Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tendencies
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< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Information / Education
A New Start Series:
We began a new series a couple weeks ago on the first Sunday of the new year called ‘New Beginnings’.
In that first message we started at the beginning.
In that in order to have a true new start, it has to begin somewhere, and that somewhere is the salvation found in Christ.
So we looked at a message centered around salvation called ‘Ye Must be Born Again’.
Words that Jesus spoke unto Nicodemus in Joh. 3.
In that message we had:
‘Ye Must Be Born Again’ - Salvation: Joh.
An Examination (Of Nicodemus)
He was a Religious Leader; He Recognized Jesus’ Authority; He Reached Out to Jesus; He Needed Redemption
An Education
The Duality of Life; The Necessity of Spiritual Birth; The Analogy that He Gave
An Explanation
The Source of Salvation; The Singularity of Salvation; The Simplicity of Salvation
Last Week we examined the doctrine of Restoration in the message titled ‘Back Where You Belong’ - because if you as a child of the Heavenly Father find yourself in a pig sty - you don’t belong there!
Many Christians are in need of Restoration.
Bringing them back into a state of being that is worthy of a child of the King.
‘Back Where You Belong’ - Restoration: (Luk.
The Sons Decisions
His Wealth; His Withdrawal; His Waste; His Want; His Work; His Weariness; His Wisdom
The Father’s Reactions
His Allowance; His Anticipation; His Acceptance; His Abundance
Today we’re going to preach this simple thought - ‘Wisdom is the Principal Thing’
New Beginning concerning Salvation
New Beginning concerning Restoration
Today we’re going to speak about a New Beginning concerning your information and application
What it is going into your mind and how you utilize that to the Glory of God
I. Good Doctrine
The Heritage of the Doctrine
Notice the chronology that is taking place.
We have a father instructing children (v1).
Then this father, recalls HIS father, and the love of his mother (v3)
And then, he speaks of what his Father taught him.
Then proceeds to give the instruction that we’ll examine today concerning wisdom.
So what we have is the instruction from a father’s perspective that was passed down from his father.
I bring this point to your attention, because I believe it’s important.
It’s important because the instruction that is being given is not simply from some preacher who has no personal connection to the audience.
It’s from someone that is close.
From someone that cares.
As fathers & mothers, we don’t ever intentionally lead our children astray.
So the weight of what this father is saying is heavy.
We see the Heritage of the Doctrine.
The Heart of the Doctrine
The doctrine that is being spoken of in v2 is that of wisdom.
Doctrine (def) The quality of being wise; knowledge, and the capacity to make due use of it; knowledge of the best ends and the best means; discernment and judgment; discretion; sagacity; skill; dexterity.
There are a few points to this definition that I want to stress: Wisdom is not simply knowledge, but the ‘capacity to make due use of it’.
That being said, wisdom is sorely needed in the church!
There’s Christians who know things, however they lack the capacity to employ that knowledge.
They are not putting that knowledge to work.
They lack in discernment and judgment.
This is why there’s so many Christians that are tossed about by every wind of doctrine.
This is why Christians understand that God is Creator, Murder is wrong, but yet Killing babies is still acceptable to many of them
This is why Christians understand that God is perfect, but yet cannot figure out how to make a boy a boy and a girl a girl
This is why Christians understand the story of Sodom, yet still think same-sex attraction is ok
Yes sir, if there’s something lacking in the church today, it’s not love or compassion - it’s wisdom!
Understanding is like unto it: Understanding (def) 1. Comprehending; apprehending the ideas or sense of another, or of a writing; learning or being informed.
Whereas Wisdom is the capacity to make use of knowledge, having discernment and judgment, Understanding is the comprehension of ideas of another.
The thought is this: Wisdom & Understanding are not inherent in us, it’s something that is acquired.
- More on this later.
Before I move on, I want to expound upon the title of this message - it says in v7 that ‘Wisdom is the principal thing’.
In fact, the Bible tells us: Pro.
8:10-11 “Receive my instruction, and not silver; And knowledge rather than choice gold.
For wisdom is better than rubies; And all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”
This is extremely important, because according to God, wisdom is #1 on God’s list for us to acquire.
Wisdom is more important than anything else we can get.
Some will say ‘How is that possible?’
Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was and He answered: Mat.
22:37-40 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
The greatest thing that we can DO is to Love God and others.
However, wisdom teaches us the importance of God’s Word.
Without wisdom, we don’t take God’s Word seriously, hence, we treat God’s Commands flippantly.
We need wisdom church!
The World needs wisdom.
Our country needs wisdom - but less we seek out wisdom & acquire it, we have nothing to offer!
We see the Heart of the Doctrine
The Hope of the Doctrine
That they may ‘live’ - this is the hope that the father has for the children concerning this doctrine.
But, what does ‘live’ mean?
First, it’s obvious meaning is to live Spiritually.
Wisdom will put you on the narrow path.
Wisdom will bless your knowledge of God and turn that into a fear of God
That fear will lead you to appreciate and accept His atoning Sacrifice in Jesus.
The father seeks that his children lay hold on eternal life!
Secondly, that they will live - Physically.
But not just physically as in ‘not die’ - because we’re all going to die.
But live in the sense of making use of their lives.
Many exist.
Many headstones with many dates carved into them.
But not many truly live!
Not many truly make use of their lives.
The Hope is that wisdom will move you to live!
That you’ll understand what’s important and seek after those things and make full use of you life and not go to your grave with your story unwritten.
This is Good Doctrine.
It’s of paramount importance in your life!
< .5
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