Sermon Tone Analysis
Most Popular People
Most Popular People
We are all interested in Popular people
Herd Mentality
Herd Mentality
What’s your favourite finger?
What’s the biggest animal you could wr
Doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong it’s about fitting in with everyone else - popularity
Popularity make-over
Popularity make-over
(Think about what makes people popular - how would you make me popular at your school? What would I need to change or do?)
Popularity is a big thing these days.
It’s always been a big thing
- but with social media,
today it’s even more significant than it ever has been before.
I want to suggest that for lots of you
- popularity is the biggest identity you have.
It’s the thing you think about - maybe subconsciously - to make most your decisions.
Most of you will spend time thinking about
what to wear each - just to make sure others think about you in a certain way.
you’ll behave in a certain way - to make others think of you in a certain way.
You talk in a certain way, use language you wouldn’t at home..
The problem is - if we are thinking about popularity to make our decisions
- it means we’re not thinking about Jesus
- when we make our decisions.
Jesus was talking to his disciples and wanted to explain that if they truly live for Jesus
then often the world will more likely hate us
- rather than make us popular
John 15:18–21 (NIV)
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.
When Jesus lived on earth, people rejected and hated him.
They eventually killed him!
He wasn’t exactly Mr Popular.
They loved him when
ask what made JC popular
he was healing them
or casting out demons,
or turning water into wine,
or feeding thousands of people with miracles.
That made him popular,
Ask what made him unpopular
But when he told them about sin and that they needed to repent,
Or when he told them they couldn’t be saved becasue they were ‘good people’
or the right race.
They got angry!
And it’s going to be like that for you as Christians
as you grow up.
Sometimes people will really like you for obeying Jesus.
ask when people like Christians
When you love them,
or show kindness,
When you help someone with their homework,
or stop to help someo pick up their books.
But at other times you wont be popular.
ask when people don’t like Chirstains
When you choose to try and play with the weird kid who everyone else is laughing at.
When you can’t play sport or go to the cinema on Sunday,
or Friday nights.
And perhaps most importantly
When you tell them about Jesus and their need for forgiveness.
But if we truely want to follow jesus,
then remember - we are not popular in the world anymore,
If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
But just becasue people at school might not like you for behaving in a way that honours Jesus,
Someone else truly loves you - Jesus himself.
After-all he says - the reason they hate you is becasue they hated him first!
If jesus had to die to forgive our sins
and becasue the world doesn’t like the message he bring -
why would we think we will be treated any differently!
But the difference is - we are popular with Jesus!
So popular that he died for you.
Gave his life for you!
So, from now on -
when you’re tempted to put on extra make-up, or wear revealling clothing - just to be popular,
Or when you’re tempted to show off after scoring a goal, or ignore someone who needs help - just to be popular,
Or when you’re tempted to not talk about Jesus - Just to be popular
Ask yourself 2 things,
What did Jesus do for you? - Did he suffer?
2 - What would he do in each situation?
What makes people popular on Social media or at school?
How does wanting to be popular change some of the ways you act/behave/present yourself?
If we are followers of Jesus, what should we think about each time we make a decision?
What did the world think about Jesus?
Can you think of some examples of when you wont be popular if you live for Jesus?
What 1 thing are you going to pray about and try and change in your life from this talk?