Life in the Fast Lane

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When you say Yes you also say No

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Opening Prayer
Opening Prayer - Here we are Lord! We come from the busyness of our daily lives from the hubbub of our work and play from the hue and cry of the world around us, we come to worship you. In this hour, we long to meet you, to feel your presence surrounding us, loving us. We long to settle into silence, laying aside our worries and our cares, aware of your presence around us, before us, behind us, within us. Come, Lord Jesus.
Prayer before Offering
We thank You today for The blessings that you bestow upon us all.  Father, I pray for our congregation today.  Lord, may we all give with gladness and sincerity.  Father, no one ever gives a present to someone with reluctance and we should never give You what already belongs to You with reluctance either.  Bless these tithes and offerings this day.  We love You, Father!  Amen
Following Offering
Bless these tithes and offerings. May the Father be the light that guides us, may the Son be the love that inspires us, and may the presence of the Holy Spirit be the power that empowers us.  Amen.
Message – Life in the fast lane –
You know you have a busy day ahead of you, so you set your alarm an hour early, "just in case." But then you still freak out the minute it goes off out of fear that you overslept.
To make sure you don't wake anyone else up, you get dressed in the dark. But then you realize you put your clothes on inside out. You finally get the kids up, dressed, fed, packed for school -- and then on the way out the door, you realize you forgot to make their lunches.
You frantically dig money out of your purse and figure they can just buy lunch. You get them to the bus stop on time, but then you realize you forgot to pack their homework.
You send them on their way, rush home to retrieve the homework, and figure you'll drop it at school on the way to your dentist appointment, which you've already rescheduled four times because of other conflicts. You CAN'T miss this one.
But on the way to the appointment, you hit major traffic, and you walk in a good 20 minutes late. And that forces you to reschedule yet again because you can't miss the open house in your kid's classroom. You're beyond annoyed, and so is the receptionist.
After the classroom visit, you're feeling all sorts of awesome because you have exactly enough time to go grocery shopping, clean the house, and pay a few bills before the kids get home.
But then you realize kid number one has soccer and kid number two has ballet and OMG you have no idea where their uniforms are. And you really don't have time to go through every single laundry basket in the house, so you take a detour over to the mall to buy new ones. You can feel your blood pressure rising.
The mall is a zoo, so by the time you get the goods, you realize you won't make it home in time to meet the bus. You drive to the school as fast as you can to pick up the kids.
You grab the kiddos and manage to get each of them to their respective activities with five minutes to spare. Winning.
But then you get this sinking feeling that you're forgetting something. OMG -- that's right! The neighbors are coming for dinner, and you totally forgot to turn the oven on. Now you have no roast to feed them.
And then you're all, "Oh, to heck with it. Everybody loves pizza, right?" When we think of Life In The Fast Lane we may think of people who live in a big city. We may think of those in Hollywood. We may not think about that for ourselves.  We live in rural Missouri in a small town. We don’t live in the hustle and bustle of a large city.
Whether you live in a large city or in a small one we have an epidemic in our country of being over-scheduled.  We are yes people.  Yes, I will do this, Yes I will do that.  Yes Yes Yes.  We feel like we are going and going and doing and doing so much that while you are doing, you are not present, you are thinking about what you have to do next.  Am I wrong?  Have you ever been in service and as you listen to the message you find yourself and your thoughts wondering? 
I hope the service does not run late,
I need to stop by the store,
I need to get home and get lunch on the table,
then I need to, Fill in the blank” 
Dare I ask have you ever pulled out a piece of paper and made a shopping list or to-do list while in service?  I am willing to admit it, I have.  I’m so busy at times that I am not truly present where I am because I’m present somewhere else.
Being busy seems to be the new norm. We fill our schedules with activities, meetings, commitments.  We all know someone in our lives that never says no when asked to lead a committee, to head up an event, to lead a class.  You may be one of those people that feels like you can’t say no.  You feel like your letting someone down, you may feel you're letting God down, you may feel guilty. This morning I am here to challenge you with a question. Is it possible that every time you say YES you ARE saying NO? Let's ponder that for a moment.
I am sure all of us have said or heard: “There are just not enough hours in the day.”  “I don’t know where the time goes.” Or “I’ll FIND the time”.
Robert Banks, The Tyranny of Time, When 24 Hours is Not Enough. “With respect to time, Christians are a good deal worse off than many.  This is especially the case if they live in a large city, belong to the middle-classes, have managerial or professional positions, or combine outside employment with substantial household responsibilities.”
Christians and people raised in a Christian setting tend to take their work more seriously than others.  They also place a high value on family obligations.  And they are often at the forefront of community and charitable associations.  The upshot of this commitment to work, community, and family is, as my eldest son commented: ‘Christians are like trains – always on the move, always in a rush and always late’. “
Remember my question, is it possible that every time you say YES you ARE saying NO?
In our reading today in Mark, we have the apostles who are eager to share with Jesus all the good works they have done in his name.  Have you ever been so excited to share with your closes family or friends your experience after a mission trip?  Or a vacation? Jesus tells, them to “come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile.”  Instead of Jesus being in a rush to hear all their news, he tells them to go rest, take a deep breath.  Jesus is saying NO.  He wants the apostles to rest.
In our lives, the demands on our time are never-ending.  How many times are you approached and really feel overwhelmed but feel like you can’t say NO?  How can I say No?  So, you say YES, Yes Yes and the results of saying yes is you are overscheduled, overworked, and your relationships are suffering.  But that is the opposite of what you think you are doing when you say Yes.
Why do we feel we have to always say yes?  We like to feel needed. We are concerned about what others may think of us if we say no. We like feeling like the go-to person that can always be trusted to come through.
As I have asked you several times now, is it possible to ever say YES without also saying NO?
I am going to take it a step further, I believe you can NEVER say Yes without Saying NO. And you can never say NO without saying Yes.
Ask yourself this question, when you say yes, I will be part of this committee, what are you saying NO to.  You are saying no to time with your spouse. When you say Yes, I will pick up that project at work with will take more late hours.  You are saying no to time helping your kids with homework or watching them play the big game or their dance recitals.  When you say yes, I’ll sit on this board of directors, you are saying no to time to yourself to refill your cup? Or more importantly, time with God?
I would like to share with you two times in my life that I was faced with something and I had to weigh the choices I was faced with. Page Break
Story of David with his learning challenges David, K-garden (learning challenges) Story of David dropping his head, “I’m stupid” I was working full time, we needed the two incomes to get by However, because of David's challenges, he needed more of my focus
What do I do? I said NO to my full-time job – I said YES to a part-time waitressing job. I said NO to some items in our expendable budget (like eating out or going to the movies), so I could say YES to volunteering at the school in David's classroom on a weekly basis. I said NO to letting his challenges in learning to cripple him throughout his life.  I said YES to David's future. I said NO to having control (or the illusion that I was ever in control), I said NO to the doubt and fear, I said NO to the Devil.  I said YES to the journey that was before me, I said YES to the path I was on.  I said YES to GOD knowing he would be faithful and provide.
Story of Steve's furlough March 2008 - Boys off to school, arrived at work and the day was going well Steve calls, I've just been furloughed. HMMMM what does that mean Furloughed means - When I got home, he was full of energy and excited (not the depressed and lost person I thought I may find (as someone who just lost OR maybe lost their job)
He said sit down, he wanted to talk to me about something.  I have to say I was rather alarmed.  The words, Sit Down and I Want To Talk usually don't go well. He wants to start his own lawn care business – and he only needed to get a loan for $5000 to do it. Steve is extremely talented, can rebuild a car engine, can fix almost anything. He is an amazing woodworker and has built the majority of the furniture in my home. However, running a business?  Cutting grass yes, hard work, yes.
Doing taxes, NO, doing up invoices "on a computer" NO.  Sending a simple email?  NO NO NO. Was this business of his going to become MY second Job on top of my already day job, raising my boys, taking care of the house, and paying our bills and, well I think you get the picture.  I was looking rather sickly I believe at this point. Go Confidently into The Direction of Your Dreams I said YES to the unknown and I said NO to my fear I said YES to the $5K loan and I said NO to the doughts and 1000 reasons in my head of why I shouldn't
I said Yes to GOD and placed all my faith in him and said NO again to the enemy. Ladies and gentlemen, I said NO to why we should not do this, and I said YES to my husband and to his dreams. I want to revisit this morning's old testament reading - Psalm 127: 1 – 2 (CEB) Psalm 127: 1 –2 1 Unless it is the Lord who builds the house, the builders’ work is pointless. Unless it is the Lord who protects the city, the guard on duty is pointless. 2 It is pointless that you get up early and stay up late, eating the bread of hard labor because God gives sleep to those he loves. -Common English Bible. 2011. Nashville, TN: Common English Bible.
Hard work is not a bad thing: in Psalm 128:2 it reads
2 You will definitely enjoy what you’ve worked hard for— you’ll be happy; things will go well for you. Common English Bible. 2011. Nashville, TN: Common English Bible.
However, overworking yourself is not what God wants for us. Read: Exodus 18: 13 – 24 13 The next day Moses sat as a judge for the people, while the people stood around Moses from morning until evening. 14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, “What’s this that you are doing for the people? Why do you sit alone, while all the people are standing around you from morning until evening?” 15 Moses said to his father-in-law, “Because the people come to me to inquire of God. 16 When a conflict arises between them, they come to me and I judge between the two of them. I also teach them God’s regulations and instructions.” 17 Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing isn’t good. 18 You will end up totally wearing yourself out, both you and these people who are with you. The work is too difficult for you. You can’t do it alone. 19 Now listen to me and let me give you some advice. And may God be with you! Your role should be to represent the people before God. You should bring their disputes before God yourself. 20 Explain the regulations and instructions to them. Let them know the way they are supposed to go and the things they are supposed to do. 21 But you should also look among all the people for capable persons who respect God. They should be trustworthy and not corrupt. Set these persons over the people as officers of groups of thousands, hundreds, the fifties, and tens. 22 Let them sit as judges for the people at all times. They should bring every major dispute to you, but they should decide all of the minor cases themselves. This will be much easier for you, and they will share your load. 23 If you do this and God directs you, then you will be able to endure. And all these people will be able to go back to their homes much happier.” 24 Moses listened to his father-in-law’s suggestions and did everything that he had said. Common English Bible. 2011. Nashville, TN: Common English Bible
There are those of you who are hearing me, agree with me but are still challenged with feeling guilty saying NO.  Here is what I have to say about that.  First, before you say YES, tell the person you need to pray on it.  Don’t rush to say Yes OR No.  After you have the opportunity to weigh it and pray on it, circle back with the person.  If the decision is NO, tell them, I appreciate you asking me to _________, I respectfully have to say NO at this time.  Because I need to say YES to ____________.   – Know that you are saying No because what your saying Yes to is more important at that time and that takes the guilt away. It also explains to the other person and they will respect you for it.
As we wrap up today’s message, I am going to send you off with a challenge.  I’ve included in your bulletin today a card. If you find yourself overscheduled, use this in order to write down all the activities you are doing. Next to those activities, identify what you are saying no to in order to do those activities. The challenge here is to weigh what you are saying no to and is it worth it. 
Let's flip this, maybe you are not someone who says YES to everything, but you say No. No, I won’t take time to do a daily devotional. No, I won’t attend or lead a bible study. No, I won’t help with this event.  Well, I give you the same challenge, fill out the list of all the things you say No to.  Across from them, what are saying Yes to instead? 
Please consider doing this challenge, leave the card in your bible, or on your fridge, somewhere you will see it from time to time.
I close with this quote: “Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. Believe in kissing.” ― Eve Ensler
Let us delight in the steadfast love of God, as we share our weaknesses or celebrate our strengths. Let us rejoice in God’s glory, as we rejoice in our individual and our communal callings. Let us sing of God’s name, as we journey throughout God’s great earth.
Now please join me in the prayer Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father who art in heaven....
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