - Letting the enemy know that I am free, to say so!
Christ Lives. . . I Am Redeemed - Over 2000 years ago, He took me back, brought me to right here and gave me new life - I embrace this new life - I embrace this new way - For He is My Redeemer Who Lives - And He Lives in me! Oh that man would praise Him for His Wondrous works! Psalm 107:21 (NKJV) 21 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
I am no longer saying so to the negatives - only to The Grace Of God - His Sovereignty!
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