Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introduction to Depression
Depression is not something a lot we talk about in church.
So what do I exactly mean when i say depression.
I break depression down to three categories:
Spiritual depression is a result of Spiritual warfare and sin.
Thus it has to be addressed spiritually, if it will get healed.
Seasonal/Situational depression is the depression that comes because of life events.
Deaths, divorce, SAD, etc.
Clinical depression is when you consistently struggle with depression because of chemical imbalances in the brain, psychological issues, etc.
So this is the framework we are going to us tonight to discuss depression.
The order has importance.
I’m ordering them in the order they affect the most people.
Spiritual by far affects the most.
Clinical the least, even though from a secular viewpoint the spiritual gets clumped with clinical.
No matter the type of depression, Spiritual techniques should always be a part of your plan to combat it.
Spiritual Depression
Introduction To Spiritual Depression
Spiritual depression comes from a result of sin and/or spiritual attacks from the devil.
Job 3 is a result of Job being depressed from a Spiritual attack.
Which Job 3 would be a mixture of Spiritual and seasonal.
So I am going to start off with discussing spiritual depression as a result of sin.
The two passages I want to start with are Psalm 32:1-5 and Psalm 51:12
Upon being saved God blesses you with a special joy that is a result of your salvation and the changes He is bringing about in you.
If we are being honest the world does not realize how much joy they are truly missing because their hearts are not in the right place.
When our heart issues start to be resolved a lot of the negative feelings we experience start to disappear and we start to live more joyfully.
The world struggles a lot with spiritual depression because they have this emptiness in them but choose the wrong ways to address it.
Rather it is drugs, alcohol, sex, work, false religion, TV, etc. they ignore the numbness and treat it poorly.
They choose to medicate themselves rather than seek God.
Will any of these fix people’s problems with spiritual depression?
As a Christian how will spiritual depression set in? Unrepentant sin.
Living in an ungodly way.
So anytime I counsel anybody with depression, even if I feel like it may not be spiritual depression, I ask them about their spiritual life.
One because if it is spiritual and I’m treating them more like they are clinical are they going to get much of anywhere with their depression?
More than likely not.
But also spiritual counsel should always be a part of people’s depression therapy.
Also a big cause of spiritual depression is fear. 2 Timothy 1:6-7 says:
God has not designed us to live fearful.
If we live fearful we are going to get depressed.
Fear makes us forget the power of God.
Fear gives worldly things power over us.
That is not how we are meant to live.
Their is nothing more powerful than God.
Their is nothing God does not know.
Fear is showing a lack of trust in God.
Fear is building walls
Also take in mind sometimes some clinical depression could be Spiritual depression.
Is there a scientific or psychological test to gauge spiritual depression?
How to Deal With Spiritual Depression
How is your prayer life?
Take all your cares to Christ (1 Peter 5:7).
Spend time in your prayer.
Talk honestly and openly with God.
Memorize scripture.
Meditate upon it.
Read it.
Seek Wisdom from it.
Some apps i find helpful.
Bible app.
Bible Project.
Find what works for you.
Start off with dedicating at least 5 minutes a day to reading Scripture.
Search your heart for sin that needs addressing.
Ask God to reveal every sin to you.
Repent for every single one by name.
Fasting is giving up something for a time to seek out God deeper.
Most of the times it is food.
Find an accountability partner.
Ask for prayer.
Evaluate how you use your time.
Seasonal/Situational Depression
We all struggle with depression at some point.
We are all human aren’t we? Life has gloomy days, that throws gloomy circumstances and events at us.
If life sometimes does not effect you emotionally, something is very off.
This time of year many people struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is depression that usually sets in during the winter months.
Causes you to be less motivated and feel depressed a lot.
The winter makes you get moody.
One your circadian rhythm gets a little off because of the changes in sunlight.
So internal clock gets a little confused.
Your serotonin (mood booster that helps you remain calm and concentrate) levels get out of whack too during the winter.
Sunlight triggers an increase in the production of serotonin.
Also melatonin levels get out of whack.
Winter time your body produces more of it which leads to a decrease in motivation.
How to treat SAD.
One is get outside.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9