"The Value of An Empty Vessel"
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· 1,906 viewsWe are vessels to be used for the glorification of God.
Would you give God some praise? You can clap your hands, stomp your feet, raise a hand or two, shout like you don’t care what anyone is thinking of you, or you can just hug yourself in Jesus! If you’re grateful for another day. If you know that it was HIS grace that brought you to this point, let Him know that you know! He is worthy of all honors, all glory, and all of our praise.
Given all praise and honor to our Father in Heaven. To our deacons, officers, members, friends, my lovely wife, daughters, family and Online audience. Indeed it is an honor to stand before you once again to proclaim the Gospel!
Today, our message comes from 2 Kings 4:1-7 of the New King James Version. It reads as such:
1 A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”
2 So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”
3 Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few.
4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels and set aside the full ones.”
5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out.
6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So, the oil ceased.
7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”
I would like for you to take this thought with you “The Value of An Empty Vessel.”
Prayer: Father, breathe on Your Word and make it come alive for us today. Touch our ears so that we hear; touch our minds so that we may understand; and touch our hearts so that we will receive Your Word. Move me and use me for the edification of Your kingdom right now, in the name of Jesus I offer up this prayer.
In Webster’s Dictionary the meaning of vessel states the following. The human person is symbolized as a vessel of God. In this instance the vessel is a container, which is different from a utensil or an instrument. This vessel is meant to contain God. The potter in Romans 9, desires that the human, as a vessel, is to contain God himself.
One term of the word vessel back in Elisha’s day was quite invaluable and very useful for a family to carry liquids or some food. They were unique and made by various potters. Therefore, they were all handmade and unique this made them quite special. Elisha asked this widow to go and humble herself to ask her neighbors to borrow one or multiple vessels to use for the miracle that was about to take place. Sometimes we have to humble ourselves and trust to get to where we need to be in life.
In V. 1, We have Elisha the prophet; a widowed woman who is desperate and absolutely overwhelmed by the potential loss of her boys, the death of her husband, and then this debt that is threatening the family structure. That has been changed due to the fathers passing; her two sons are moments away from becoming slaves. There is a creditor who is seeking repayment of a loan. This woman is more than a widow; for she is a respectable lady who just had a major loss. We know that she is “wise” because of who she sought help from and that was the prophet- Elisha.
1. She married a man who feared God. Proverbs 9:10 tells us fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
2. She did not play the blame game when she told Elisha the facts: my husband died; I have a debt I can’t pay; and the creditor is coming to take my sons.
3. During her distress, she cried out to someone who had the ability and the desire to help her.
V. 2 tells us about Elisha, a man called to lead God’s people. He was, in essence, a servant and the first thing he asked the woman was how could he be of service. Under normal circumstances, this would be a great question. Under these circumstances, it was one of the weirdest questions possible because the woman just told him her world was crashing. She had already lost her husband and was facing the loss of her sons to a creditor they owe who is ready to take her sons to become slaves.
So, this question had to be rhetorical because Elisha had to hear the desperation in her voice; he had to see it in her face; and he had to feel her pain in his heart. Then, he follows up with the REAL question --- Tell me, what do you have in the house? In other words, there is something of value at home. There is something we can use at home. And she responds in a low, defeated voice, I only have a jar of oil. She had already compared what she had with what she owed, and she had this tiny jar, and it didn’t match up well with the giant debt. Think about the story of small David and the giant Goliath. You already know how that ended.
V. 3: Elisha had already discerned she didn’t have much --- but she had something. Therefore, he is determined to use what she had. He tells her in the King James Version to borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few.
NKJV shows empty containers. Elisha also knew her expectations were small, and she would come back with a couple of containers. Therefore, he saves her from herself by being very specific.
Do you know that the Bible tells us specific things and we interrupt it the way we want it to speak to us. We need to pray for His understand and not lean unto our own because the world has a way they want things to be.
The prophet made her responsible to go into her community and speak with the neighbors. Get as many containers and even the empty ones as you can get. He encourages her to dream big because he knew something big was in store for her. He tells her to get a lot of containers because God had a big miracle on the way.
In V. 4, Elisha gives her a test of obedience. He tells her after you get the containers, go home, shut the door, fill the containers with oil, and set them aside. Wait a minute, I got a huge debt, and you want me to go to all my neighbors borrowing empty milk jugs, mason jars, and Tupperware bowls? They are going to laugh at me! Let’s be real.
It was odd to come with a debt and be turned away to collect empty vessels --- but this woman held boldly to her faith while she worked, while she worked, while she worked. She did exactly what Elisha instructed. After she got the containers, she went back to her bungalow, abode, flat, crib, her home. How many find comfort in your space of living? The sister went there and locked up the door. She accomplished 3 things by shutting the door.
1. She obeyed Elisha’s instructions. Obedience is better than sacrifice and sometimes obedience alone will seal the win.
2. She protected her sons from the creditor as he had the right to take them as payment for the debt.
3. She shut everybody out. No one could meddle in this process. None of the neighbors who so kindly loaned her vessels and containers could see or gossip or lie about what was taking place behind closed doors; and she didn’t have to hear them laughing at her.
Vs. 5 and 6 describes for us one of the blessings of God. Now it came to pass that her sons brought her the containers, she poured, she poured, and she poured! It was like an assembly line and who thought Ford Automobiles formed the 1st assembly line? Can someone here today say, “there is nothing new under the sun?” Same thing just a different name whatever it is God has dealt with it all. Fret not my brother and sister!
There was a pandemic before now and our God dealt with it and He will have us back to normalcy eventually just hang in there family of God! Back to the text at hand. Every time a son gave her a container, she filled it and set it aside until there were no more empty containers. Then, and only then, did God stop the oil from flowing. God doesn’t waste anything.
Our last verse, verse 7 After the Widow did what was asked of her by the prophet. She went back to Elisha to report what had happened. I can see The prophet Elisha being cool, calm, and collected, as well as, proud of her accomplishment. Most likely he was not surprised by her report. Then he gave her his final instructions. Notice the order to these instructions.
1. Go and sell the oil.
2. Pay your debt.
3. You and your sons --- live off what’s left.
When we started this passage of Scriptures, it looked like this woman’s husband had left her, widowed, destitute, and saddled with debt. Perspective matters. How we look on things, on issues, and how we look on people is important. As I continued to read the text there were a few things that I saw that was of value. She thought she just had one thing and it was minute in portions.
1. She had a little olive oil. She didn’t have much of it, but it was valuable. Olive oil was symbolically associated with joy, festivity, ceremony, honor, light, and health (both spiritual and physical), while its absence spelled sorrow (Jl 1:10), and the withdrawal of all that is good in life. This was according to the Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible. Olive oil was used for so much in those days --- from cooking to anointing. As it turns out God multiplied the little, she had.
2. She had a valuable connection. Her husband’s employer was more than an employer, He was God’s prophet. This is the prophet, Elisha, whom asked for and was blessed with a double portion of the prophet Elijah’s spirit to fall on him. Elisha the one who parted the River Jordan; healed the waters of Jericho; prophesied a son for a wealthy Shunammite woman and later resurrected that same son.
He’s the prophet who cured Naaman of leprosy and removed poison from a pot of stew. He is also the prophet who cursed and caused a group of boys to be mauled by some bears because they dared to mock his bald head. See, Elisha was no joke, and he didn’t play. No, no, no. He was truly an anointed man of God and when she went to him, she went to the right one.
3. She had an unshakable faith in God. How can we know that? By her work!!! James 2:17 – faith without works is dead. This woman believed God would deliver her out of this situation, so she obeyed when Elisha told her to collect vessels.
She trust and believed that Elisha was one of God’s chosen prophet. We all know Hebrews 11:1 – NOW, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
When the chips are down and life becomes in your mind unfair and almost unbearable for you. Who do you turn to? Do you have a little something that you do not think is worthy? How about a little faith of a mustard seed? Is your faith unshakeable, even though you have the right connection with God? We need to check ourselves to make sure we are what and who we say we are in Christ!
This woman shows why it’s important to keep running this Christian race when the odds are stacked against us, when people talk about us, and even when we don’t feel like running any more. Because things are not always what they look like. God used the little oil she had, multiplied it, and gave her enough to pay her debt and live on for the rest of her life.
God shows us once again that He cannot be contained in our little boxes, bottles, and jars, or even our little minds. He is God Almighty, and He can do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think.
I want us to revisit verse 3 where Elisha tells her to “go, borrow vessels from everywhere.” Borrow means to take and use, something that belongs to someone else, with the intention of returning it. Here’s the thing, if she bought the vessels that would be a 1-time transaction --- but she borrowed them and that meant she had to return them.
Can you imagine the testimony this woman and her sons gave when they returned those containers? I can see this family taking a neighborhood tour. Here’s your container Sister Mary, Brother Frank, Willie & Josephine. When we borrowed it, the creditor was beating on our door and he was a day away from taking my sons, me and my brother, but you helped us out. The Lord provided us with enough oil to pay our debt, but we wouldn’t have had anything to put the oil in without your help. Thank you for being a blessing to our family.
You helped save our family structure and we truly can’t thank you enough. All over town, people heard some version of this story and the value of those empty & other containers. So, now an entire neighborhood knows about her miracle, her miracle-working God, and the value of an a vessel, even the empty ones.
Do you ever feel like an empty vessel? See, I believe the vessels are not just how this woman’s bills could be paid or her family could be saved. I believe the vessels are symbolic of human beings and the salvation which God offers us. He doesn’t ask us to be perfect people, He asks us to be willing people.
Just like those containers, some of us have been used, abused, unused, but we are still valuable. If we are honest, some of us have been the user and the abuser --- yet we are still valuable. And just like He filled the borrowed containers, God wants to fill us and some He wants to fill anew. So, if you are questioning whether God still values you, I am here today on assignment to tell you He does. Despite yesterday or even this morning. You are priceless and as precious as gold in His sight.
On another note and free of charge about single mothers. Its tough for any mother but especially for those without assistance of a man for that boy child. For those who are still debating whether a woman can raise a boy. Look at the things these boys now know they know how to ask for what they want; they know how to keep their word; pay their debt; how to say thank you; work together; follow instructions and where their help comes from. What more do they need to know?
I would say that one frustrating things about human nature is we forget things. We forget that God, the same God who created Heaven and Earth in Genesis 1, He is the same one who delivered Daniel from the lion’s den, the children of Israel from Egypt, allowed Queen Esther to save the Jews, and raised Lazarus from the dead. So, we can’t pick and choose parts of the Bible to believe. Our God is the same in the beginning and the end. He doesn’t just talk and tell stories; He is a promise keeper, and He delivers on every promise.
If the empty vessel is valuable, how much more so are His children?
We lost a lot in the last approximately 2 years and many people want to throw in the towel. Mental health issues are very real as more and more people deal with covid, anxiety, depression, and isolation combined with financial troubles, homelessness, hunger, civil unrest, and employment issues across the board.
Moreover, the pandemic that have rocked our world is no match for an all-knowing God because He was not surprised by any of it. We will eventually come out of this like we did the other pandemics. Just hold on soldiers of Christ, just hang in there. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, he has plans for you, those plans are designed to prosper you, give you hope and a future. That means you must live. I don’t know who you are, but God does. I am begging you. Choose life. Choose to live. Don’t give up now! You are a vessel and the Lord will keep the oil running as long as you keep your faith. When you get low He will pour more into you; whereas, you will not run out of what you need. Certainly, God has more than enough.
I want you to take away 3 things:
1. Cry with Expectation. In our chosen passage today, the widowed woman cried in despair at the fear of losing her sons. I want to remind you Jesus also cried. He wept over the city of Jerusalem; He wept when he saw Mary and others crying over Lazarus’ death; and He wept when He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane --- just before He was crucified. So, if He cried, so can we when things get tough or ridiculous in our lives. Just like God answered the cries of the widow woman, He will answer us when we need Him.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. This reminds us that God is present even when I’m in need.
In other words, when that day of despair comes and it will come --- there is One who promised to hear us, answer us, and help us. God knows more than your name; He knows your location and your condition. The widow woman was unnamed and tested by her financial situation just like many of us are being tested today. Her victory shows we don’t need to know her name, we need to know her God. So, when we cry, we must remember we are crying to a God who can do anything, except fail, and there is nothing that is too hard for Him.
2. Close the door. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God." In other words, God needs to have some alone time with us. We need to steal away to a quiet place. Turn off the tv, the phone, social media. Turn off the evil noises of our society that can cut us to the bone and sometimes simply angers us due to the many, many injustices that we see too often on television and daily life.
Shut the world out because some things must be done in private. Pray! The whole neighborhood knew of this woman’s desperation, but her deliverance took place behind closed doors.
Transformation is not always public because everybody can’t be part of the transformative process. The pandemics have caused many changes to our normal way of life, unfortunately, we waste a lot of time distracted by material and nonsensical things. It is time for us to put things down and pick up the word of God again! We need to fill our vessels with the word of God. We will spend hours watching the same movie over and over and over as opposed to having that quiet time with God.
There are times we simply need to stop and assess our commitment to God. Be still, listen, hear what God has to say, and let God do what He promised He would do. 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” In other words, your breakthrough, your blessing, your miracle is for you. To experience them --- there are times you must --- Close the door.
3. Know who you are. I was not very interested in what society has to say about it so I looked to Scripture. Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.
Then, I looked at Psalm 139:14 where He says we were fearfully and wonderfully made. Jeremiah 1:5 says God formed us in the womb and knew us before we were born, and He set us apart. You don’t fit in because you weren’t meant to fit in; we were meant to be different. God says we are:
His children, masterpiece, The temple of the Holy Spirit, Christ’s Ambassador, The light & salt of the World, Citizens of Heaven, A branch of the True Vine, Forgiven, Called, Chosen, Saved, Justified, Loved, and Joint heirs with Christ Jesus.
And we have:
The spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, authority and power over the enemy, boldness and confident access to God, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, victory through Jesus, the strength to do all things and A Holy calling.
God created you intentionally --- you are His workmanship, His righteousness. You are royalty. Hold your head up and straighten your crown. There is no vessel with greater value than you.
Lord, seal your word in the hearts and minds of your people. During the various pandemics we face, remind us of your unmatched love for us and the wonderful plans. You must prosper us. Grant us peace in knowing You will honor Your Word above all else and keep every promise You made --- without fail.
In Jesus’ name.
Benediction: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Cor. 13:14)