Mark Sermon Manu Week 19

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Kingdom realities = spiritual and physical truths
Only Jesus can open our eyes and ears to Kingdom Realities.
to the reality of the Kingdom of God
Jesus came to open our eyes and ears to the reality of the kingdom of God.
No one is beyond God’s saving power
Jesus meets your physical and spiritual needs
he came to touch your life
He is where haven and earth meet
beware of the leaven of unbelief
Trust the process


Discipleship Call

Bible Intro

“Pick up Bible”
You ever try to read this thing but struggle to get anything out of it
This is God’s Word — yet it doesn’t seem to move us, to penetrate our hearts.
doesn’t breakthrough
Maybe it’s becuase we try to read this with our physical eyes, rather than our spiritual eyes.
We try to read with just our minds, rather than our hearts.
In our text today,
we are going to see that
Only Jesus can give us spiritual eyes and ears to experience the reality Kingdom of God
— Or —
only Jesus can open our eyes and ears to experience the reality Kingdom of God

Original Intro

maybe you are working 50-60 hours a week
maybe as a parent you are just constantly on the go
maybe as a student you are overloaded with assignments, readings, and trying to work a job
maybe you are in ministry and you are longing for tangible fruit and wondering what you have missed.
Sometimes if feels like no matter how hard we try, how much we do, something eludes us
something’s missing.

Matrix Opening

This is a universal experience, caught very well in the following lines of a script
I saw this pattern and it was everywhere.
We can’t see it. But we’re all trapped inside these strange repeating loops.
Somehow I saw it in the mirror, just a flicker...and suddenly i understood this is not the real world
For the first time I felt real purpose ,
I knew who I was and what I had to do.
I want to suggest we may have settled into a false reality.
And the mission of Christ was to come and awaken us to true reality.
a reality that is all around us.
it is in our midst.
it can pervade every aspect of our lives.
What is this reality?
it is the reality of the Kingdom of God.
And it is here with us today, operating in the world in ways that we may not be able to detect and or sense.
b/c we don’t have the eyes to see God at work
we don’t have the ears to hear God speak.
Or if we do, the noise of our world has drowned out the realities of the kingdom of God in our life.
Example: Noise drowning out music


King Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth
this is what the gospel of Mark has been about.
Only King Jesus can restore our spiritual eyes and ears to experience the Kingdom of God all around us.
SO WHAT? Why would I want to experience the kingdom of God?
It is in seeing the KOG that we see our purpose, meaning and mission for every aspect of our life, from the mundane to the magnificent
Leaven of Pharisees and Herod: trying to find purpose, meaning and mission from our self, own abilities, power and knowledge, control
Invitation to Faith/Trust: If God can heal a man’s eyes, ears and mouth, can he not handle whatever you are going through?
emphasize that is it not just spiritual needs that Jesus meets, he does that and in physical ways, but also our physical needs, worries and desires.
WE have a God who cares, who cares to come down from heaven and touch our lives
The KOG is a spiritual/physical reality.
Jesus is where heaven and earth meet
The Future Kingdom will be as much physical as it is spiritual
That is what Jesus is bringing right now, like a zipper


We are going to be in Mark 7:31-8:26.
Go there in your Bibles
Mark is going to make this point today by the genius of his writing.
Literary Masterpiece
Bookends this spiritual lesson with supernatural healings
Beginning: healing of a deaf and mute man
End: Healing of a blind man.
Eyes, ears and mouth
In between this we have:
The feeding of the 4000 — significant symbolically
The Pharisees demanding signs
All to teach a very important lesson to the disciples.
and to all who would follow Jesus.
Only King Jesus can restore our spiritual eyes and ears to experience the Kingdom of God all around us.
Let’s pray for God to help us today.
that we might experience the reality of the Kingdom of God today.


Luke 4:18–19 (CSB)
18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Jesus and the Gentiles.

Jesus Kingdom Mission is a global/world-wide mission
This actually began last as Jesus entered into Gentile Territory
and healed a gentile’s woman’s daughter from demonic oppression.
Note: The Reality of the Kingdom of God reveals the reality of the Kingdom of Darkness
Demons / evil - malignant spiritual beings exist.
He continues that mission today:
Mark 7:31 (CSB)
31 Again, leaving the region of Tyre, he went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, through the region of the Decapolis.
This is Gentile Territory
Why is that important?
Mark 7:27 (CSB)
27 He said to her, “Let the children be fed first, because it isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.”
This is a conversation between Jesus and this Gentile Woman
The Jews referred to the Gentiles as dogs
a derogatory term
Aside: Whatever Jesus meant in using this phrase we not that there was no evil intent or otherwise.
The point is, it was unthinkable for Jews to even eat with Gentiles
a problem which would be addressed in the early church.
How much more unthinkable is it that Jesus (God) would intentionally go into Gentile territory to declare and demonstrate the Kingdom of God?
Yet this is exactly what Jesus is doing. — This is the Spiritual Truth — the Spiritual Reality of the Kingdom of God

Why that matters?

no-one is outside of God’s redemptive purposes.
That means you!
wherever you are
whatever you’ve done
whatever you carry
none of it is too much for Jesus Christ.
The Gentiles did not see themselves as God’s People, as even on God’s radar
yet Jesus comes crashing in to show them the reality of the kingdom of God
Maybe some of you feel that way today. You feel like an outsider
maybe an outcast
Yet as God crashes into gentiles territory, he will crash into your life
and will clam what is his.
God is coming for you.
I believe that is why you are here
He wants to claim every inch of your life
he wants to show us the glories and beauties of the reality of Kingdom of God
1st Kingdom Reality / Spiritual truth: No-one is beyond God’s saving grace, his redeeming power.
So what happens?

The Deaf-mute man

Mark 7:32–37 (CSB)
32 They (the gentiles) brought to him a deaf man who had difficulty speaking and begged Jesus to lay his hand on him.
33 So he took him away from the crowd in private. After putting his fingers in the man’s ears and spitting, he touched his tongue. 34 Looking up to heaven, he sighed deeply and said to him, “Ephphatha!” (that is, “Be opened!”).
35 Immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was loosened, and he began to speak clearly.
36 He ordered them to tell no one, but the more he ordered them, the more they proclaimed it. 37 They were extremely astonished and said, “He has done everything well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Decapolis was where Jesus healed the demoniac back in Mark 5.


These were Gentiles coming to Jesus.
They were ‘begging’ Jesus to heal him (had faith)
He heals the man in private
Jesus heals out of compassion (sighed deeply - stenagzo)
Romans 8:22 (CSB)
22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together with labor pains until now.
Romans 8:26 (CSB)
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.
This is a very tactile healing.
Jesus touches the man
puts his fingers in his ears
spits, touches his tongue
there is something very intimate about this healing.
Jesus touches this man.
Jesus wants to come down and touch your life. Not just some abstract spiritual reality — but heaven meets earth — the spiritual and the physical.
Jesus came to meet physical needs and spiritual needs together.
The man is completely healed.
Many are astonished and hear about it
many come to believe in Jesus.
Not just physical needs, but spiritual needs.
Jesus came to open our eyes to Kingdom realities.


Jesus heals a gentile
Jesus heals out of compassion,
Jesus heals to bring people to saving faith,
Jesus heals to teach on the Kingdom of God.
look what Mark records next.

Feeding 4000

Mark 8:1 (CSB)
1 In those days there was again a large crowd, and they had nothing to eat. He called the disciples and said to them,
These are mostly gentiles
Mark 8:2–10 (CSB)
2 “I have compassion on the crowd, because they’ve already stayed with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3 If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, and some of them have come a long distance.”
4 His disciples answered him, “Where can anyone get enough bread here in this desolate place to feed these people?”
5 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked them. “Seven,” they said. 6 He commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground. Taking the seven loaves, he gave thanks, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people. So they served them to the crowd.
7 They also had a few small fish, and after he had blessed them, he said these were to be served as well. 8 They ate and were satisfied.
Then they collected seven large baskets of leftover pieces. 9 About four thousand were there. He dismissed them.
10 And he immediately got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha.


Jesus says again he has compassion for the crowds
Similar to the feeding of the 5000
His disciples seem to lack understanding that Jesus could / would feed these gentiles
we’ll come back to this
Jesus is feeding the people through his disciples
Jesus is providing the food, the disciples are just distributing it
They are serving out what Jesus is giving.
They can only give what Jesus has given them
important lesson.
Jesus provides more than enough
They begin with 7 loaves and end with 7 baskets of loaves
That is a good business plan.
Jesus provided bread for 4000 gentiles
underscoring again that God’s mission is a worldwide mission.

Spiritual Truths/Reality — Kingdom Reality

Notice Jesus is doing all these things
and they are meant to teach spiritual truths to the Disciples
Jesus is the living bread for the gentiles as well
But they cannot comprehend what Jesus is doing.
(there is always more to learn from Jesus)
a point that Jesus is about to make.

The Pharisees and Disciples

Mark 8:10 (CSB)
10 And he immediately got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha (Magadan).
Mark 8:11–13 (CSB)
11 The Pharisees came and began to argue with him, demanding of him a sign from heaven to test him.
12 Sighing deeply in his spirit, he said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
13 Then he left them, got back into the boat, and went to the other side.


They are ‘demanding signs’
the gentiles are begging for healings
they are demanding signs
See the different heart?
to test him
b/c of unbelief
Jesus sighed deeply
Jesus sighed deeply when he healed the deaf man
he sighs even more deeply when the pharisees demands signs.
same base word
but here a prefix is added (ana - an emphatic prefix)
The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament (389. ἀναστενάζω anastenázō)
Mark 7:34, 8:12
34Looking up to heaven, he sighed deeply (stenagzo)… (Mark 7:34)
12 Sighing deeply (ana-stenagzo) in his spirit, he said… (Mark 8:12)
Feel the weight of this:
Jesus sighs/ lit groans deeply in the face of physical suffering
Jesus sighs/ groans even more deeply in the face of spiritual suffering due to hardness of heart
Jesus is grieved by physical suffering, we can understand that.
Jesus is grieved at your physical suffering
He is more grieved at your spiritual suffering / hardness of heart
This is so important to Jesus he needs to make sure the disciples understand.
?? Add no sign but Jonah form Matthew?

The Disciples

Mark 8:13–14 (CSB)
13 Then he left them, got back into the boat, and went to the other side. 14 The disciples had forgotten to take bread and had only one loaf with them in the boat.
Back in the Boat
Lesson time / “school circle around me”
Mark 8:15–18 (CSB)
15 Then he gave them strict orders:
“Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
Jesus gave them strict orders
strong language — this is really important
Dad’s tone of voice — kind but stern
Emphatic: Watch out! Beware -
pay attention, guard yourselves
The Leaven of the Phariseees
What is the leaven?
Unbelieving hearts
wise in your own eyes
leaning on your understanding rather than God’s
trusting in what you can know, see, taste and touch
physical realities — rather than spiritual.
Mark 8:16–18 (CSB)
16 They were discussing among themselves that they did not have any bread. 17 Aware of this, he said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact you have no bread?
Don’t you understand or comprehend? Do you have hardened hearts? 18 Do you have eyes and not see; do you have ears and not hear? And do you not remember?
Now we begin to see the distinction
The Disciples are not perceiving the spiritual truths Jesus is teaching them

They are not perceiving spiritual truth
greek work: sunimi (2x here) — carries the idea of arriving at insight.
in this case spiritual insight
The penetrating question:
Mark 8:18 (CSB)
18 Do you have eyes and not see; do you have ears and not hear?
This is the problem of the pharisees
of God’s people for so long
and certainly the gentiles.
Now Jesus keeps pushing them to see spiritual truth, to hear spiritual truth so that they can one day speak spiritual truth.
Mark 8:18–21 (CSB)
18 ...And do you not remember?
19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of leftovers did you collect?”
“Twelve,” they told him.
20 “When I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you collect?”
“Seven,” they said.
21 And he said to them, “Don’t you understand (sunimi) yet?”
Now we have to ask
Does that make sense to you? — One Hope!
Does it make sense to me?
What spiritual truth is Jesus trying to communicate that we don’t quite understand?
It’s a challenge right?
here’s what I think the spiritual truth is here:
5 loaves for 5000 = 12 baskets — For Israel
Jesus is the living bread for all Israel
7 loaves for 4000 = 7 Baskets — ?
7 = number completion
4 = worldwide - 4 directions
1000 = man, multitude
7 = baskets full — more than enough, abundance, overflowing
Jesus is the living bread even for the gentiles
Jesus is the living bread for all people
every tongue, tribe, nation and people.
Mark 8:21 (CSB)
21 And he said to them, “Don’t you understand yet?”
It means God’s grace will break through all boundaries
no one is unreachable by God’s power
He can save anyone, at anytime, in anyplace
We cannot see the spiritual truths on our own.
Only King Jesus can restore our spiritual eyes and ears to experience the Kingdom of God all around us.


only Jesus can break into our heard hearts
he did it by being broken himself
to demonstrate God’s enormous love for us.
He became sin, he took all the leaven of sin into himself
and it killed him
that he might defeat death and overcome unbelief.
And he rose from death with glorious power
A power he now gives to every believer through the Holy Spirit
that we might have the eyes of our heart enlighteneed
Ephesians 1:18–19 (CSB)
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of his strength.

The Blind Man

Mark 8:22–26 (CSB)
22 They came to Bethsaida.
They (gentiles) brought a blind man to him and begged him to touch him.
23 He took the blind man by the hand and brought him out of the village. Spitting on his eyes and laying his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?”
24 He looked up and said, “I see people—they look like trees walking.”
25 Again Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes.
The man looked intently and his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly. 26 Then he sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into the village.”


Gentiles again
They begged him (again)
He healed him privately
out of the village
He touched him — very tactile
A two stage healing
Only King Jesus can restore our spiritual eyes and ears to experience the Kingdom of God all around us.
It is a process
it happens in stages
There is always more to learn from Jesus
His person is inexhaustible
boundless, everlasting, immeasurable, unending
Jesus came to open our eyes and ears to the realities of the Kingdom of God in our everyday life
that we might experience it’s power
Jesus saves us from the penalty of Sin
Jesus is saves of from the power of Sin
Jesus is saving us from the presence of Sin in our lives — the leaven of the pharisees
maybe you are working 50-60 hours a week
maybe as a parent you are just constantly on the go
maybe as a student you are overloaded with assignments, readings, and trying to work a job
maybe you are in ministry and you are longing for tangible fruit and wondering what you have missed.

Summary Points

That no-one is beyond God’s saving power
Jesus came to touch your life
Jesus is where heaven and earth meet
Jesus came to open eyes and ears to the KOG
Even here it’s process:
The disciples are growing in stages
all this builts up to next week — teh turning point in the book
when Peter finally confesses Jesus as the Christ
and Jesus says this was revealed not by flesh, but by my father in heaven (spiritual)

Closing #2

So how might God want to come down and touch your life today?
What Kingdom realities does he want to open your eyes to?
Where might God come crashing into your life?
Where can you cut out the leaven of unbelief and trust Jesus and his Word


If those who walked with Jesus struggled to fully understand, then that’s encouraging for us — good news
There is always more to learn from Jesus (John 17:3)
“This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.”
Keep coming to Jesus, keep learning from Jesus
keep repenting of hard-heartedness
keep asking for eyes to see and ears to hear
And you will begin to see the spiritual realities of the Kingdom of Heaven
and you will be able to say more and more:
I saw this pattern and it was everywhere.
We can’t see it. But we’re all trapped inside these strange repeating loops.
Somehow I saw it in the mirror, just a flicker...and suddenly i understood this is not the real world
For the first time I felt real purpose ,
I knew who I was and what I had to do.

Closing Prayer

Alternate Endings:

Application Points:

How does seeing the reality of the Kingdom of God affect my daily life:
it means everything you do is a part of his plan
he is without in everything
Learn how to spiritually hear from Jesus
Learn how to spiritually see as Jesus
do what the disciples did:
ask questions
fail over and over again
humble yourselves
keep walking with Jesus
Jesus heals to demonstrate these spiritual truths
if he can do this physically, surely he can do this spiritually
God may want to heal some today, to make this point
Let’s pray for healing.
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