Sunday Morning - January 23, 2022

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And in class A and and so we're going to start in verse 9 today when 1:9 and this fits with us to send them. So from the day we heard we have not ceased pray for you. This is Paul the Apostle Paul riding to this city that he's never been to. But he heard there's a church there from the day we heard was not safe to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. So as to walk in a manner, worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God being strengthened with all power. According to his glorious months for all endurance and patience with joy. Giving thanks to the father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the Saints. And life is never afraid to create a long sentence. Paul create some of the longest sentences and then he'll get a long sentence and come to the point. And then another thought, he'll put a dash and go off on this tangent of that long. They started it sometimes never even come, but Paul is talking this out. It's not right. If somebody else is writing it down what he says. But as I read this this is been. So I've been studying this worth two weeks. It's it's been like, okay. What is the meaning? What are you trying to say Paul? And then when I got it, it was like for that simple, but it took me awhile to get the Simplicity of it. I hope you get it as well. First things first. Paul says verse 9, Souls from the day, we heard we have not ceased to pray for you, that convicted me. That convicted me. I mean, this is a church that Paul and never even met and pouring out his heart to God for them praying for them. And also convicted me of how much I think this is a church. These are Christians that he's praying for and and I think of how often I pray for a lost people and I cry out to God on behalf of lost people, not lost people that just made people who have not received Jesus as their lord and savior people who are living apart from God, you're lost. If you're doing that you may think, you know exactly what you're doing and where you're heading, but if you are not living with God and Jesus as your lord and savior, you're lost your wandering and Meandering and you're going nowhere. In fact, you're headed to destruction and you don't even know it. So that's why we call it lost. It's always pray for people like that. We pray for the lost. I cry out. People's names, are people who are sitting in here. Today. I've cried out your name. Because you were lost. What happens when they get found? What happens when they received Jesus as their lord and their savior? You know what, I tend to move on to the next lost person. A cry out for them. And yet Paul says, here are these Christians and I'm crying out to God on their behalf. I'm praying for these fake people. And I thought about you. That makes sense. I mean, how many of you real good care of you Mother's in here real good care of your baby? While it was in the womb, makes make sure you take your vitamins with it. All the doctor's appointment. Did everything didn't drink, caffeine didn't do all that stuff and then you give birth to the child and then you move on to trying to have the next kid and just leave that kid to fend for itself and that really is what's going on. And that's what would happen to that child. It would it would eventually it would be so malnourished. It would it would die. And I just think of how many. People have died because I've cried out for them until they were born and then forgot about him and moved on to have somebody else before the Applause. As I pray for them. I pray for you and so it's convicted me to pray for you. Okay, and how about this? You can pray for me too? It's not just a Paul thing. Our pastor thing is up. We can pray for each other. We need it. Deposited into a am asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his wheel God's wheel in all spiritual wisdom and understanding that to me. It was like what in the world would have said that spiritual wisdom and understanding kind of threw me for a loop. What are you talkin about? What how are you filled with the knowledge of the will of God in our spiritual wisdom and understanding? I don't talk like that, normally. It's so just to start with what is the knowledge of his will? What is the will of God, never asked that question? I asked, I just want to know the wheel of that one is, God want from me and that really is the will of God. What does God desire is O+? Praying for you, asking God to feel you. Actually to be may be filled with the knowledge of what God wants from you, knowledge of what God wants or what God desires. And so is his first of all, I think this is your fill in the blank. First of all, pray for you that you learn what God desires. Will you drink while you write that down?

Jackie gets saved after you become born again. You make Jesus, Lord of your life. It's not over and done. You can, you can't move on, just living the rest of your life. The way you were living before with a card in your pocket that says, I went to the altar one time and I'm not going to hell. Not the point. The point. So now that you got that get out of hell, which is awesome. It's good. Don't leave home without it. If you don't have that card, get one. But getting that card is the first step of the journey, right? After that. You need to learn what the will of God is for you. That's what Paul says. I want you to learn what God desires for me to be filled with it. What is a warrant? When when we pray in the Lord's Prayer? Our when Jesus was was was in the garden. He was praying God. I don't want to go to the Cross. If there's any other way, then let it be another way. I don't want to do it but they wanted to say never. That's not my will but yours be done. In other words. Jesus desire was to not to die on the cross if you didn't have to. If there was any other way and walked it wasn't Jesus lifelong goal. To be in excruciating pain on a cross and die. It was not his desire. Was not what he wanted to do, but it was the will of God. It was what God wanted. It was what God desires. Why? Because of the effect it was going to have So Jesus said, God, I desire not to die on the cross.

But nevertheless not what I desire, but you desire. I would I would I would I would rather not have to go through with this if I had my shoes, if I was choosing the right things would go, I would choose this. This would not have to happen. But I'm not making the calls in my life, you are. And if this is what you say has to happen, I'm all in. Not my desire, but your desire. You think God is not in heaven on the throne so that you can get, have your plan of your life carried out and get, that is how we treat God. And we get mad at God, when he doesn't make things work out, like we planned them to workout. What are you doing? God, did I not ask you to do this for me? And you didn't, you know, I was in love with that girl. And she's dating my best friend. What's wrong with you? I asked you what that is. That is thanking. God is on the throne to carry out your will. And that's not the will of God. You are on earth to carry out the will of the one on the throne. Does that make sense? Like it doesn't make sense. If you'll just think about it. That the one on the throne is the one that gets to call Michelle and the one down here is here to do the will of the one on the throne and yet we just act like Gods there for us and he should do everything we want. Nobody should die. When we don't want them to die. In a way that we want. Don't want them to die. We should never get sick in a way that we don't want to get sick. Everything should happen. The way I want. We got the wrong perspective which is why that friend that bought bread is so important. I want you to be filled with the knowledge of like, What God wants? What God desires?

Verse 9 in in the Amplified version of included that in your note says it like this for this reason since the day we heard about you or yet. We have not stopped praying for you asking specifically that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and look what it gives everybody version. I like, what has that kind of help. You understand. It should be on the screen is not in there aren't any bulletins. For this reason, so it says, asked me specifically that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and then it gives you inside with inside into his purpose, has no spiritual wisdom. Is is, is directly connected to the purposes of God, spiritual wisdom. When he said spiritual wisdom. This is in your notes to under it means to understand. Purposes. What I'm talking about now, is how to understand the will of God. You want to know the will of God. If not, you should want to know, the will of God. You need to know the will of God. Especially if you're a Christian, you need to know the will of God. Well, how do you know the will of God? Paul says, you learn what God desires and that happens when you understand God's purposes. Okay. What is God's purpose? What is God trying to accomplish with everything? That was a time in my life where I thought the purpose of God was to get as many people say do not go in the hell is possible. That's what I thought. The purpose of God, where that's what I thought. The purpose of the church was. That's what I thought. My life's purpose was to get as many people not going to hell as I could and that is included in it, but that's not the purpose of God. The purpose of creation, the purpose of everything, the purpose of Jesus, the purpose of me, and you, what is the purpose of God? What is the in-game? What is God trying to accomplish with everything that he's done? Anybody know?

What God is trying to accomplish is? He's trying to accomplish his glory. Displaying is Glory, making his glory visible and an able to be experienced God's purpose. This is in your notes is God's glory. God's glory.

That means that, that son, that is beautiful that shining through the back door right there, which I love you. Walk in New York, the sanctuary so that if you look at it on the wall over there, you can see sanctuary.

It's a love that. Don't know the way, the room looks when the sun shine in natural light. But the reason that Sunshine, it is to display how awesome God, so that when you look at the sun, you go.

That that is the purpose. Now, the sun gives us War gives us war that keeps us from freezing to death, even though this weekend was kind of weird if that sounded. So that's not all the sudden accomplish here. But that's why the sun. Is there. Do you say it? That is the purpose of the sun is to declare the glory of God took to look at the Sun and go God's awesome. Look at that sun. The Moon is the same thing so that you can look at the moon, the stars so that you look look up in the sky over and got it off of the wild the wind. Let the thunderstorms, the trees, the grass, the dirt, the flowers, all these things are there. So you look at him and you go man. It's awesome. Your body. Is it exists? So that so that you can look at it and people can look at it go. Make God is awesome. That is the reason you were created me image of God. God is awesome. God is awesome. If you look at how the Body Works, how the body heals itself, how God does on the body to stay together in the and what holds it all together and glorify glorify.

So that's why everything is. So that's goddamn game. That hears that I want you to get that. This is not just some spiritual sermon, you know, about some doctrinal truth. This is about understanding what God wants from you. While you're here. This is about fulfilling your purpose on Earth. And if you don't understand that everything exists for the glory of God, you are going to miss the boat. Does it not make sense that you might want to know your destination. If you're going to find out how to get there. Is that make that makes sense. Makes sense to me. A boy from Hazel Green.

It makes sense that if I want to get somewhere, I probably need to know where I'm trying to get there cuz I want you to know the will of God. What what you been called to do?

Where we're headed in this is that got people would look at everything and go God's awesome. K.

Jesus, understood this Jesus said in John 12:27, but for this purpose, I have come to this hour. Verse 28. Father, glorify your name. Look what he says. For this purpose. I have come to this out. Our father, glorify your name. Look at John. 17:4 also in your notes are glorified you on Earth having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. What does it mean to glorify? It means? I did what I did so that people could look at what I did. And go God's awesome about what I did. Showed how awesome you were that you were good. That you were compassionate that, you were loving that. You were true. That you were brilliant. I displayed that. But what I did by doing what you call me to do, I have glorified your name. That's what it means to glorify. God. I don't want you to get overwhelmed by such a huge word that so way out there that you don't know what to do with it. No to glorify. God just means you and that happens with Everything that's created, but it also happens with the way you live. And it says it's a problem. The problem. The reason we are in the shape that were in is as a culture, the world. Is that bar by our seeing this is going back to Romans 1 by our sins. We have made it look like God is terrible. How could God be a loving God and people be so evil? I mean that stuff that that is it, Irish evil. My sin has made God look not good. My sin has taken the truth of God's awesomeness and suppress it. That's what Romans 1 means when it says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven. Against all ungodliness and unrighteousness Men Who by their unrighteousness suppress. The truth. That's what that means. God's awesome. But my behavior has made him. Look, not awesome. The way I talk to my family has made him. Look. Awesome. The way I treat other people. The way I treat other people. The way that hurt other people, the way that I'm selfish, what I've done something for selfish Gain, No Matter What effect, it's had on other people makes it look like Godin. Not awesome.

And yet vs. Team for what can be known about God is playing. Cuz God has made it play the sun still out there, still declares how awesome God He is. If you'll just look at it and think about it and think about the pattern it take every morning to come up and rise on us and give us one so we don't freeze to death. You'll say, you know what, there's a pattern out there cuz somebody made a pattern

That we've been singing. I've lived in the goodness of God and I was thinking as I seen that one. What about people that have been abused? All my life, you have been faithful. What about those times when you like, God, there's no way you could have been there there, this wouldn't happen. And then I thought, you know what even for them. The sun came up in the east.

And for you recognizing, the goodness of God is everywhere, even in the midst of evil and darkness. God's been faithful. And here you are today, by the way.

The glory of God.

The glory of God is what it's all about. The endgame, you need to know it. The end of game. Alright, so secondly, not just spiritual. That's what spiritual wisdom is. What is spiritual understanding? That's what he says.

Going back to verse 9.

So that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will. What does God want? Learn what God desires right in all spiritual wisdom. What is that? Understanding what the God's purpose and what is the purpose of? God, God's glory. Okay, so no one got it for knowing where I'm headed. But then he says, and understanding what is spiritual understanding, spiritual understanding is Understanding God's principles. Understanding God's principles. Don't know how exciting it was. When I was studying this and I was stuck on that one is a God and it's amazing how a trip to the bathroom fixes, a lot of stuff. I walk into that room, totally bewildered of what to say. And God. Only says, this is what it is. He makes it a p word. Which fits with purpose? And I come out of that, restroom feeling better for more ways than one. Because God speaks in bathrooms. Not only in the shower. Like I'm the only one. Y'all act like you've never said nothing, but ask me, come on.

That's BS.

Understanding God's principles. Don't let this just be a sermon. I want you to see the reality of this and how this works. Got the principal's. What is what it? What is God's principles. It's, it's how God says things work. The kingdom of heaven. The principles of the Kingdom of Heaven or the principles of the kingdom, of God. All right, how should things go? Which is different than how the world look. Makes it look like things should go. If you want to see the principal start at The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins with the Beatitudes, I know what the word beatitude mean me, neither, but it starts with the beatitude. I've looked it up and forgotten, but Jesus says, blessed are the poor. This is Matthew 5 verse 3. In spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. What you just think of the poor in spirit? Blessed? Are those who feel like when it comes to God? They just don't have enough of it. They are lacking. When it comes to the spirit of God, the presence of God. I don't have enough. In my life. As opposed to the ones are walking around like I know God, I have God, I have no need. You want to know anything about God? Just come to me. I got it all together. The Pharisees were those people.

A Jesus when he looked at the Pharisee and he looks at a tack tax collector, who was the worst of the worst and the tax collector? Says God. I don't even deserve to come anywhere near you. In the Pharisee, Waltz with his head up high. It says I asked your thankful. I'm not like that guy. And Jesus looks at the two of them. Incest. This guy went away righteous before God, and this guy, cuz blessed are the poor in spirit for the fair. Say he's got it off the. I want to be that guy. And yet, that guy is not poor in spirit. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. You see that? That it's not how we would see things. It's different. That's the principle of the Kingdom has blessed. Are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. The next one says, you should know. Blessed are those who mourn why they're going to be? Comforted blessed are those who are meek? Got the power. The ones that make all the decisions of the world of power Brokers of the world. No, no, no. No, the ones that are Meek. They are going to inherit the earth and just if you kept read Blaster, The Haunt those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. They will be feel. Blessed are the merciful They will receive Mercy. I'm not going to read all of those. I think I put them in your notes and if we put them in the EasyWorship, but I just wanted you to get. Those are the principles of the kingdom of heaven. When Jesus says, you heard that, it was said eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. But I tell you. I tell you that's not the way we're going to live. That's the principle of the king of understanding that you don't overcome evil with what you don't overcome evil with evil. You overcome evil with. That's a good. That's a principle of the Kingdom of Heaven. That's the way God says, when Jesus is the Beatitudes by saying, if somebody's really hateful to you and they use you and they persecute you, what are you do to Love them. Pray for him. Do good to him.

You need to know that if you're going to get to the end game of glorifying, God. You need to know that because here's the deal. If you know what the end game is. And you are persecuted somebody insults you and you insult them back. You didn't live according to the God's principles. You didn't live according to spiritual. Understand you did not go or if I God there for you didn't go towards the purpose of God. Therefore you didn't accomplish the will of God. If you're going to do what God wants you to do, you got understand. He's on the throne. It's all about him and showing how good he is. And here's the way he works. Do likewise. So Jesus said that while I was on the earth, I did things how God designed things to be done. We've done it. Completely the opposite and therefore, the truth has been suppressed.

Paul says, I'm calling you because you've made Jesus your lord, your savior. I want you to learn what God desires. I want you to learn what God desires.

Pause prayer. Think I put this in your ability to know the purposes of God, which is what What the purposes of God? Praise God, I got him to be safe. When you think of his glory. I don't want you to think of that word, just as a spiritual words. I want you to see it. Concrete God being shown, people being able to see or experience. That God is amazing because God is amazing, not making God look like something. He's not. It's actually a reality of showing got the reality of who God is. That's what the glory of God is. And how do we do that?

I want, you know, the purposes of God and the principles of God. So that you can know the will of God. You can't know, the will of God. You will not know the will of God. You won't understand it correctly. If you don't, first have the foundation that everything exists for the glory of God, even me in my life. And God has set up principles for us to live by Kingdom principles. The way things work. And I'm going to leave by then. I'm going to believe them. I'm going to believe that instead of hurting my enemy, which is what I feel like doing. I'm going to do good to buy enemy because the principal says to

the principle of god sister. So, how are, you know, the purposes of God in the principles of God so that you can know the wheel. Does that make sense? That's what Paul says, going back to work. It's over the day. We heard we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding you got that. That that's what he say. What you know, the purpose of God the prisoners got so you do the will of God stole that verse 10. So you got to know the will of God so that you can do something out. What is it? So as to walk in a manner, worthy of the Lord. Show me. You can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord. Do you think of your life in the way? You live it as, as the live up to that standard.

That is the standard. Are you living a life? That is worthy of God. Not the law, not to Ten Commandments.

That's not the standard again. I spent a lot of my life judging people and telling people to judge themselves on the Ten Commandments. Have you done this? Have you done that? Have you done that? Well, according to God's standards. You have fallen short.

And I'm not saying that adultery. Is.

A living Alaska manner. Worthy of the lord. It's not. But the standard is not the Ten Commandments. The standard is a life. Worthy of God. Worthy of God. You think that's how I need to live my life in a way. That's Worthy. Worthy of a lord. That's that's more than I can do. More than I can do more than you can do it possible for us to live a life. Worthy of God. I'm not going to basic Commandments.

So as to walk in a manner, worthy of the Lord, that is never to live. Like God desires is what policy in there. In other words, I want you to learn what God desires us. I said deserve to live like God deserves to live. God deserves so much as I want you to learn what God desires, so that you will live like God deserves their in is what Paul's prayer for them? Is that you would learn what God desires. No, his purpose has his principles. Cuz when you know, he lived out practically practically. So let's just say I'm in a situation with a family member who is

call Alexis at work. I'm at work work situation. My boss is being a complete jerk. He's showing favoritism. The other people, he is overlooking me for stuff. What am I to do? How am I to handle this situation at work? Okay, so so at that moment, you don't just go with what is in my best, interest financially. And that's what I need to do. I'm going to do, whatever is best financially for me and my family and that's that's a normal fault that people have, okay. That's not. How we live our lives? We don't live our lives based on what is best financially for a family. What do we live a life? Based on what would glorify God? Can't you see that what we glorify? God damn. If I'm leaving to go to the will of God because that's what everything's about so much about work. Situation is about bringing glory to God, and living my life in a way that if I got so ma ma ma question, it would be. How can I handle this situation in a way that brings you Lord? That shows that you're awesome, and Brilliant, and good, and merciful, and kind, and loving. How can I, what can I do in this situation? And it's so you take that. I know I'm here for you. And then you look at the principles of God revealed through Jesus and the New Testament, and you go. Okay. I know, I know that it says, when I'm used to being spiteful e used. That I'm not supposed to attack that person. I know that. So that's not my go. I'm not going to do something to attack my coworker, because the principle of God says, that's not the way good things come about. That's not the way the glory of God, and I'm here for the glory of God. So what am I supposed to do? Pray for them. Bless them, do good to them.

Do you have it in you to do that to the person who spitefully using you and being rewarded for it?

I'm going to say you probably don't, but that's where the Holy Spirit comes in.

For the Holy Spirit comes in. You can't do this apart from the Holy Spirit. I can't do big through everything with the Holy Spirit. Jesus did and that Spirit of Jesus, it within me with all this pain, so I can't do that. I can't do that. So that sprayer is connected to Living by the spirit and not by the flesh. Good news when you're baptized. You person holy spirit inside of you. Paul said. Peter said, So, you can do it through the power of the Holy Spirit. But you still got to choose to do it. You still going to choose so you live in that way. You live. So close with this. Everybody believe that stand on your head.

What does it mean? What does it look like to live a life that God deserves he finishes out? And we're close with it? The last Couple versus here. Again, I want to read verses. 10 11 and 12 should go back to the top of your bullet to there. So he says, I want you to again know, the will of God know, the purpose of God. I want you to know that so that you can walk in a manner. Worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to him. Bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God and being strengthened with all power. According to his glorious mud for all endurance and patience with joy. Giving thanks to the father who has qualified you to share the inheritance of the Saints. A lot. That's a lot right there. We'll break it down for you. Hopefully, what does it look like to live a life that God deserves? Okay. First of all, can you say I'm living my life to please God. I'm living my life to please. That that's what that's what I think. That's what I thought. That's what I'm doing when I when I make my decision, I'm making my decisions. Is this, please God. When I'm treating somebody a certain way, you're handling the family. Our relationship is you. I'm thinking just this please God, what does what? I'm about to do, please. If that's you you're on the right step to living a life. God deserves its worthy of God living to please God has his verse 10 fully pleasing to him. Secondly. I am loving other Christians like Christ, loved me. I'm loving other Christians. Like Christ, loved me. That's what it means to bear, fruit in every good work, that goes back to our Jesus is the true vine where we saw where God said Jesus said, actually that, that God is glorified when we love each other, as Christ loved us. Okay, and that, that is the fruit that God is looking for the father than my dresser is looking for the fruit of loving each other. As Christ loved us. That proves that we were Jesus disciples. And when we proved to be Jesus, I was with glorify God. And we proved to be Jesus disciples by John 13, loving one another as Christ has loved us. You can look that up later if you want to, but I'm out of luck. So if you can say, I'm living my life to please God, I'm loving other Christians. Like Christ, loved me. Thirdly. I'm learning who God is more and more. Are you growing in your relationship with God? That's what an increasing in the knowledge of God's Not. So someday back in 19, whatever. I went to the altar in, from that moment on. I've been saved and not going to hell. No. Are you growing in your relationship with God? Is a god of relationship. Are you growing in that relationship? Or is your relationship with God? Based on what happened to you? At the altar. When you were in BBs at the kid. That's not a. You're not living a life pleasing to the Lord. And that's the point. Remember, the goal is not, I don't burn. That's a great benefit. Melbourne is a great benefit, but that's not the end game. The end game. Is that God be glorified. Are you learning who God is more. Are you growing your relationship with got number for? I'm leaning on God strength. This is drawing from the Holy Spirit. What it means being strengthened, with all power, according to his glorious. Not not yours. No in the will of God does not give you the ability to do, the will of God. The holy spirit, gives you the ability to do, the will of God being strengthened with his power, according to his glorious pot for all endurance with Joe. That's the only way you going to make it. Not just endurance, but endurance with joy. I don't do that. Got it. Serve the Lord for fifty years and looks like you been sucking on a lemon for that long. You know I'm saying? I want to be that guy endurance with joy with joy. When you can have that if you're living on the street that God provides. See a miracle almost every day if you do that. I'm waiting on God. Strengthen number 5. Lastly. I'm letting God know how thankful. I am. That's what it says, giving thanks to the father. So that's what Paul says. I'm praying for you that you would do this and you will live a life. Deserving of God, worthy of God. That that was some I looked at your lot last. They would go back. God is awesome. God is awesome. And again, this is okay. What does that look like? How do I know if I'm living my life worthy of God deserve it. Remember he's on the throne. Are you loving other Christians? Like Christ? Love you. That's how God says, people will know that your Jesus disciples and by people knowing that your Jesus disciples it for five guy. Learning who God is more more growing. A relationship with God is God worth knowing or not.

Leaning on God strength and letting God know how thankful. You are rather than complaining to him all the time.

Are you living that life?

How do I share with you areas where I've fallen short? I am falling Giorno want to grow in that in those areas. I want to do better. I want my life to glorify God. I really do want everything. I do to glorify him. I want to be able to look at anything and everything. I do and say man, that honors God. Not there yet, but I want to be. So we got to close out this morning, doing what Paul did I'm going to pray for you. I want you to pray for each other and me, we're going to close out this morning praying for each other. If you would bring verse 9 up or just bring the whole. You bring that whole section up.

Phrases together. I don't know how this is going to go. But I want I want us to to do this and where you're going to start there at the second half where she's asking that you made me feel worse, a i father. Okay. So when I'm saying this, I'm saying this for y'all and us and you say it for for me and us. Okay, let's do this together and mean it, I want you two to do this. Let's pray for each other today. Father, I ask That we may be filled with all the knowledge of your will. In all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

So that we can walk in a manner worthy of you. Fully pleasing to you. Bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of you. Being strengthened with all power, according to your glorious mod for all endurance with patience. Enjoy giving. Thanks to you two as qualified us to share in the inheritance of the Saints in life. Let that be in us today. Father. I pray for revelation of your will. I pray for revelation of your purposes and I pray for revelation of your principles and I pray as we grow in the knowledge of those things that we would understand what your will see that we would be able to discern. What's your Willy and his Romans 12:2 says that we would understand to be able to discern what the good and acceptable and perfect will of God Is by doing that so that we can live our lives in a manner. Worthy of you that would peep that that people would look at our lives and go God is awesome. I want to know him laugh. Let your glory be declared by our lives. What we can't do that on our own but only by the power of the holy spirit. So let it be and let it be in me if that's your desire. Just say, Amen, which means that's me. I agree with that. Amen! And amen. And amen. And amen. God bless you. I love you that concludes this portion of our service and it is good to see everybody miss Kathy.


Okay. What's her name? Dawn. Okay. So we got by 4. Her appendix burst. You been in the hospital? Also Miss Jennifer Francisco's wife is in the hospital. They will pray for her to Father. We love you. And we asked behalf of these gone and Ole Miss Jennifer got that, your favorite would be with them, that your spirit would be with him and that you would bring them hell, father. I pray for your mercy and your

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