Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Rest of us.
If you're stuck up here.
Go ahead and turn to the Book of Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes chapter 11 or just finishing up or are Series in Ecclesiastes here after so next week.
I haven't completely outline the sermon yet.
But unless some something changes will probably be next week.
We'll probably our last week in Ecclesiastes that this week.
We're going to be covering the entire verse Tire chapter of Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verses in it, number one bit again, and also it's just him just kind of summarizing and kind of giving some more wisdom, some more practical wisdom that we we kind of went through last week and you begin to do that in Ecclesiastes, 10:10 a straightforward wisdom.
And again, we find straightforward wisdom and an ecclesiastic chapter 11, which is good, right?
Because, as we gone to the series through the, through the buckwheat, we've seen that, he's employed irony.
Sarcasm and cynicism and all these downard dark themes to the demonstrate.
His main point.
As he's riding the wisdom that he gave was given by God.
And is he examine the world that he use the senses that got to give him and the understanding and intelligence that God has given them.
The reason and to rationalize everything that was done under the sun.
And he said, he can give us the conclusion that the beginning of his book that everything under the sun is vain.
It's all futile.
It's through till it means there's no meaning and purpose that can be found true.
Meaning and purpose, right?
We go to work.
We we gain riches but we all is he repeated again?
And again, we're all faced with the same dilemma and that's death.
We just no matter what happens in this life.
No matter how wise we are, how how unwise we are, help or we are how rich we are.
We all made that same faith.
And if so, if this were existed in, it was just bound up.
And what we could observe Under the Sun, we would have to conclude the Solomon that sits truly life is meaningless.
But as we begin is, he gets there and giving us little crumbs of this, his understanding of who, his God is, who the Creator God is.
And, and ultimately, he will conclude that the true definition of the true purpose of his letter.
I would, I would State, I would contend 4. In Ecclesiastes.
Chapter 12 is that ultimately, we need to find meaning and purpose in fearing, God and keeping his Commandments to the walk and live purposely in this life.
Not for what we can achieve and what we can acquire the Sun for our own cells low, how we can live for the God's glory for the glory of God and last week against to take, what's the does the practical wisdom that Solomon gave us in Ecclesiastes chapter 10, and I took the liberty to to expand into the New Testament context of what it means to.
What does it look likes to glorify God.
I mean I can have said that for many different sermons throughout Ecclesiastes.
We need to glorify God and our walks in our lives.
But what is that?
Begin to discuss what the New Testament betrayed to us what it look like in, Hebrews chapter 12, right?
To set aside every sin.
And if things that beset us so we can run the race with endurance.
Kill those things off that are hindering, our walk with God, so we can glorify him in those things and I'm going to down the sermon last week.
So back to this week's sermon, but it's really important to me that we we tried to apply.
These things in our life, right?
The Practical, meaning of what it means to fear.
We know that means we have got up and our Focus.
We keep right looking unto Jesus.
The author and Perfecter of our faith.
What does that look like?
How does that play out in our lives?
James says, we need to be doers of the word and not just hears only and that's what it means to the glorify God in your life.
To take what God has given us in his word and to allow the spirit to begin to work in Us in to transform us into the image of Jesus.
As we keep our focus on Jesus as we walk in the fear of the Lord and desire to glorify him and I believe
Solomon gives us some really good advice as far as Prudence is concerned and exercising Prudence in our lives in the practical sense.
And again, we have to take it under the understanding that he's again.
Everything's right.
His his view is everything that's happening Under the Sun until there's some there's some wise sayings about exercise imprudence practically in this life.
But as I have with pretty much every sermon Ecclesiastes, or I want to take it to end up with the New Testament context.
What it means to exercise Prudence in our lives with the New Testament, as our guide with scripture as our guide.
So you're the one that's what we'll be doing today.
So exercising Prudence, Prudence means to, to use careful judgment, that allows someone or us to avoid risk or danger.
And she was referring to the Future.
So we we, we do we use our wisdom, right?
Our intelligence.
And, and we try to plan for Calamity that might happen in the future.
And we try to, we try to soften the blow, so that means maybe we'll get insurance life, insurance or medical insurance just in case, something is going to happen to us.
That we won't be financially devastated.
That's a whole nother topic on health insurance.
These days.
It off completely stay away from but that's exercise improvements right here to be wisest to say, write.
We live in a phone and I'm broke.
And I need to, to do things that the plan to use the wisdom that God has given me to help soften the blow and Calamity comes.
And that's essentially exercising, prudence and Solomon tells us to exercise Prince by telling us to invest in our future.
Verse 11 of Ecclesiastes verse 12. Ecclesiastes.
11 says, send your bread on the surface of the water.
After many days, you may find it.
And so this
Phrase of wisdom is probably outside of our context, right in the in the modern Century, but that to the the seafaring.
People of the of the old world and in where Solomon is writing, write the first century BC to 1000 BC roughly around there.
That would be.
I'm talking about the ships that would send, you know, would go from port to port and exchange goods and stuff like that.
And he says exercise Prudence by by Cyndi by investing into your future is ultimately what he's trying to say here and our entire language in our vernacular, send your bread, on the surface of the water, send it down the road and vest take the things the exit.
If you have an invested, send it down the road to sell later or whatever that might look like for their contact, but for us, it's 2-2 to take them the money that we have leftover.
Sometimes we don't have a leftover, but did exercise Prudence is to invest into the future.
And then he says, for after many days, you may find it.
If you do that, if you plan for the future, it may help you when Calamity comes in the future.
And he tells us to Diversify those investments in verse to give a portion to seven or even to eight, right?
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Give a fortune to 7 or even 2 April.
You don't know what disaster may happen on earth, right?
Anybody that has a 401k or the guy that you talk to or you're right.
He says, you need to diversify your Investments.
So just in case, that one company that you think is your gold, they're going to take it to her into retirement into the golden age that if they fail.
And are you have all your money in that one?
Just one company, then you'll be with that.
So did the Diversified has to be prudent in your investing?
Give a portion to 7 or even 284.
You don't know what disaster may happen on Earth.
Verse 3, if the clouds are full they will pour out rain on the earth and whether a tree falls to the South or to the north the place where the tree falls there will be.
And so he's just reminding us of the mere fact of chance.
The storms will come trees will fall.
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