Sermon 032998

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Jn. 12:36b-43                       Blinded Eyes and Hardened Hearts                                   3/29/98


I.     Introduction                                                                                                                      616

In John chapter 1, it is stated about Jesus that “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”  We are going to journey into the darkness of sin & sinners today to see how dark & dangerous this darkness is and to see why you ought to be thankful & rejoice if you have been brought out of the darkness.  But if you haven’t been brought out, I hope you will come out immediately!

II.    Why is this Darkness so Dark & Dangerous (v. 36b)

A.     Jesus has given them & us the truth regarding Himself, the sinner, sin & deliverance

B.      Jesus departs & was hidden from them – the truth is no longer readily accessible to them

Ø      The danger of being left with your own ideas, opinions, prejudices, traditions…(Rom. 1:18-32; 2Th. 2:8-12)

Ø      BLINDED EYES & HARDNESS OF HEART HAPPENS WHEN GOD WITHDRAWS & LEAVES SINNERS ALONE IN THEIR SINS!  David prays “Do not cast me away…And do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me.”

III.   Unbelief Thrives in Darkness (even when exposed to the light or truth)

A.     Darkness is in people’s heart (Mt. 6:23)

The heart is that unseen part of every human being where emotions & resolve &determination exists; it is the center of our belief system where decisions are made & actions are taken (Mt. 15:15-19).

B.      People’s hearts are deceptive & even wicked (Jer. 17:9)

·        Pharaoh (lied repeated regarding shallow sorrow & releasing the nation of Israel) – Exo. 7-9

·        Judas (a thief, liar & betrayer) – gospel record!

·        Israel as a nation (Rom. 11:7-10,19-20; 2Co. 3:12-16)

Blinded Eyes & Hardened Hearts, pg. 2

IV.  God’s Gracious Dealing with People in Darkness who will not Believe (v. 37-38)

A.     Miracles are signs designed to promote faith in God (Jn. 2:11; 10:37-38; 14:11; 20:30-31)

B.      Miracles alone will not bring people to faith in Christ (v. 37)

·        Supernatural activity in nature, personal circumstances or even in a person body (Lk. 16:27-31)

·        People saw Lazarus & would not believe; Family & friends of the deaf man who was healed…

C.      Unbelief has never taken God by surprise – He knows beforehand (v. 38)

D.     Unbelieving people are a part of God’s prophetic plan (v. 38)

·        Pharaoh (Rom. 9:17) & Judas (Mt. 26:24)

E.      God makes the gracious offer of salvation even to those He knows will not believe (v.38)

·        They are without excuse & will receive a much more severe judgment from God (Rom. 1:20; Heb. 10:26-31)

Please don’t walk away from the gracious offer of salvation today.  Come out of the darkness now!  Come to Christ; He is the Light and your salvation.  He is the way, truth & life; no one comes to the Father…Don’t hesitate, procrastinate; don’t make excuses.  Pharaoh lied too may times & made too many excuses – don’t you wait.  Judas loved money & the things of this world – nothing is worth loosing your soul:  not the perfect video games, toys, education, career, spouse, children, relatives, home… For what does it profit a man, woman, boy or girl if you gain the whole world & loose your soul.  Today Pharaoh dreads his lust for power, influence & possessions; the Rich Fool in the gospel of Luke dreads his life of loving riches – Why do the dread these things now?  Because it profited them nothing but eternal condemnation!  Sports, career, power, wealth, fame & fortune are meaningless in eternity.  The most fundamental issue will be do you know Christ & does He know you!

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