Body of Christ

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Body of Christ

Last week while we were not able to gather in person, the sermon was about spiritual gifts, services, and activities that served the purpose of building up the believers and the church. Today we continue along those same lines but answer the question who am I and what purpose do I serve to help fulfill this mission of building up others in the church.
One body many members.
I would first like to approach the passage in a way that maybe helps to see what is meant by this body of Christ term that we say a lot in church but may not always be clear what it really means. Paul in this passage is talking about how each person in the church is first a member of the church.that belongs to Christ. Each member is unique and each member may be gifted differently than the other. It does not mean that no two people are gifted the same way but it means that they are gifted by God for purpose and they as a member have purpose within the body.
So if we we are all members individually, how does that work to call us the body of Christ together? Paul used this human body illustration to show that as each of our bodies is made up of many unique parts or members, collectively they are called the human body. This is to say that the whole of all the parts is known as the body. We call an eye an eye and a hand a hand. It is not referred to in any other way and in the same token, the human body is called the human body but we get that the human body is a collection of body parts working together.
Each member unique and each is necessary for the body to be whole
Continuing along these same lines, Paul cautions to be careful not to idolize or thinking one member is of more importance than another. If we recognize that together all members make up the body and it is not whole without each member then we also can see that a body is made up of different parts that perform different services or activities. A human body cannot hear without ears. A human body cannot smell without a nose. A human body cannot see without eyes. Yet collectively these parts perform activities that feed information to the brain that helps us to see, hear, and smell. The brain cannot do any of these activities and the eyes, ears, and nose cannot tell us what we see, smell or hear without the brain. They need each other to process and understand the world around them. You can pick other members of the body and see they also have the same type of purpose and in serving the body.
In the church of Body of Christ it is the same way. Can you imagine a church functioning well without teachers or leaders or prayer warriors or those whose faith encourages others? How do children learn without teachers? How do small groups function without someone leading them? How does Sunday morning worship happen without someone who plays the music we sing along to? How does the building we gather in stay in clean working order without those who clean and fix up the building? Yes, you can look at the church and see there are lots of activities, gifts, and services that are needed for the church to operate in any ministry and as a whole.
Each member is needed and important
Sometimes we think some parts or roles more important to others yet this is not true and is misleading when we start believing it to be true. Paul’s writing here also makes clear we can’t start thinking some roles in critical and others are less needed. He mentions the phrase members that seem indispensable and some are weaker and some are less honorable yet in each of these he says the reality is the opposite.
Take for instance taking out the trash. I know everyone’s favorite chore at the house is taking out the trash. If nobody thought taking out the trash was important, then we would end up with a house filled to the brim with garbage right? The same is true in the church house. Or if preaching was more important or more prestigious than playing a musical instrument, then we would not play music at all. Or if we didn’t think facilitating a small group bible study was as important as having a clean church then we would not have bible study teachers. Each role, each activity, each gift works as God chose it to be so. We don’t always choose our role or choose what member we are in the church but that does not mean we are not each uniquely gifted to perform activities and ministries that benefit the whole body.
Closing story
I would like to close with a short story today. I was reminded recently the way in which a group activity or gathering is different when the members of that activity or gathering change. I went on a trip recently and something was said that reminded me of this same principle Paul taught. Throughout the trip there was noted a person who was not with us. Throughout the different activities, it become apparent that was something this person typically does for us and we had to figure it out or work our way through something we were not as talented at doing than the other person was. This person was missed that trip not just for them being there but also for what gifts they had that were perhaps taken for granted that they would always be there to do this.
The church body is the same way. Each of us love God and love our neighbor and want what is best. This church called Asbury exists for God’s purpose and that is building up disciples of Christ for ministry. I also know we have lost many members just within the time I have been in here. Each of us feels that loss and in certain activities I am sure it has felt just like my trip where this was something that person used to do. We feel sad and we miss them and we miss what they were able to do. This year I want the church to focus on finding their gifts and using them. This year we can start finding existing activities and people who can lead those activities. This year I encourage you to thank the people around you for offering their gifts and services so this church can be here and the activities we enjoy can continue. This year I want us to come together to start rebuilding not what we have lost but what members we need to do the mission that this body of Christ is called to.
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