Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We have gone over what those who creep into the church are like lately.
We have seen that their beliefs are based on feelings and emotions and what they want.
These people will twist and turn truth to fit the mold they want.
They do this through slow movements and some through abrupt and bold movements.
What we see is that Satan and his minions are working hard in this world.
Some hold a view that Satan was bound at the resurrection and that he is not as forceful now.
That the evil is from our own sinful hearts more than anything.
Yes we are sinners and yes we do sinful things on our own, but Satan is working still.
We see this through many other Scriptures that he is.
In 1 Peter 5:8 we see that satan is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking who to devour.
In 1 John 5:19 we see that the whole world is under the power of the evil one.
In 2 Cor.
11:14 we see that satan disguises himself as an angel of light and goes about deceiving people.
We also see that he is the prince and power of the air in Eph.
2:2 and that he is the god of this world in 2 Cor.
4:4 and as such he blinds the eyes of people and deceives them.
That is what we have seen in these last weeks of study.
People have been corrupted and they are coming in to corrupt others.
Satan is working overtime with the world today and many are being deceived.
But the mission is not impossible to reach many.
No, we can do this and the text today tells us how to do this.
In Jude 22-25 we read:
We see in this text that we are to be patient in the mission, we are protected to fulfill the mission, and we have power to perform the mission.
Let us look at the patience for the mission.
Patience in Carrying out the Mission (22-23)
Have mercy on those who doubt, or it could say convince those who doubt.
If we are to convince them would it not be better to do it through gentle persuasion than forceful assaults?
Yes, gentleness and loving guidance is what we do.
If someone is doubting something we do not force them to do it but we try and guide them rightly.
If they doubt the truth because they have been deceived by people who seem loving, we had better be loving and gentle with them.
Doubts will arise for many.
They come.
Some may doubt the truth of Scripture or Christianity in general.
Satan loves his.
He will start talking in their ear and have others do the same.
He will abuse their doubt and turn them away.
What we do is be gentle and have mercy on them.
We do not need to insult them or belittle them, that will not work.
We ask them what it is they doubt and discuss what is going on.
Also, we spend long hours of patient instruction with them, prayerful interactions, and lengthy dialogues discussing theology with them.
This is not to be feared it can simply be discussing biblical facts and how nature aligns with what Scripture says.
We serve them and care for them and we do not have strings attached.
We provide servant evangelism with them.
That is doing for them without regard of what we get.
This through requires much prayer and patience but for us to have that we must have love for people.
Some will be close to the fire or in the fire already.
Those we must act quickly with.
We must snatch them out of it like we would a hundred dollar bill.
We must act quickly because they are already in the fire and losing ground quickly.
Then there are those who are polluted already.
They are into it deeply and living in rebellion.
We need to have mercy again with them and act with caution.
This is what Jesus was speaking about when he told the disciples in Matt.
Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
We must be wise and take caution with those who are entrenched in the false ideologies of the world and are against the Lord, but we must go and be patient and loving with them too.
Much like a scene in the Rambo movie from 2008.
In it Rambo is in the Burma region and is a boat guide and fisherman.
He is approached by missionaries that want him to take them into war torn Burma.
Genocide is occuring and they are medical missionaries wanting to help.
On the way they get accosted by river pirates and in normal Rambo fashion all are slain.
He is about to take them back instead of in when the lone woman with the missionaries says that they must go and reach these people.
It is their life and their decision to go.
Whether they die or not they are going in.
That is the way we need to be.
We need to go and do regardless what happens.
We need to be wise and loving and patient but go we must.
If we do not hen the world will take more and more and satan will wreck more of God’s image bearers.
We can help stop this and we must do that.
We need to know that we are
Protected to Fulfill the Mission (24-25a)
We see that Jesus is protecting us.
He is keeping us from stumbling and falling.
We may slip and stumble along the way but He has us and we cannot fall out from Him.
He has us and He will keep us.
Much like when He said in Matt.
We need not fear those we are seeking to reach and help.
We have the one who can destroy body and soul on our side.
We have the guarantor of victory on our side.
Even if we die, as was the fear Rambo had with the missionaries, we are secure in the Lord.
Nothing can remove us from Him and that should give us courage to fight the good fight.
The text further states that He will present us blameless before the presence of his glory.
We will be guarded and protected.
We will be kept and this proves that.
If we are presented before the presence of his glory that means we will be kept in Him.
We will not stumble out or be removed from Him.
We are His and as such, we will be guarded through all the battles of today and those to come.
Now, that does not mean we will not face ridicule or danger, nor does it mean we will not face persecution.
What it means is we have Him with us holding us through all the turmoil.
He is in our corner and we can face all that comes because of Him.
Our strength comes from this.
Our passion comes from this.
Our argument comes from this.
The world does not have this argument.
It only offers something for now.
We have something that guarantees not to lose us or forsake us.
He will guard and keep you if you are His.
The world does not give anyone any of this.
It only offers things that will fade and that do not give joy or peace at all.
Jesus offers peace and comfort and joy to all that are His.
We have strength to face any situation that arises because of Him.
< .5
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