The Word Not of the World
The Word NOT of the World #77
Text: John 17:14-17
Introduction: We have a sure word of truth
Location (17:11-13) – Jesus prays for them IN the world.
Essence (17:14-17) – Jesus prays that they are Not OF the world.
Mission (17:18,19) – Jesus prays that they are sent INTO the world.
1. I have given them Your ___________ so… (v.14)
2. Keep them from the _______ one… (v.15)
3. Sanctify them in ____________ Your Word is Truth (v.17)
Influencing the Next Generation – Judges 2:6-11
• ___________________ is the Power to Affect
• Influence without Instruction is _____________
• Instruction without Influence is ______________
1. Chair #1 – ___________________ knows the Lord:
2. Chair #2 – ___________________ knows the works of the Lord:
3. Chair #3 – ___________________ knows not the Lord nor His works
How do you help your children follow God? – Take #3,#2 to #1
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