Roadblocks to Evangelism
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If you have your bibles please open up to John Chapter 4. If you did not get a chance to check out Trent’s message last week I would encourage you to do so. It lays a little bit of the ground work for the message today.
While I wont get alot into what Trent said, some things must be repeated. So the background of this text is Jesus is in Samara. A place that Jews did not pass through. The Samaritans and the Jews had a hatred for each other, yet shared similar beliefs. The Samaritans worshiped the same God yet only used the first five books of the bible. And last week we saw this divine encounter between Jesus and the women at the well. We saw he took a different route to reach this people. Which ultimately led to her seeing Christ as her Lord and Savior, and Trent pointed out some great truths about worship as well.
And as we are about to dive into this text this morning I want to remind you of what John 4:4 said.
And he had to pass through Samaria.
The Road block had been removed.
In todays text we see the reaction from this amazing encounter we saw last week. And learn some things about evangelism along the way.
The word of God says this in John 4:27-42
Just then his disciples came back. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but no one said, “What do you seek?” or, “Why are you talking with her?” So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the town and were coming to him.
Meanwhile the disciples were urging him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” So the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought him something to eat?” Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”
Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all that I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of his word. They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”
The main Idea I want you to get today is this. Jesus removes all road blocks to evangelism.
As I studied this text and read through commentaries this week this idea of roadblocks to evangelism really came to the forefront of my mind. Some commentators or theologians would talk about excuses to why people wont share our faith, but since Jesus had to pass through Samaria I want us to think about how Samaria used to be a roadblock to the Jews now because of Christ this is changed. And we see this in Christ ministry and the ministry of the disciples going forward reaching the nations.
The definition of roadblock can be put in a few ways. Websters has it as something that blocks progress or prevents accomplishment of an objective.
Another way its put is its any hindrance.
There defiantly was a road block where Jesus was going to do ministry. In our day it would have a do not enter sign if you were a Jew. Dont come this way.
The Christians objective to fulfill the great commission is full of roadblocks, but Jesus removes them all. However, that doesn’t mean these roadblocks don’t exist. WE have real obstacles that get in the way of us to be obedient to God.
The first one I want you to see is this.
Roadblock #1 Who we witness to
Roadblock #1 Who we witness to
The disciples as we know from v8 were going and getting food. They had no idea what was going on. What Jesus had just said to this women, what theological truths he had told her.
When they got back all they saw was that Jesus was talking with a women. Trent alluded to this last week, but this was a big no no. It was not a proper thing for Jesus to be witnessing to this women, let alone a Samaritan women.
They marveled at this idea that Jesus would be doing such a thing. But noticed what the text says they didn’t ask him what do you seek, or why are you talking with her. Though i am sure at least John himself or the other disciples thought this very thing at the time or why else would it be in scripture. But either way Jesus doing this would be quite the shock to them.
HE WAS witnessing to someone they would not expect.
And the amazing thing about this unlikeliest of persons at the time meeting Christ is that she didn’t stay silent. Remember her sin was great. She was a women as we would say had been around, and thats not like today when its not as fronded upon.
Yet Jesus promised her water that would never run out. A Salvation giving her eternal life. And rather than her going back to her old life. Ashamed hidden away from society, going and getting water at the hottest time of day, trying to just not be seen.
She is so moved by what God did, she goes quickly and leaves the water that she came for to go and tell about this better water.
She came looking for her thirst to be quenched but found something better. And when she did she could not help but go and tell people. She did not care about all the things she use to care about. She didn’t let them stop her from sharing about the Christ.
She says. Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Her life was built on shame, but Christ removed it, and because he did. She could not help but say is this the Christ? The one we have been looking for?
Her interaction for us provides a blueprint to go and reach people we might think wont respond to the gospel. Your biggest enemy can become your brother or sister in Christ. Those who hold views so radically different from you, can be changed in but a moment.
Many of us have some same issue when it comes to witnessing as the disciples do. Thinking there is no way this person can come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. You might say they are to far to the left or to far to the right, or there lifestyle proves that they don’t have any desire for the Lord Jesus Christ. And that may be true. But, But when someone comes face to face to the one who can forgive and give eternal life everything can be changed.
Lets think of the women at the well for a moment. This lady was clearly going to the well at this time because she knew that people would not be there. Would not be able to give her a hard time for who she was, yet Jesus met her where she was, but did not leave her there. He radically transformed her life, and she became a witness for the gospel.
And what I love so much about this lady is that she did not care about her old life, she celebrated it, in a way where she said this man told me all that I ever did? Can this be the Christ? She did not celebrate her sin though she celebrated the savior. She said can this be the Christ?
Many of us have this hangup about our past, about the choices that we have made, about who we have hurt, who we have wronged, or who has hurt us or wronged us, and reality when we just let that go and say Jesus changed me can I tell you about him, all the so called roadblocks with others fade away, and I am not saying that everyone you meet will be saved, that God’s work. WE leave that up to him. But I am saying that it doesn’t matter who the person is or what is between you. Jesus can tear down the barrier between anyone.
He is breaks down the greatest of barriers and calls people to eternal life.
If we are going to be effective witnesses for Christ we must learn to remove the roadblocks in our Journey and that starts with who we witness to.
The second roadblock we often face is this..
Roadblock #2 We have other priorities.
Roadblock #2 We have other priorities.
When the disciples arrived we already seen they marveled about what was going on, but they didn’t ask questions. They were concerned about other things. Most importantly at the moment food. The early disciples where clearly baptist. The disciples often think in physical ways, when Jesus is concerned with the spiritual.
They are urging him to eat. Who knows how long its been. There main priority was to make sure that Jesus ate food. Not a bad thing at all. He was probably very hungry.
But Jesus said, I have food to eat that you to not know about? How could this be, the disciples went to go get food. There wasn’t a Macdonald's down the street, or a drive Thur that Jesus could have went through while they were gone, and like the typical disciples we have seen in this book they thought in physical ways.
Does Jesus have food we don’t know about? Did someone else bring him something to eat? But he didn’t keep them guessing he told them my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
John Calvin said, Jesus example shows us that the kingdom of God should have priority over all bodily comforts.
If you think about what was going on the disciples needed food so did Jesus, and they missed everything else that was going on. They missed Jesus and the women amazing interaction, they missed people coming to him, because there priorities were not focused on the Lord and his work.
Let me tell you about your pastor and a fail that he had recently you heard this story if you were with us on Wednesday night. And it ties in to a-little bit to food, and witnessing for Christ.
So on Mondays, and Tuesdays I usually work my other job but before I go to my job I like to grab breakfast on those days. This day I was eating at Chick-fil-a and enjoying a bacon-egg-cheese biscuit and was reading a little bit of my bible on my phone. A truly Christian experience. Or so i thought.
And this couple with three kids walks into the place and God tells me you are going to buy there breakfast. I want you to bless this family, and being the great man that I am, I continued to eat my breakfast, but something amazing happened. The dad forgot his wallet. I know some people that forget it quite a bit. I am not one to do that, but I tell you what the second I hear that dad go back to his car to get his wallet. I know I am paying for there meal. Ain’t no way I am missing out on this divine encounter. I know what God asks im going to do it.
So i go up there pay for there meal. Tell him you know I feel led to this thing. Finish paying the dad gets back trys to pay me for the meal, and I tell him no way. We just celebrated Christmas, and its my gift for you. They thank me, and I go set down. And honestly It was a huge blessing to me. For a few reasons. One I was able to bless someone. Or in this case a family. Even if it was just a simple meal. But it showed me that I can’t let my priorities get in the way of what God has called me to do.
Another thing God showed me was his grace. He told me to do something, and I didn’t listen, and yet he gave me another opportunity. God is full of grace, and wanted to bring this story up for the reason that unlike the disciples I knew what God called me to do, yet my priorities eating, reading my bible, enjoying just a little bit of time to myself kept me from doing what God called me to do in the moment.
Which ties into our third road block.
Roadblock #3 I can do it another time
Roadblock #3 I can do it another time
In the disciples minds they were not ready to do the work the Lord had before them. To understand what Jesus was saying we must understand the harvest at the time. Now in doing my research this week. The agricultural calendar was divided into six two-month periods, seedtime, winter, spring, harvest, summer, and the time of extreme heat. Thus four months elapsed between the end of seedtime and the beginning of harvest. Which in short meant the harvest was not yet ready. So the disciples were not ready for what Jesus was about to say. They thought they could do the work another time. This was meal time. Not witness time.
But Jesus says, Look I tell you lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. The time of harvest is now says Jesus. Don’t think because of where we are or what season it is that you can’t do what I am preparing you to do.
To tie all these roadblocks in together I want to tell you a Story about what happened to me and my wife in London several years ago. If you dont know much about London its a large city. And to get around this massive city you need to use public transportation. One evening my wife and I were coming back to our place we rented and over heard this man. Who I believed to be under the influence saying this crazy things about the Apostle Paul that were not true. I really wanted to talk to him, but in my mind this guys not going to listen, he is saying these crazy things. My wife is pregnant at the time I dont want to put her at risk. I’ll just move on. Thats what we did.
Later in the week we are miles from the place we originally see this man. AND he is sitting outside of this place to eat. What are the odds of this. The man who was saying these crazy things I can go talk to him, but fear over came me. See God gave me an oppurtunity to do it another time, but I did not. And Internally I was fighting go back over and over again. You can ask my wife, and to this day years later I think about. It taught me that there may or may not be another time. To witness to someone. But the field is white for harvest. God brings people into your life all the time to be able to witness to them. And the reality is.
Only Jesus breaks down those roadblocks that we have.
Which brings me to my fourth point.
Jesus removes all roadblocks.
Jesus removes all roadblocks.
Jesus says John 4:36
Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.
Jesus is receiving his wages, The women at the well the Samarians are all his. Gathering fruit and in this context means he is calling believers to himself. The harvest is ready. He told his disciples look and see. And the sower is probably John the Baptist and reaper is Jesus. And they are rejoicing at this day where people are coming to him.
but there is coming a day where believers in Christ will reap and sow, because Jesus removed all the roadblocks.
Sometimes as a believer we spend years sowing seed in hopes of getting a harvest, but someone else gets it or vice versa, but in the end it does not matter, because it was a work of God. I love what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.”
IN this case the disciples were experiencing a fruitful labor they did not do. Someone else laid that groundwork, in the case of the women and the people of Samaria it was the OT Prophet Moses, in the disciples context it could have been John the Baptist or someone else laying the foundation, but Jesus makes it clear someone else did the work, and they are seeing the fruit of it before there very own eyes.
The Women’s testimony was a powerful one. People looked past her past, and others followed Jesus, because of what Jesus said to her. All roadblocks were removed because of him. He had seen every thing she have ever done. The Samaritan women had a powerful testimony, and the Lord was using it. Each and everyone one of us has a testimony, and everyone in heres testimony is different. And the Lord uses it. But all our testimonies are rooted in faith in Christ.
Our testimony is the bridge to witness to so many others. Its what gets us across. God uses our story to help break down those road blocks with others. I don’t have the same story as Nathan, or Megan, or Bill, Kevin, Bryan, Lois, Audrey, Kory, or anyone else in this room or online, but we collectively do have the same savior.
A Savior that came and seen into our own heart who showed us our own need for him.
When the women at the well met Jesus she was forever changed. She herself put up roadblock after roadblock thinking she was the worst of the worst and what she needed most was the grace that Christ alone could give. And when that happened she ran and told everyone what Jesus had done and man people began to be changed. And through that change, people themselves wanted to hear from Jesus. Not just for a little while, but they wanted him to stay. And he did stay for two days. And the people who first believed because of the women had been changed by Jesus himself. The Messiah the son of God.
See people will want to know more about Jesus because of your testimony, because something amazing has happened in your own life, that God did something in your life that he didn’t do in theres.
But people stay because of Jesus. Thats why we are here because of Jesus.
We can tell people all day long about Jesus, about our testimony, but what keeps people in the faith, in church, in a relationship with him is having one’s own faith. The women at the wells faith was not enough for those other people to see that Jesus was the savior of the world.
They had to personally have a realationship with Jesus Christ to see that very thing. One’s faith must be personal. And its only in Christ can one find saving faith.
So what does this means for us.
Now for us as a church it personally this means, that we have to stop finding roadblocks to evangelism. And reach those who are not being reached. There are thousands of people just in the area we live in, that we work with that don’t know Jesus or dont have a church home. Based on the census report in just blanchard area there are 6321 people that are de-churched meaning they once went to church now they dont. 4690 people that dont know Christ. They are the nones, and 1223 that are apart of some other religion that does not claim Christ. Look church the fields are white for harvest. Some of us live in Newcastle, Norman, Okc where the numbers are even larger. There are brand new neighborhoods all around this church, and many of the people living in them don’t have a church home. Let us find and witness to these people.
Many of those people who are not in Christ, we dont talk to, often because we think they wont respond just because of who they are. Or what we have done. Think about how many of us may be listening to the sermon today Online. Share this message on your facebook page every week. Post stuff about Christ often. I was surprized when an Old Co-worker of mine, and people I went to school with said that the stuff I posted online encourged them. God is using all sorts of ways to reach his people. Use all your platforms to reach others.
What are your priorities? We live in a time where church, ministry, and living for the Lord is taking a backseat in our lives. We have seen with Covid this become the case even more so. I understand with sickness we work around things, but the first thing on our mind should be to do the work of God, what does he gave me doing. Even if that changes our own plans. The disciples lives before Christ had them doing a variety of different things, but when God called them to something else they did it, even failing at times. Paul was doing something else when Jesus radically changed his life, he had other priorities, but did whatever God asked when he was changed. When God called me to Pastor this church my priorities changed.. Are you willing to change your priorities to reach those who don’t know Jesus, who are not in church, who are far from him.
Finally. This is big one for me. I can do it later. Church family, if your in person or online. Let me ask you are there any persons in your life that you said I will witness to them one day, but have not yet. For one reason or another you haven’t your afraid a friendship might be changed, family dynamics might be different. Or that something else might have caused you not to witness to the one who you have been wanting to. Could be broken relationships ect. What comes to mind for me from this story is we are all imperfect people pointing to a perfect savior.
Let me leave you with one bit of encouragement Believer. We can do all these things because at one time we were the women at the well. Lost, looking to hide our sin from others, hoping that no-one would know about our own sin, our past life, our shame.
But one day, But one day, we came face to face with Jesus and he exposed our own sin, but better than that he showed us himself, and grace, and instead of finding roadblocks, we need to find ways to share Jesus with others. Be like the women at the well forgetting why she came to the well and witnessing about the water that never runs dry.
Think about it like this, If he changed you, he can change anyone. We see radical transformation after radical transformation in the bible over and over again, why is this because God can do what he has done in your heart to the person’s heart that is close or far from God. Remove all roadblocks that prevent you from witnessing to others.
If you don’t know Christ today. See him for who he is. As the text said He is The Savior of the world. But he only saves those who repent of sin, and believe in him by faith alone for salvation. And if you do that today you can have eternal life because He is the savior of the World. He was born of a virgin lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and on the third day he rose again. If you believe today that he is your savior, and have put your faith in him and you made that decision today, come talk to me if you did that online send us a message we would love to talk with you about knowing Christ, and helping you grow in your faith.
If you have any other decision to make today like being baptized, or joining this church or just need prayer come and respond today.
Respond however he leads you today.