Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1.4 miles- that’s all it was.
The journey would be complete.
Let’s Go!
“You got to be kidding me.”
“How much further.”
“I am not going to make it.”
“This burns.”
So was the distance further then described?
Were the travelers exaggerating?
It was only 1.4 miles; however the change in elevation over that span was 1200 feet.
The travelers were at the end of a 5 day hike in the Grand Canyon.
Backpacks had been relieved of the weight of food and water, but were still full of gear.
It was only 1.4 miles, but there was resistance the whole way.
God moving the heart of a king, rousing the heart of the Israelites, restoring worship, and fashioning a people is not fudging the truth in any way here in the story of Ezra.
From the overview of God’s working and ability, these events take place with ease and simplicity.
It makes sense why this would stir hope for pressing on in life.
However, there is the nagging question in the back of our minds regarding the effectiveness of this kind of hope.
We believe these things are true, yet we know that what looks so clear and simple doesn’t always seem to help in everyday living.
We are at the point in the story where trouble enters, but it is not introduced as an element of a good story.
Like the former parts of the story, it is included to for our hope.
This passage presents us with an honest reality: Next Steps are not Easy Steps, and it give us the charge: Don’t stop when trouble comes.
Next Steps are Not Easy Steps; Don’t stop when trouble comes
Why should you not stop when trouble comes?
Character, Endurance and Hope are Being Built in Trouble
This a straightforward statement from God about how He is working.
From a human standpoint, we we look at God’s goal and ponder the complicated way of getting there.
Picture being at the trail head in which you can see your destination.
At the trail head there are two guides giving different directions to get to the destination.
One is giving a short direct route.
Another is giving a longer and more difficult route.
You have one question to ask.
What would it be?
A good question would be: “Have you been there?
Our perspective is like that of the inexperienced guide.
We only can go on what we see and know?
Consider our God who we have seen in the book of Ezra alone.
He controls the hearts of kings.
He stirs up the hears of people.
Whatever promises He makes, He keeps without missing any details.
He is not a respecter of persons.
He is committed to restoring and making His people new.
According to God why should we not stop when trouble comes?
The trouble is not random.
He controls all the factors.
His destination is not vague.
His commitment is not haphazard.
We have seen why we shouldn’t stop, but why is it easy to stop?
Quitting is reasonable in trouble
The troublemakers
Adversaries (v. 1)
People of the land
In 2 Kings 17, we see what the Assyrian king Sargon 2 did in deporting people from lands into Samaria.
This is something that Esarhaddon(v.
2) carried out and Ashurbanipal carried out (v.10)
In 2 Kings 17, the record shows that the people added the worship of Israels God to the worship of their other gods.
Bribing counselors to frustrate the work of the temple
The people of the land wrote Accusing letters to Ahasuerus (Ester’s King) (v. 6)
Commanding officers in the land wrote letters to Artaxerxes regarding the building of the city and its walls.
The tactics of the troublemakers
A false allegiance (v. 2)
Discouragement, fear, bribery (v. 5)
Lies, exaggerations, - they won’t pay taxes, they will rebel.
The tenacity of the troublemakers
The narrative is very clear to show that the people of the land were adversaries and they their work continued for a long time
The trouble that God’s people face is real, but it is only a diversion from the real world.
Our King is honest with us about the troubles we will face.
As He exposes their tactics, may we humbly rely on Him to keep us from its deceit and sustain us through it longevity.
Transition: What is the danger of stopping?
Turning inward is sinful in trouble
Turning inward involves looking only at your resources, knowledge, and perspective and making the conclusion as to what you should do.
The people yielded to the resistance and went about their own business
Pointing to Christ and the gospel
When walking the 1.4 miles of the trail out of the canyon, in the midst of the exhaustion, you look down and see the very trail on which you are walking has been cleared.
That means someone has gone ahead and not only pave the way, but has completed the course.
If next steps are not easy steps what should we do?
Pray lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil each day.
Prayerlessness displays a blindness about next steps being hard.
For young people, you face an enticement when you have not experienced the stings of sin.
Here Proverbs warning: my son if sinners entice you don’t consent; I saw a young man walking by the house of the prostitute…the pornography, boyfriend or girl friend, the hidden conversation from your parents- seek help don’t think you can win by yourself.
For those long in the fight- keep fighting; its a good fight; the fight is to keep on believing; take summitting steps today.
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