Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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If you have your Bibles open with me.
If you will.
Isaiah 26:3.
We're going to talk about the peace of God today.
The peace of God.
Do you have it?
Do you know where to get it?
Have you been looking for it on eBay?
Amazon's got not going to ship it to you.
It doesn't come that way.
The peace of God comes by us.
Trusting, first and foremost in Jesus Christ as our Lord and as our savior, that's the most important thing.
The most important gift.
I think that any one of us could have is knowing Christ as our Lord.
And as our savior, if you don't know him today, by the time you leave here today, you'll know how to, you know, what you need to do.
And all you have to do is say yes to Jesus and then once you say yes to Jesus.
Now the the battle begins to strive to live for him because the things of the world are going to come at you to keep you from living for Jesus and doing the things that God would have you to do.
And Isaiah 26:3 says, you will keep him in.
Whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts, And you.
He's not just talking about peace here.
He's talking about perfect.
He will keep you in.
Whose mind is stayed on you.
What is your mind stayed on today?
What's going through your head?
What's going on in your head?
And what is important to you?
Why do you trusting?
What are you following?
What are you doing in order to be what God wants you to be?
Will you trust Jesus Christ to save you?
Your sins are then forgiven Norm?
Just sing a song told the whole story.
Are we thankful for what Christ has done for us, but we thankful that he gave his life that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.
That's more than just a head knowledge.
That's more than just knowing about it.
That's having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
And the more we have a relationship with Jesus Christ, their greater that peace will grow in our hearts and in our lives.
I want to go back to that.
Peace, though.
We can have peace and we can have perfect peace.
Which would you prefer?
Peace or perfect.
Have you ever bought a car?
That was a lemon?
I mean you looked at and you bought it, so you thought maybe it was good, right?
You looked at it it look good.
Hey, that's that.
That car is going to get us where we need to go.
And that car may give you peace for a little bit of time.
Until the lemon starts to work its way out, right.
And you realize that car was not perfect, that car is nuts.
What way it was presented to be maybe You have a piece and knowing that when you get in your vehicle, you can go vote from point A to point B, Lori and I wants many years ago about a brand new car.
We bought a brand new car once in our life ever.
Since then.
I've always bought cars with a few miles on them just because they're cheaper today really doesn't matter.
You buy a used car.
You're going to pay a premium for used car today and in fact People called me here a while back that bought my car.
I sold my truck to me wanted to buy my truck back.
They give me 120% of what I paid for my truck.
That's a good deal hundred 20% until you go and look and see what an another truck cost.
Right through those prices went up to it.
We got one here for exactly.
You do, you're in the business, not to lose money.
You're in the business to make money in my business doesn't give you my money, right?
That's how that works.
In order to get something.
You got to give well, in order for us to get this piece.
There's nothing that you and I have to give, we have to receive because Jesus Christ already gave it.
He gave it when he lay down his life on that, cross for you and for me, he gave it.
When he stretched out his arms and said it is finished.
He shed his blood that whosoever will.
May come in Colossians, chapter 2 and verse 13.
He says this and you being dead in your trespasses and then the uncircumcision of your flash.
He is made a life together with him having forgiven all your trespasses.
He's forgiven all of your trespasses.
Have you ever trespassed?
Have you ever done something that, you know, you shouldn't have gone against somebody else?
Or I guess.
How do you feel in the moment?
Well, if you don't care if you have no feelings.
Oh don't worry about other people.
No more o that doesn't really matter to you.
I was thinking this morning when I was typing this all up, finalized, when I can read.
I can't read my own handwriting but I type it up.
I can read a little better if I can type correctly.
I already noticed in my notes.
There's misspelled words in that, but here's how I type a right pretty fast with those two fingers.
So you don't want to mess with me.
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