Sermon 022298pm
Col. 3:12-17 Chosen of God & Called in One Body 2/22/98
New Hope Baptist
I. Introduction 612
q Christians are unique from all the masses of people in the world
q The church is unique from all the gatherings of people in the world
q What make Christians & the church unique; a peculiar people, living stones, salt of the earth, lights in the world, children of God, ambassadors of the King – CHRIST makes us unique (v. 11)
q God Himself makes Christians & the church different – “chosen” (v. 12) & “called” (v. 15
II. The MAKING of a Christian (v. 12a)
A. Chosen of God – every Christian is hand-picked by God Himself (Jn. 13:18)
B. Holy – “set apart” for God’s service
C. Beloved – we are clearly the objects of His special love (Eph. 3:18-19)
III. The CLOTHING of a Christian (12b-14)
A. The Christian must take off their old clothing or outward habits (v. 5-9)
This needs no particular commentary, since every Christian here was once a sinner who wore these old garments, you and I know what these things are, and we know that we should not do them any longer. We must take off these old street clothes because they are not becoming of “the new creation in Christ”. He has given us new clothing – when the demoniac was saved, Christ gave Him clothes; when the prodigal returned home, his father gave him new clothing
B. The Christian must put on new clothing or outward habits (v. 12-14)
We are to demonstrate: 1) Compassion – “pity”, “mercy”, “sympathy” 2) Kindness – “goodness”, “integrity”, “usefulness” 3) Humility – “lowliness in thinking” 4) Gentleness – “willingness to suffer wrong w/o vengeance”
Chosen of God & Called in One Body, pg. 2
5) Patience – “slowness in anger & avenging” or predetermined time when you will strike back 6) Bearing with one another – “to endure or hold out in spite of circumstances” 7) Forgiving each other… - “to be gracious even when another person is guilty”. You say but Brother Willie I can’t remember all those things (pieces of clothing). Well, the Holy Spirit anticipated your concern, so He made it simple – just remember to LOVE your brothers & sisters in Christ (v. 14; Jn. 13:35). Love is not a feeling, rather it has clear tangible actions: 1Co. 13:4-7!
IV. The MAKING of a Church (v. 15a-b)
God Himself makes the church. People don’t decide to make a church, we simple make up or we a the substance of the church that Christ has made. You must be called to be in the church. Not called by a pastor, deacon or some friend; you must be called by God. The church is one body & if you are going to live, function & grow in that body, you must be called & placed there by God.
V. The ATTITUDE of a Christian (v. 15c-17)
Since you know then that you have been Chosen of God and Called in one body, then what should your attitude be – thankful! Not complaining about your situation or the way others treat you…but thankful…