Obsessed with the Son
Our obsessions with means can be problematic (See Hebrews 2:1).
Big Idea:
Because the exalted Son is better than angels, we should be obsessed with Him.
The Son is the better Message & Messenger (1:5-14)
The Son is the better Message & Messenger (1:5-14)
(1) Because of his unique relationship to the Father (1:5-6)
(2) Because of his unique throne & kingdom (1:7-12)
(3) Because of his supreme authority over all (1:13-14)
The irony that creation and all things are gifts of God (1 Timothy 4:4, I Timothy 6:17), to bring us to God; but that we allow to become gods.
The irony that the word, religious observances, reading, memorizing, meditating, prayer are to be means whereby we experience God and yet we thoughtlessly practice these as the habits.
The irony that the creative demigod glamor of entertainment are only fantasies of what is complete, and we enjoy them without enjoying the Complete One to whom they should point us.
660 Loving God’s Son
In his splendid book of anecdotes entitled Bible Windows, Ivor Powell tells the story of a rich man who died and left no heirs. When his household goods were auctioned off, an elderly lady dressed in shabby garments was the only one to bid on the picture of the dead man’s son. It had been greatly cherished by the wealthy father because his only child had died at an early age. But the crowd that had gathered for the sale showed no interest in it. When the woman who bought the portrait was asked why she wanted it, she said she had been the boy’s nurse many years before, and had loved him dearly.
Later she examined the picture closely and noticed a bulge in the heavy paper on the back. Making a small cut, she removed an envelope which turned out to be the man’s missing will. The document very clearly stated that he wanted to leave his property to the person who still held dear the memory of his beloved son.
—Our Daily Bread