Making Peace With Your Past
Sermon Tone Analysis
Making Peace
ü 42:12-17
The brothers tell Joseph about their family, he demands
they bring back their youngest brother, and throws them
into prison.
ü 42:18-25
The brothers’ consciences start to awake, guilt is felt,
confession among one another is made. Joseph shows
generous grace!
ü 42:26-28
The journey home – outrageous generosity – godly fear.
ü 42:29-38
Chaos at home because of a father controlled by his
fears of what might happen.
With Your Past
Genesis 42
February 4, 2018
The Big Idea: God will not let the consciences of His children rest until
we deal with unresolved sin. And, if He must use severe trials to break
through our sin- hardened hearts, He will. His desire is always centered
on healing and restoring what sin destroyed.
The Most Awkward Family Reunion Ever! Genesis 42
LESSON: Psalm 42 teaches us that there is always more to the story
than this moment. I need to always be assuming that there is a bigger
narrative than the momentary crisis that produced for me what I want
to call a “bad day.”
ü 42:1-5
ü 42:6-11
The famine spreads into Canaan, where Jacob and his
other 11 sons live. The patriarch orders his oldest sons
to go to Egypt to buy food.
Moving Toward Peace With Our Past:
Time alone does not erase our sin. God will remind us, long after
the events, of the sins we’ve committed against others and the sins
committed against us. Psalm 32:3-4
God will use “kindness and severity” (Romans 11:22) to awaken our
consciences and call us to personal responsibility.
God knows just how much each of us needs to be broken before
Him, and He lovingly takes whatever means are necessary to do it.
Until we are broken, He seems very harsh. But if we only knew, like
Joseph’s heart toward his brothers, God’s heart toward us is always
filled with compassion. He disciplines us as a loving father disciplines
his children, that we might share His holiness.
The brothers come before Joseph (who they do not
recognize), but he recognizes them and treats them with
a “severe mercy.”
3 Options for Joseph and any of us with broken relationships:
o Avoidance – give them food and send them on their way
without revealing himself or saying anything about what
had happened. The “bury it and get over it” approach.
o Happy-Face – “Hey guys! I’ve missed you. How’ve you
been doing?” This is the “we don’t talk about bad,
difficult, or hurtful stuff” approach.
o Restoration – a patient, painful, deliberate process of
facing the sins and seeking the hearts of the offenders.
The first tangible sign of an awakened conscience is assuming
responsibility for sin and confession of that sin. (Gen. 42:21)
Godly fear (of what God might do) will lead us to godly sorrow
(more than sorrow we were caught), and godly sorrow brings us to
repentance. (2 Corinthians 7:10)
5. Forgiveness of past sins and reconciliation of a broken relationship
will always involve the offended person’s outrageous generosity to
the offender. (Romans 2:4)