Holy Judgment
New Year Fear • Sermon • Submitted
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· 7 viewsIn a World filled with invisible enemies - death, disease, and evil - how are we to face what feels like an unknowable future? What do we do with our anxiety regarding the days ahead? Thessalonians provides comfort and reassurance to those living in uncertain times. These letters discuss the future of Christ's Second Coming, and what believers should do while waiting his return.
Text: II Thessalonians 1-12
Text: II Thessalonians 1-12
I once heard of an agnostic farmer who wrote to the editor of his local newspaper, who was a Christian. He said; “In defiance of your God I plowed my fields this year on Sunday, I disked and fertilized them on Sunday, I planted them on a Sunday, I cultivated them on Sunday, and I reaped them on Sunday. This October I had the biggest crop I have ever had. How do you explain that?" The editor replied: “God does not always settle his accounts in October.” (Lou Nicholes, Word of Life Fellowship, Schroon Lake, NY).
The late Southern Baptist evangelist, R.G. Lee, had a message he often preached entitled “Pay-day some-day.” The thrust of the message was that you may live a life of sin and appear to be getting away with it but judgment is sure to come, whether in this life or in eternity. (Lou Nicholes, Word of Life Fellowship).
A donkey crossing a river with a load of salt lost his footing and slipped into the water, so that the salt was dissolved. He was mightily pleased at finding himself relieved of his burden when he got upon his legs again. So the next time he came to a river with a load on his back, thinking that the same thing would happen if he got into the water, he let himself go under on purpose. But this time he was loaded with sponges, which absorbed so much water that he could not keep his head up and was drowned. (Encyclopedia of Illustrations #474).
We find the Apostle Paul writing to his congregation in the Second Letter to the Thessalonians. You can hear the love that Paul has for this congregation. His was a spirit of Thanksgiving.
We find the Apostle Paul writing to his congregation in the Second Letter to the Thessalonians. You can hear the love that Paul has for this congregation. His was a spirit of Thanksgiving.
He reiterates his gratitude for their…
Faith that grows exceedingly.
Charity that they demonstrate to each other.
Patience in Persecution
These three things are directly the same reason Paul congratulates them in the first letter.
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;
They were an Exemplary congregation
So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.
“We ourselves glory in you in the churches of God…” - 2Th 1:4a
The statement of their patience is directly connected to the spirit that the church had during their persecution. He is pointing to the fact that they demonstrated great patience in their persecution.
This was a congregation born in tribulation (Ac 17:1-9) yet they endured (2Th 1:4)
We learned from Paul’s last letter that we can have comfort in hard times based on the promises of God’s Word.
We learned that we can have comfort by the love of others to edify and encourage us.
And we need this love and comfort because times are hard and Jesus is going to return.
God’s Righteous Judgment
Suffering is appropriate because God will use it to further purify our lives.
Suffering is not permanent and will be balanced out on by God’s Righteous Judgment.
Moses experienced God’s Righteous Judgement as the Waters of the Red sea smote the Philistine army.
Isaiah fortold the God’s Righteous Judgement
But Paul was pushing the belevier to accept that his Judgment was Righteous at the stoning of Stephen.
This is where the need for Faith Patience, and Charity come into clear view.
Trusting that God will come through requires Faith.
Continuing even when everything seems unfair requires patience.
Loving God and others when we have been roughly handled requires charity.
Greatest demonstration of God’s Righteous Judgment. Is when it was placed on me. Rather when My righteous judgment was handled. I deserved a sinners hell. I deserved the same hell as the devil himself because I joined him in that sin.
Jesus took the righteous Judgement of God on my behalf. The father took the wrath that I deserved and poured it out on my Savior. He took my place and died in my stead.
Like my savior I find that the good will of my Father is a good cause for which to suffer. He as allowed that knowing the suffering of my Savior will bring him glory. I find that a worthy cause.
Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
Some will not see vengeance or justice in this life
For God's people who have endured tribulation with faith and patience
He is the one Who perfects, establishes, strengthens, and settles us - 1Pe 5:10 For those who have caused tribulation for His people - 2Th 1:6 GOD WILL REPAY THOSE WHO TROUBLE HIS PEOPLE...
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Tribulation will come upon them, a righteous recompense - 2 Th 1:6; cf. Ro 2:4-11Paul will describe the nature of this tribulation more fully in 2Th 1:8-9GOD WILL GIVE HIS TROUBLED PEOPLE REST...
Also a righteous recompense - 2Th 1:6-7The same rest enjoyed by Paul, Silas, Timothy ("rest with us")! - 2Th 1:7This rest to be given when the Lord is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels - cf. 1Th 4:16-17
Don't be surprise by hard times, God's Word has told us they will comeLook to God and His Word for the faith, love, and patience needed to sustain usAnticipate the coming of the Lord, who will bring us rest even as He brings judgment upon those who trouble us!
Is your faith growing exceedingly? Is your love abounding? Are you patiently enduring what trials come upon you, looking for the rest to come when Jesus returns?
Let the Thessalonians be an encouragement to us in "Holding Up Under Hard Times"!