Gen 11 - The tower of Babel
Man builds with brick. Because brick is man-made, it cracks and chips easily. That’s why God uses stone.
The massive stones used for the temple were cut to size in a rock quarry a mile away from the temple site so that when the stones arrived at the building site, the Bible says the sound of neither hammer nor chisel was heard (1 Kings 6:7). How close did the stones fit? So close that not even a knife could fit between them. There was no need for cement or mortar, for the stones fit perfectly.
And God still uses stones to build His temple. We are living stones being fit together for a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5). This means the world is the rock quarry wherein the chipping is taking place so that when we get to the true temple in heaven, there will not be the sound of a hammer or chisel heard.
Therefore, we should not be surprised when the living stone we’re sitting next to or married to rubs us the wrong way. It’s all part of God’s plan to knock off our rough edges so that when we got to heaven, we’ll fit together perfectly.