Every Way Video Script

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Hello! My name is Ben Phillips, and I am a youth/young adult pastor from Mitchell, NE
I want to take a few minutes to put some names to the numbers you just heard about, and to help you see exactly how Dare2Share comes alongside churches and leaders to reach every teen every where in every way
In 2001 I was a 6th grade student , and I was getting my first taste of youth ministry… It was awesome!
I loved the freedom, interaction, and most of all: The purpose
Suddenly there was meaning behind each word of Scripture, and I wanted to be part of the mission of Jesus… But how?
My youth leader showed up one week and said: Hey! There is a conference in Denver next week called Dare2Share! Want to go?
Everything changed that weekend.
I was introduced to what the mission of Christ really was!
Jesus explains it simply like this:
Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””
As I heard the truth laid out in a simple, yet challenging way, I knew this was the answer to what I had been asking!
I continued to attend Dare2Share conferences with my youth group, and at 15, I knew that God was calling me into ministry as my heart became increasingly more burdened for the lost around me.
At 19 I stepped into my first youth pastor role, feeling inadequate, unprepared, and untrained.
I didn’t have the privilege of attending Bible school and seminary to train me up...
The one thing I knew was that there was a mission Jesus called us to accomplish, and so I focused there!
I took students to Dare2Share conferences, hoping that they would engage as I had with the message and the call, but I had no idea how to practically bring it home… (D2S 2013 Pic)
I would walk into the youth leader sessions, feeling like I didn’t belong there…
And then one year Greg Stier stood up and began to share...
I learned something big that day as he read
Acts 4:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”
After explaining that the words used in scripture for “uneducated” is where we get our english word Idiot from, Greg said something like this:
“It doesn’t matter if you have a masters degree, or you’re an idiot! What matters is that you spend time with Jesus!”
At that moment I realized that my feelings of inadequacy had stopped me from recognizing the practical application of what D2S had been teaching me for years!
I came home with a new passion for ministry
Over the next 9 years God moved in HUGE ways!
We began to implement the 7 values of a Gospel Advancing Ministry that Greg had explained out in the book “Gospelize”
Value number one: Intercessory prayer.
We had a student named Samantha who had been a part of our group for a short time when we brought in this value of praying for the lost.
I set up a simple prayer board, and had students take a paper with a heart on it and write the name of a friend or family member who didn’t know Christ.
Sam, a senior in high school, didn’t know Jesus.
She didn’t what to do with the paper in front of her.
She told me: “I don’t know that I believe God is real… So I don’t want to put anyone’s name up there!”
I responded: “Then put your name up there! Put it as a prayer to God asking Him to show you He is real!”
So she did… And a few weeks later she took that paper down, framed it, handed it to me, and said: I know he is real now, and I know that I am saved because of what Jesus has done for me! (Sam Pic)
Fast forward a few years.
Our group is sitting at Colorado Christian University, wrapping up a week at Dare2Share’s Lead The Cause. (LTC Jesika Pic)
Jesika, one of our high school students who was brand new to her faith, had been praying for, and reaching out with care towards one of her friend back home: Chelsea (Jesika Pic)
We got home, and that night Jesika lead Chelsea to Jesus!
Then Chelsea and Jesika led her boyfriend to Jesus!
Then the three of them led Chelsea’s boyfriend’s parents to Jesus!
All Jesika knew about how to lead someone to Christ she had learned that week at LTC, and a small revival broke out in their school as they carried Prayer, Care, & Share in!
We began utilizing the Li6W App as a tool for both evangelism and discipleship where we could see constant activity of our students praying, caring, sharing, and reaching!
The accountability and encouragement of seeing your group engaged in the mission of Christ through the group section of the app has kept the fire burning throughout the year for both leaders and students!
Suddenly I could see who of my leaders and student leaders were engaged in the values of our ministry, and who I needed to come along side to train and encourage!
It is pretty consistently that I receive messages or stories from my students like this one from Makayla, a student leader of ours who used the Audio Story section of the app to send the Gospel in her own voice to her grandma
In August of 2017 I stepped into my current role in Nebraska, and on our first night there I shared the Gospel with the students.
A young woman named Melissa put her faith in Christ that night, and began to learn and grow in what it meant to be a Christ follower. (Melissa & Toni Pic)
Melissa reached her sister, Toni, and they both came to LTC this year and brought it home!
The next month Toni brought a young man named Austin to a GoShareDay outreach event the students had planned out at LTC. (Austin Pic 1)
All day Toni, Melissa, and their friends shared and cared for Austin, and that Wednesday night he placed his faith in Jesus!
Austin is BRAND NEW to anything that has to do with God, and I gave him a simple book for new believers to begin walking through as the students who had been working to reach him now began to disciple him!
A few weeks later this happened: (Austin Pic 2)
This is Austin sharing how he had reached out to a friend back home in Ft. Lupton Colorado, and was sharing with him all about Jesus!
The last story I want to share is the story of Uncle Gary.
2 years ago, sitting at LTC in Denver, we were working on another way of sharing the gospel: Writing letters.
I knew I was going to see my wife’s Uncle Gary in just a few weeks at a family reunion
I wrote out to this long time military man who was battling cancer all about how there is no amount of sin that God cannot forgive through Jesus, and how there is no one too far gone for God to reach!
I sent it out hopeful, and sure that God was going to do something big!
2 weeks later I walked down to a fishing dock with Gary in grove Oklahoma for some night fishing
I asked him: “Hey.. did you get my letter I sent to you a few weeks ago?”
He responded: “err. uh… you’ll have to ask Bonnie about that… she handles the mail! I don’t know what your talking about...”
I was discouraged that he hadn’t recieved my letter, but I knew I had an opportunity right there,
I began asking Gary some questions about what he believed and he quickly shut down the conversation and walked away to fish the other side of the dock...
I was confused… and brokenhearted...
I didn’t know if Gary had much time left, and I didn’t know why God had compelled me so strongly to write that letter to him…
Jump ahead to July of this year.
I’m sitting at Lead The Cause once again
My wife had to stay home with our littles, and she decided that she was going to visit her parents for a few days of that week with the kids, because her aunt Bonnie, and Uncle Gary, were coming up from Texas for a visit.
While she was there Bonnie brought up how Gary had been talking about baptism, and she asked JaNae and her dad to talk to them more about what it meant.
JaNae starts explaining out the gospel to them, and Bonnie says: “We know this, because we have a letter Ben sent us that has been hanging on our fridge for 2 years that explains this out!”
JaNae called me that night to tell me all that had gone on, and sent me this picture of Uncle Gary with his faith in Christ getting baptized in her parent’s backyard! (Gary Pic)
Over the last 20 years God has used Dare2Share to change my heart, my ministry, my student’s hearts, and engage them on Christ’s mission in every way possible.
I don’t know if you caught this yet, but when Dare2share says they work to reach the lost and make disciples in every way possible, they mean it!
Through weekend conferences, dare2share live, LeadTheCause, webinars, luncheons, curriculum, podcasts, social media, and personal phone calls
The ministry of Dare2Share came alongside me, an uneducated, ordinary man.. an Idiot... and helped me to know Jesus and walk out His mission to reach every one in every way.
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