Committed to Self...Only
Good morning. Church family. Today is Sunday, January. 23rd 2022, we are still talking about the Holy Spirit within and this part of our journey, we talked about when people are committed to self. Remember, we talked last week. The topic was committed to religion not to. This is the other part of this. Message, if you will. And here we want to talk about when someone is committed to self only. The difference between those that are committed to religion, not to God, at least are presenting themselves as though they're committed to God. They're just ignorant, Lee participate in their service thinking it says unto God, but just like Jesus said in John 16 33. These things will they do because they have not known the father nor me. So they're ignorant. Worship or service. If you will, is primarily based on what Jesus said because they have not known. If they really knew God, they would not have killed price there. After if they really knew God, they would not have been so incensed when Stephen said, what he said to them and his defense before they killed him. If they aren't really known God, then they would not have done in the person of saw what he did before, he became Paul going after the Brothers and sisters that were of the Christian faith are beginning. This Christian faith, persecuting them and putting them in jail. So, ignorant service is based on this notion that even though you think you're serving God you're not because you don't even know.
What we're going to talk about today is a little bit different with through the ignorant service. That's what we talked about last week. We also talked about an example of true service in the acts of Philip. As reflected in the next eight, five through eight that he went to the city of Samaria, preached about the price after his friend. Stephen was killed, when the people there heard still up, and saw the Miracles he was doing, they all listened carefully to what he has to say. And many of those people had evil spirits in them. But Phillip May, the evil spirits. Leave the spirits, made a loud noise when they came out. Fill up also healed many week and crippled people there. So the people in that city were very happy and it stands to reason that when they saw Phillip feel like there's that guy. There's the one. So we had a lot of attention. I would say drawn on him. But because he knew God through Christ. Jesus. He know how to handle that attention, because he knew it wasn't about him. It was about the work. He was doing of the God. He was surfing a man, but now we want to introduce another character and example of the falsely committed, one that's committed to self, only acts 8, 9 through 13, but there was a man named Simon in that City before Philip King, their Simon had practice. Magic animes all the people of Samaria. He Brad and called himself, a great man. Did you let me go back? I want you to pay attention. He brags and call himself a great man. Difference between what we just said is reasonable to believe happened with Philip. There's that man. Others would calling him a great man. Because of the, at the Miracles, he was able to perform this possessing people of evil spirits, healing the wheat and the crippled, they were a technology because those work spoke for themselves. He didn't have to brag and call himself anyting. A man speaks not too long ago at an event swearing in of a young African-American male. Praise the Lord who was just appointed as a judge out here in the Antelope Valley. Some very, very happy about that. And one of the things that I came across was the definition of humility because this is one of the things I wanted to make sure he understood.
Now, it says, work hard in silence. Let success speak. So when you look at Phillip, the perfect example of someone who's acting in humility. He didn't brag about himself. He didn't label himself anyting here. Simon is busy practicing magic and amazing. The people of Samaria with his own act and he's putting a definition on his own app. Lets you think it's something else. It's based on him being a great neck. Self-proclaimed committed to self only. Tim says all the people the least important than the most important paid attention to Simon saying this man has the power of God called the great power. Now, let's look at that again, all the people but least to the most important pay attention to So they heard him when he said he was a great man. And they called him. The man who has the power of God called the great power, as we finished it up for discussion. Verse 11, says, Simon had amazed them with his magic so long that the people became his followers, told them about the kingdom of God in the men and women, believe, Philip and were baptized. Simon himself believed did after he was baptized. He stayed very close to Philip when he saw the Miracles and the powerful thing Philip. Did Simon was a May. So let's go back to that question. Where do you think this affirmation of what Simon was supposed to be came? From this man has to call the great power. And if that were true, then who are the people
That Philip dispossessed of evil spirits? If Simon was there doing the work of God, why were there people still Afflicted with evil spirits that needed to? Be dispossessed. Why was he able to kill? Why were there weak and crippled people? They're still in need of healing and when Philip told them.
About the good news, the kingdom of God in the power of Jesus Christ. Why was there need to baptize people who allegedly already knew? Who this God was because I M. And most importantly, why would Simon in South Philly? Be baptized and thereafter, follow Philip wherever he went to witness these powerful thing that Philip did. And was amazed by then if he was a man. Of God, the great man of God. Stop the playing.
Let's open it up. What do you all think?
Could have been acting as a false prophet. Request of Believers. So this is his teaching, I guess where he was wanting more and expect. He has that, that Prismatic delivery, but he really was not truly having a god power like feeling. And when you start feeling, you probably and let me get to know Phyllis because This this person is really doing what God wants him to do. So if I can connect with Philip and all these people that are here for us to continue to build on because I heard you was talking to Believers and non-believers. But what was he say? Was he saying something that he can see there was a need to say that would bring that person to God. Cuz whenever we Minister, isn't that what we're supposed to do, bring people to God, that's the start that that's our role as servant. We're serving our Master to bring others closer to our master and it's a difference between what Phillip was doing and what Simon was doing. If?
You asked this question. I think it'll help you to be better able to see it. What was Simon appeasing? What was he trying to appeal to when he was talking to these people? Power self-promoting.
If in his mind, that's what he really was doing. It could have been wanted to think it could have been. All right, I believe that. I believe that God has blessed me. I believe that. He's giving me great power to Showcase before the people. He couldn't believe that and be ignorant to what he was supposed to do with it. Recognizing that he had this power, what he was supposed to do with it, which was billion people, too. And got caught up in the adulation. Those that were impressed with what he was able to do and the attention and the favor that come when people are impressed with you. So he could have done that or it could have been left but not right. It could have been more malignant because he could have recognized that I have, the ability to grab the attention of his people and obtained from them.
What they will bestow upon me in recognition or appreciation of what I've done in front of them. Either. It's an issue of ignorant commitment. Or false commitment. That's a good point. Bring that out somewhere.
Take that, that gets power from that, and then he's trying to bring the two together, you know. Sorcery and then Proclaim that, and then passing the act of God. What do you think about that? I like this discussion. Come on.
Basically. ritual manipulation of and so are the people of that day and time didn't really put a clear distinction between what magic was and what religion was they come through match. Religion in medicine. Area and would basically did was not only but also Believers because if you remember going back into your history when God sent Moses to the Magics and perform different ritualistic. Remember that when I move it converted into a serpent, the mad you said nothing to that. So the people believe because of disability.
activity, so people are naturally looking to him because to them, he put
Against. The supernatural.
His activities being range, very small. Arkansas. Likely that activity took place then.
Consumed is that to show that God's ability was greater than their human? Again, you'll be able to, if, you know, the context in which is actually being used and where the people are actually, the state of mind that they're, you know, like if you bring it into modern-day, you have logicians. You try to figure out. American Inn East called the what is the
The hood magician.
Magician are Hood. Magical. Houdini?
And he's become like he's extremely good.
And what did they do? Say, wow? Because it appears that they had some Supernatural, tying that separated them from the rest of the Believers, and non-believers identify that Believers identify because we're sitting on the, you know, the Supernatural and miracles. And things of that nature. Is that the unbelievers are you put special emphasis on that kind of ability. And it's no different than back in the ancient. I'm particularly they had less science facts that we have available to us in the modern era. So you would be received by their traditions and superstitions and all of that it would play into their belief structure. And so which gave being Simon Cowell. The people but then went our is met with the top prize. That is something you don't have later on. We'll see that Simon's going to try to negotiate a broker a deal. Okay with them, man, he believed he was baptized. He stayed very close to Phillip. He believed he was baptized. He stayed very close to Philip when he saw the Miracles and found it was a mess. So he's enthralled with what he see. His first reaction was to believe that Philip had power. You had to believe there was something special about Philip. I want you to kind of get that because there are going to be people that will recognize the power in you. See what you're able to do. In that power, believe that you have that power. And just because they believe you have that power though. Doesn't mean they believe in the one that's responsible for the power. You have. That's the mistake we make. We see those that are enthralled with the anointed that want to stay close to you because of the anointing through the anointing and because we see them clothes and we see them amazed. We think it's being amazed that God. We think that their mentality is the same as yours. But it is not always the case. You want to say something.
They Mark baptized in the Holy Spirit. They were just baptized in the water at that time, right? Basically a man that's a good observation is good in that baptism. Was he converted in a Time such as this? And you're dealing with so many different people from so many different walk despite their confession. What is that telling you?
Whatever what happened, they would someone have it for a while about the parable of the seed store.
To the point where he was. So but I believe that he had something in his heart that was warring against what, you know, she's needed and what he wanted. So and I think that he was doing that because he still wanted to be seen. Don't want to be that guy. That's just my opinion.
Awesome. Questionnaire. What was Simon's to motor, but that's what you got to follow through the motive itself out.
What kind of lettuce evolve? Let's develop because you're right on it, but you won't do it because that's when we can relate. I joined them self to you and they have sometime unexpressed motive. So they're not going to come to the Forefront with what the true motive it because they see the hand of God. They see the manifestation of his anointing, your merchandise.
Expose that sets you apart makes you different and it's that difference that people are looking at and they Envy Envy start to your device cuz their objective is to bring you down. So envy and they don't really want to experience are exempt you from this place. The scripture is going to unveil what the motive.
Investigate. To make a determination as the scripture plays out with. That Simon was sincere. That Simon receive the holy spirit with the evidence and because others in the same chapter, chapter number 8 is going to reveal that the Jeep, get administrative like speaking in tongues and different manifestations of why did not sign in unbilled, but let's do this section act 8:14 through 23 is entitled. The Holy Spirit cannot be merchandise. March 14th, when the apostles who were still in Jerusalem, heard that the people of Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. So he that does not lower position station serve it. The one that's the apostles had blessed to do that Minister. And ministerial thing. He goes out and because of the work he's performing. They see fertile ground. So now the heavyweights becoming order is so great. It's so powerful. It's so wonderful. And even though you may have a part in the process. It doesn't mean, you only only you have a partner. Can I say that one more time? Just because you have a part in the process. It doesn't mean that only you have a part in the process, right? Was there. He was creating the the pathway. He was removing the debris. He was cleaning it up for the heavyweights to come and do their part. A man could be like that. I have to come in after work, has been started, something you would have thought on this Foundation. Amen. First 15 says, when Peter and John arrived, they prayed that the Samaritans Believers might receive what they were prying. They were prepped for the Holy Spirit, but they had not yet, received the Holy Spirit. They were being cleaned or receipt of the Holy Spirit the week in the crippled were being straighten out. Those that were possessed of evil spirit that evil spirits, that they had been relieved, or they try to come back seven times more deadly. They were in need of the Holy Spirit, heavyweights the rebuilding reshape. Nice, you see the orchestration of God's power and that's why we got to stop being so low preachers. He's solo Minister, these solo. Anointed that only we can do it. No, you are a part of the process, but you are not the only
A man, so they pray that the holy spirit is in the name of the Lord Jesus, but the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them. Then when the two Apostles began laying their hands on the people. They receive the Holy Spirit.
Again, I got a possum station identification because we have to really understand what this process is all about. There are some that come to church and they get cleaned up but not yet him. And before they can get filled up. The enemy is busy trying to abort the process.
Hey, man, we got a really big as methodical precise and as organized as God is, And then you want to say something.
because, We talkin about. A group of people.
And we want to identify, why? This is so vitally important because At this point, for over about a decade, the church was exclusively juice.
but we can see that the disciples Apostles through your witness. She's invalidates that witness with signs and wonders. So, now you have this group. That's involved in this. Massive move of God as carried out in thought and action through Jesus Christ. That was deposited into the lives of the 12 disciples apostles who are functioning under the influence. but committed to do Greater Works than the influencer who was here prior to Now, you got to capture that. They Berthold Greater Works, shall you do? So the one who influence them, who was valid beat of the Holy Spirit?
Now has influenced them. But he tells them to do something and then he told the patient that they must tap into before. They take this gospel to anyone else power. When the Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem throughout Judea and Samaria. And to the ends of the Earth. Then you will become my decide. I'm you become my Witnesses. They were his disciples, but they witness
But now he's saying after you get the Holy Ghost, then you will be my Witnesses because you will have validation. So signs and wonders come along with the believer as a moment of validation. That you are a witness. If you're not able to demonstrate that you've been validated by the Holy Spirit, you're not empowered to be a witness. You just talk in this story. Simon was a Believer, but he wasn't a witness whose ass. Hope. He's a Believer is validated. By the holy spirit in which it is always. So excited. So now you
That means they were not.
They get out. They got their Marquee or go. Where? Go where you need to go? Where Samaria. Now, since we talkin about, we know we know that the temple was there. Something's unique about. Versus their other answer, the other family member of God through Abraham. What this is a distinction that needs to be at the temples.
Show me photos of themselves as being the true keepers of Torah and that's of instruction. So they refuse to go. They didn't worship down in Johnston. What was necessary because they couldn't be left out because God made a promise to therefore, Father, Abraham. So what are you telling go to all those who belong? And bring Witness. That the mashiah is he, and this is the evidence, the mashiah has top and you now back to what I say and you are.
So now they're demonstrating that are Jehovah's. Yes. So so it was it was, it was a beautiful. They had to demonstrate. The only thing that separates us from anybody else. You damn Christianity because they Heritage is uniquely Jewish. Is that? So we need in order to get a thorough understanding, I will be guilty of what most Christians are, that they only believe in the New Testament.
I understand that statement with intellect. They make it out of. Because everyone knows that it is complete. Then how this two different events under one headings. It's God's one story of them have two stories. One story, complete comprehensive Jeff /, man, so they will have some clarity as to date and time. Okay. So looking back at Party by Jesus Christ. That's what separates UPS.
Because we are uniquely tied with the Holy Spirit. He's our paraclete the one that goes along with that hovers around, no matter what we face. He's there on site on assignment to protect 252, in view in the moment that is needed for the demonstration that God is already prepped. We don't get to see. I'm thinking of, you know, the times that we minister to people not really understanding how the Holy Spirit was leading us to do. What it is that we're doing. Sometimes we're doing just what Philip was doing clearing the way for them to be making them understand the need to believe getting them to confess their belief. But Falling short of getting, to the point where there's a feeling that takes place. And and and maybe also even failing to understand that you may not be the one that God's going to use to fill them. You are just the one clearing the bathroom. And that's where the hard work is done in some instances, especially if you dealing with the number labor, or believer, whose heart has been hard, because life has affected them so much. So, there's so much that goes into this. That's why when you understand and know that, you could see the clear distinction between the work of Simon the Magician and Phillip signed. It was just entertaining the people putting them in all but he wasn't doing anything to really affect, what was taking place on the inside, what they needed on the inside. When we should be able to identify, the needs are, we should be able to articulate with precision and then get those for Do with that, needs to identify, the needs to change his becoming Believers. And then
We have to be a whole lot more organized intelligent in this thing called Ministry than what we really are. Samaritans exercise.
Bias with the juice. The Samaritans were alleged to have built our supposed to be building a remember down. And so we can see where the conflict when you have. People that come from different lines, but from the same Source, both stating that they are the ones and that they hold to the instruction with greater conviction than the other. And we have that with those who are Arabs versus those who are Jews ride in the central Palace, Do you have a active war going on between Video games because of their religious beliefs on philosophical or religious ideas creates them hostile. To one another or striving for the same thing. This is our ground so you can see. There's a lot of hostility between groups. Ancestors are have a common ancestry in case, but the hospital wants to remember with Jesus.
Okay, and I want you to take a look at the response that the Samaritan woman gate when Jesus said that, that what God had the food is for the children, not for dogs. Okay, listening for doll. Her response was. So in other words. I'm entitled to something, but the look. Okay. Did you take a look at it? You can see the spirit of the two groups even though I hurt. Okay, she would never been in the book. But the way that he propositioned her, put the statement in front of her is so that we see be kindness and concern in the human human element of actual conflict between the Samaritans and Jews friends, put that scripture directly directly to your side. You know, it's Matthew, 15, 26 and 27, where he being mean, and Jesus replied. It's not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs. A 27 says yes, it is Lori. She said even the dogs. Eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table.
I'm still on this clearing the pathway, clean it out the temple so that the temple can be filled with the Holy Spirit and bring me into mind of the scripture that says the Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few cuz we all want to be held and all we don't want to do the work and finish this out. Was given to people when the apostles laid their hands on them. So he offer the Apostle money. Put your hands on people if they're filled with this power that they didn't have me for. I want that. How much you willing to receive for me to get that? The movement is still want to see me, It doesn't matter. If you can't see it in today's society. It is just what you want to see that the same type of merchandising. All of the Holy Spirit the distance of God the manufacturing of the holy spirit. Because remember that people getting liver chicken livers and stuff like that.
Wow, so that you can Google it. Is that in the modern Church? That gave the church, a black eye. Because these people work in positions of power. They have got these large following because it was manufacturing. All of this supposed to be validation of the Holy Spirit. And they had none of it. And many Believers, still follow them after they have been exposed. That shows you the mental cruelty of Church Believers who are not validated. Because when you are validated the Holy Spirit revealed to you, that person who has a sorcery Spirit or who is committed to much, is that soaked it will open your eyes. It will lead you into all truth in all. Never before you a distortion of the truth because Inside of you is that in different? That's why the evil spirits cannot come into a believer. A man can't be filled with two different spirit and with the Holy Spirit to open your spirit. To demonic possession. Them. Give me an example and put it back into the hands of Pastor is that you remember ananias and supplies? You remember that they gave Bible says, they were believe it. They gave the keys of the people, in the breeze of the people, the adulation of the same thing. This time. It was after they wanted to get all that. So they took part of the money that they got from their property and if they gave it to the church, okay? Now it was not the idea that they gave to the church. It was what they were projecting, baby. They projected winner reality. They defraud at the church cuz they didn't give it all, but they never had any. Video.
Commit to fraud.
Innocent. The holy spirit is getting that move.
Right, you wouldn't want to fool around and lie to, you know.
Okay, they going to defy the contradiction that's in their spirit. Buy fraudulent practices and what they do. They commit to it, they conspired to the store and don't under that interrogation. Don't let it shake. What was it say about it. Is that hey, is this what you did?
Is that. So the idea was that concept that idea about when people is when, when the, when the Apostle said, why has Satan, why have you allowed Satan to infuse your heart that you should like not to me, not to this group of people, but you're actually lying to the spirit of Truth. You lied to the Holy Ghost. He's a spirit of Truth or lying the truth and what you talkin can't personified you because who you talkin to?
And he says, why did you listen?
What does Satan do? You counterfeit?
I'll do a overcome. The legitimacy of an original is that? So what ended the same way the holy spirit filled the Believers invalidate that same Spirit entered into them. Invalidated the LIE. They were propagate and acknowledgement of that. They were try. Convicted. And prosecute all the same to you from The New International Version very quickly. Now a man named ananias together with his wife, Sapphira also sold a piece of property with his wife's full knowledge. She kept that part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles feet, then Peter said, and then I filled your heart that you would lie to the Holy Spirit and kept for yourself. Some of the money, you received didn't belong to you before it was so and after it was so wasn't the money at your disposal. What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to Human. 5 says, when he fell down and died in great, fear seized off of her, but it happened then, some young man came for it, wrapped up his body and carry him out and bury him about three hours later. His wife came in, knowing what it happened. Peter Astor. Is this the person I said, Peter sets are, how could you stop at that moment? She fell down and speeding. Then the young man came in, and finding her dead carried, her out, and buried her beside her husband. Great, fear seized the whole church and all about the events.
That deal that Apostles in the eyes of the people. That's all we see as Believers is validation and you're going through and people, ostracizing, you there scandalizing, your name. What is your prayers, validate? My life validated validate? Amen. Amen. That is good. Let's go. Let's go back. So he offered the apostles, money. Meaning, Simon verse 19 says a thing and this is Simon speaking. So that anyone on whom, I lay my head will receive the holy spirit. That was dangerous about this. Remember he told people that he was a great man. So he's seeking the power for himself. Wow, trying to What that he's doing this for God, so he's trying to say he's a witness of God and he's engaged in these acts as a witness of God, but the problem is he's not a witness of God. He's a witness to him self.
That's why we entitled is committed to self only because it's really a witness of God. His question wouldn't have been here.
So that I can do it.
Phillip did not mind his role in this process.
You have to because he would have been trying to do it himself. Amen.
The lordship of Jesus.
Simon is convinced of the lordship of Jesus.
In the validation. Philip. but convinced of something, and, You being permitted to that something to different things to different. Lot of people believe, the devil was convinced of God, our creator ship. But it doesn't change what's in his heart? Who are all in the church. But then they can look at their fellow man and still call them out of their name are still interested. This something some subservient, some sleep and be in church every Sunday. So just because you claimed the name do mean you're claimed by the name cuz we like at the time and I want to finish this out verse 26, Peter said to have you and your money should both be destroyed because you cannot share with us in this work since your heart is not right before. God. Change your heart, turn away from this evil thing you have done and pray to the Lord. Maybe he will forgive you for thinking this. I see that you are full of bitter jealousy and Boo by sin. Believe baptize. But full of bitter jealousy. Andrew Dice in.
Isn't it just validation that he was not feel bitter jealousy in Robeson? If you're being a witness of what's really inside of you.
And that's why we got to be able to begin to think that despite what people say. What do I see in all that appear old and gold and all that other stuff, but you feel like you're entitled.
That really pissed me off.
Evelyn told me about you, guys.
I'm sitting somewhere. And I know it's right. You know what you want to do.
I remember that.
Come out.
soon, as you walk in the Holy Spirit,
Because it's a church, doesn't necessarily mean it's been filled, but not a tree.
Just for the gorgeous.
Rec center in our community center on that Saturday was given to the religious practice, but it was not exclusively. So we look.
And what you see assembled in huge buildings, don't mean it's growth. It could be a swelling. Indication of infection is there and it represents something bad is that is an indication like in your body when you have an infection in his Junior element of your body, that's that's that's elevated little bit more than just to let you know that your body is working. And then let us know that there is an infection. Cuz you got a lot of people in there that they will tell you. The Jesus is Lord, but they're not surrender to his lordship. Hey, man, there's nothing else. Hopefully this has been something that has blessed you as you go on the rest of your week. We pray God's speed in the name of Jesus.