Waiting for the Restorer of Life Luke 8:40-56
Jesus Healer • Sermon • Submitted
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· 9 viewsTwo situation where life is lost and yet with Jesus there is hope.
Sermon Tone Analysis
A Young Girl and a Woman.
A Young Girl and a Woman.
People welcomed Him and had all been waiting for Him. v.40
NOTE: The bible talks a lot about “waiting” on God. Isaiah 40:31 “Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength.” People with real life and death problems are more than happy to wait for Jesus.
2. Jarius is first in line to ask Jesus to come to his home because his only daughter is dying. v.41-42
a. “Official of the Synagogue”
b. “fell at his feet”
c. begged Him concerning his about 12 year old only daughter.
3. While the crowds are pressing against Jesus a woman touches the edge of His cloak and is healed. V.43-48
a. “a woman who had a hemorrhage for 12 years.” v.43
b. No one could help her. v.43b
26 and had endured much at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all, but rather had grown worse—
NOTE: Especially in todays culture of unknown illnesses, people with chronic pain this story is so very relevant. I as many have searched youtube and the internet to find a cure to chronic pain that even April many times has thought its all in my head. I’ve tried doctors as many of you and still no real help or quality of life.
What if there was a guy who was talked about going from town to town healing people with all kinds of diseases, Would you stand in line, would you wait?
c. she comes up behind Him and touches the edge of His cloak.
d. “Immediately her hemorrhage stops.”
ILLUST: 12 years of suffering gone in an instant. Could you imagine? I suffered almost two days with dry socket I didn’t know I had. Finally went to the dentist who pulled the tooth and he said “its dry socket and the instant he packet the hole is was over all my suffering was gone. How long have you been suffering? How long will you WAIT and PRESS to just touch the edge of His cloak.
NOTE: I get that He isn’t at Vinny’s today from 12-5 doing healings. Greater yet He lives inside those who believe in Him. The same power that was obtained when this lady touched Him is still available to restore our lives as well.
Listen to the ludicrous statement that comes out of Jesus mouth.
e. “Who is the one who touched Me . . . I was aware that power had gone out of Me.”
NOTE: Peter with his usual witty comments “people are crowding and pressing in on you.” ????? Of course some one touched you.
But this touched pulled “power” out of Jesus and into this woman.
ILLUST: The word (dunamis) power is the same word used in Luke 5:17 when He prayed all night and it says “the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing.”
If this is true, do you realize there is a supernatural power that exists in the person of God, Jesus Christ that can come out of Him, go into an individual and restore what is not functioning properly? Clotting factors in the blood, heart beat and brain function, neuropathy, covid lung, . . . Marriages, job opportunities, child parent relationships.
This is revolutionary and yet. we are talking about “making America great again”, “build back better” and the “Meta Verse.”
f. v.47 She could not escape notice and so came “trembling and fell before Him” explaining everything. Similar to v.41 (The man boldly came falling at His feet)
NOTE: According to Leviticus 15:19-27 Women who had a discharge of blood was unclean 7 days and if the discharge continued she was to continue as in her menstrual period. Her medical condition was not only draining on her body but had isolated her. She was unclean and anything she touched was made unclean
She put everything on the line to WAIT in this crowd for this man who could RESTORE HER LIFE. She made Jesus unclean by touching him which is why she tried to hide and why she came trembling as she fell at His feet. This is true vulnerability but when you suffer as this woman did you do pretty much anything.
g. Jesus Response “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace.”
NOTE: The word peace means “state of well being”. She had not been in this place in her life for at least 12 years. She was no longer unclean, She was no longer suffering because she WAITED and in her vulnerability she reached out to the only ONE that could restore her life.
ILLUST: What in your life have you suffered with long enough that it’s time to get vulnerable with Jesus, fall at His presence and
Intro: This women has interrupted the humble plea of Jarius for his dying daughter. With one touch, this women who had suffered for 12 years of this issue of bleeding, no doctor could help, she pent all she had, she was restored. Trembling at Jesus feet Jesus says to her “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace.” For the first time in 12 years she is experiencing peace. And now the attention turns back to Jarius and his dying daughter.
PART 2: Young Girl
A. Lost Hope for Jarius V.49-56
NOTE: “Someone” came and shared the following information.
Don’t allow anyone to persuade you from having Hope in Jesus at any time, even in death.
I’ve got some people right now I know that are stuck and have been for some time over the death of someone they love. Through experience I understand that it takes time to mourn the loss of a loved one. The scripture tells us there is a time to mourn and weep (Ecclesiastes 3:4). Those who truly trust in and know Jesus have a different understanding of death as well as life.
This “Someone” says
1. “ Your daughter has died”
2. “don’t bother the teacher anymore”
NOTE: This statement alone reveals the hopelessness of all human’s in respect to death. There is no coming back, there is nothing anyone can do when a person takes that final breath. In some near death experiences people have come back minutes if not hours after being pronounced dead but only by a miraculous means. Jarius was waiting because he still had hope. But now with one statement all hope seems to be erased.
B. Jesus’ response “Do not be afraid any longer only believe and she will be made well.
1. “any longer”
Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,
and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.
For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.
ILLUST: The freedom from being afraid of death either for ourself or those we love, is the Person Jesus.
2. Jesus suggest that all Jarius has to do is “Only believe” (pisteuo) “believing or trusting in something based on it’s trustworthiness or reliability.”
ILLUST: A Woman just found restoration from 12 years of suffering by touching the edge of His robe. Divine power came out of Him into the woman. And repaired her clotting factor in her body. IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE YOU WILL BE . . .
3. “Made well” is one word (sozo) means saved and its the same word used in v.48 “Daughter your faith has made you well.” (State of Well Being)
ILLUST: Reese Howells (born in late 1800’s in South Wales and became a surrendered intercessor) He had contracted Typhoid fever (bacterial infection from a form of Salmonella and was close to death. In the Book Reese Howells: Intercessor. Chapter 3 Read Excerpt “As I faced losing all and entering an eternal darkness, I touched real life for the first time . . . From that time on, he never regarded eternity lightly, for he had faced the reality of hell — a separation from God forever.”
TRANS: During WWI and WWII “The Western Times” newspaper of Devon, England in November 1914. A speaker at a memorial service for a fallen soldier was quoted as saying “. . . We have no atheists in the trenches..” or foxholes. Some who have a misconception of life and death may truly sense no fear of death. Then there are still others who arrogantly or foolishly make light of death as if they welcome it. But all will face it and there is none who has ever claimed that they can restore life except Jesus.
NOTE: Belief in Jesus and being made well is a state of well being for the spirit of an individual. It is the spirit, the reality of existence of a human that is dead because of sin and needs to be made well. The heart may pump again after minutes or hours, the clotting factor of a persons blood can be corrected but the eternal need for every human is that the spirit obtain a state of well being.
C. “Stop Weeping”
NOTE: The word “stop” in the Greek (ma) is a “future indicative”, it has “where there is some indefiniteness about the action or occurrence referred to (expressed by other moods)” Souter, Alexander. A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament 1917: 159. Print.
Was Jesus saying, don’t weep concerning death because I have overcome death? Is Jesus, in an early form, saying what Paul would later write in 1 Thess 4:13
13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.
NOTE: This is why faith in Jesus is the only way to live forever because He is the only one who conquered death and offers eternal life to all who “BELIEVE”. The search for immorality ends with the person of Jesus.
C. Jesus Restores the life of this young girl.
1. “She has not died but is asleep” “asleep” is a metaphorical sense of death and yet Jesus seems to be referring to a simple rest in the life of the One who sustains life. In Christ death in the physical appears to be sleep to the one who can see the spirit which is alive.
2. Peter James John and the parents are in the house with the girl, he grabs her hand and says “Child arise”
a. “her spirit returned to her”. Again this does not mean she was dead, well she was but not when you understand the reality of Life in Christ.
b. she got up and Jesus gave order for her to be fed
c. The girls parents were amazed and Jesus instructed them to tell no one.
NOTE: The intelligent people who knew when someone was dead or alive “laughed” at Jesus diagnosis that she was asleep. But to those who believe they were privileged to experience the life restoring reality of the Creator of all things. His compassion again to take her by the hand and to speak RESTORATION into her life as well as her parents lives.
CLOSE: Now, as we close here, if you believe that Jesus can make someone you love or even yourself come back to life this account gives sanity to your belief. But the greater miracle here, the greater story is that death no longer has any power over those who believe because their Spirit has “Eternal Life”. Christ took our death on the cross and those who believe that He is God and trust Him, then His Spirit restores life to the very nature of our true being which is spiritual. Have you agonized over the fear of death, are you troubled over where you might find yourself when death comes to you?
Jesus has clearly displayed that He is the only Creator as well as Restorer of True Life! And He invites all who will believe to experience eternal life in Him.