Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What is the Gospel?
Yes....I’m asking it again...
In THIS setting - the question is most often - easily answered -
BUT AS life is being lived out - the ANSWER is often - forgotten
For the past several weeks - we had been making our way thru the 1st chapter of Galatians...
And the Apostle Paul DEFENDING his apostleship...
AND - his message!
Paul is writing to the Galatian churches DUE to false teachers who had come in - to DISTORT the Gospel...
They had been declaring that the Gentile believers - needed to be physically circumcised in order to be SAVED...
And the way that Paul describes this (in the 6th VERSE of this book) - he makes it crystal clear that this is a SERIOUS matter...
The (HIM) in this verse - that is being DESERTED - is God
Paul equates - Embracing a False Gospel - AS LEAVING/WALKING AWAY FROM/ God...
And as we’ve seen from Paul - The way that Paul has constructed his argument TO the Galatians...
…has been something to consider.
I think it’s pretty clear - at this point in time - having broken into chapter 2 LAST WEEK - that Paul’s argument - has been BALANCED.
If you remember - he started out (in chapter 1) by SEPARATING himself - from man...
Saying that he was sent - BY GOD…not man
He then declared that he was not TAUGHT this message - BY MAN...
but instead - BY GOD
See - one of the claims of the False Teachers - was that Paul was simply trying to PLEASE MAN…by not forcing the Gentiles to be physically circumcised!
And so PAUL makes it clear that his APOSTLESHIP AND HIS MESSAGE - was DIRECTLY from God!
He had made it clear that:
his message
his agenda
his love
Was ALL - from God…!
But then - - Last WEEK - we saw Paul shift course...
He BALANCED out the scales...
He ALIGNED his message - with the Apostles’ message!
(those who WALKED with Jesus)
AND IN DOING SO - he aligned his message - with that of Jesus Christ!
And so - YOU TELL ME - would it be safe to say - that Paul - takes the Gospel SERIOUSLY?
I agree!
But TODAY - I think we’ll see a glimpse of - the DEPTH of HOW serious he takes it...
…and hopefully - we’ll ALL be inspired - to do the same
To catch the STORY of what’s happening here...
We know that Paul - early in this letter to the Galatians - has been DEFENDING the Gospel!
By just WORDS?
NO - by DEEDS as well!
- if you remember last week - we read about how TITUS ( a Gentile) had gone WITH Paul to Jerusalem 14 years after Paul’s conversion...
And at THAT time - false teachers were trying to PERSUADE Titus to GET circumcised!
Did PAUL give in?
He DEFENDED the Gospel - in DEED - by what he did/DIDN’T do...
His ACTIONS defended the gospel...
And he tells us WHY he did this...
So Paul and Titus - and Barnabas - by their ACTIONS - defend the Gospel...
And by doing so - the TRUTH of the Gospel remained CLEAR in the hearts of those watching…!
But then - in TODAY’s text - Paul tells of when PETER came to Antioch!
What happened?
*How many of you like - CONFLICT?
Well - All I can say is - Following Jesus WILL lead you to - many an AWKWARD conversation...
MANY a TENSE - conversation...
You know what’s in the Job Description for Eldership?
Highly Awkward...
Highly Tense....conversations
Any man in here - who aspires to the Eldership - Get READY!
Extremely awkward - extremely tense conversations are coming for you...
Paul and Peter weren’t BEST BUDS - but they had already - prior to this - locked arms in alignment on the Gospel!
They were TOGETHER!! Of ONE MIND!!
And so reading this verse - here’s what we know...
This isn’t EASY!!
Paul wasn’t sitting behind a KEYBOARD - putting Peter in his place...
Paul wasn’t sending out - CRYPTIC tweets about Peter’s actions...
NO - Paul was - FACE-to-FACE - with Peter…!
And he condemned him...
What’s the STORY?
Here we see that Peter had come to Antioch...
And WHEN he came...
he found - OPEN-TABLE communion between Jew and Gentile...
What is that?
PHYSICALLY? - it’s Jews not necessarily adhering to the Jewish Dietary laws - as they DINE with Gentiles...
It’s JEWS - living AS Gentiles… eating and dining with Gentiles!
AND SO --- - IN A NUTSHELL - it’s a Physical Picture of what Spiritually happened due to the cross of Christ!
SLIDE: Living the Gospel: Unites All Men Under Grace
Living the Gospel
How so?
Remember this?
Let’s just read thru it all...
What did this say?
In Christ - by HIS blood - those who were FAR off (Gentiles) have been brought near...
For Jesus is our - PEACE
He has broken down the dividing WALL of hostility between Jew and Gentile!
So Let’s EAT!!
AND BECAUSE - the path to God - is BY FAITH
Let’s eat - TOGETHER!!
This is what Peter saw when he showed up in Antioch!!
A physical display of a CRUMBLED wall of hostility!
And if you remember back to our trek through Ephesians - we saw this...
SLIDE: Wall of Hostility - the Law
That the law was the wall of hostility!
SO - the law created hostility between Jew and Gentile...
The Jews adhered to the law and the Gentiles did NOT...
But Jesus comes - and FULFILLS the law...
The believers in Antioch understand this - BELIEVE this!
And LIVE out the good news...
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9