The 4 Chariots

Sermon Tone Analysis
The Visions
The Visions
the first vision we see the horses that have come from checking out the earth
and the Lord is disturbed with the report from the nations
and the great love God has for Jerusalem
the Flying scroll - God has separated the people and not allowed the sinner into the Millennial Kingdom
Vision dealt with the individual
next we see the Woman in the basket going back to Babylon
representing the Mystery Babylon Religion
the woman is wickedness / the Queen of Heaven
went back to Babylon where it originated
this next vision we see God taking care of the Nations
Read Zechariah 6 1-8
4 Chariots
4 Chariots
in the first vision we had horses
but they were on a scouting patrol
the Lord did not like the report from them
this time its chariots going out
I looked up again, and I saw, and look!—four chariots coming out from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze.
4 chariots - a war machine going out to
coming between 2 mountains of bronze
we have the bronze serpent that when people looked were delivered
bronze laver to wash, bronze altar to sacrifice
Jesus is like the serpent lifted up
And just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, thus it is necessary that the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.”
Bronze is Judgement. it’s where god deals with sin
the people in Jeremiahs time were taken into exile with bronze shackles
All of the utensils and furniture outside the temple were bronze
one had to deal with the bronze before he could enter the temple with the Gold
bronze speaks of God’s righteous judgement that is perfectly just and tempered, wisely administered with precision and perfect timing to get the results he desires, motivated by love.
Mountains in the Bible is a place where a lot of times someone is receiving something good from God
Ararat Noah landed
Sinai Moses recieved the 10 commandments
Mt of Olives Jesus prays before his arrest
Mt Zion Jerusalem
Mt Tabor Mount of Transfiguration
Mt Carmel Elijah sacrifice
Sermon on the mount Jesus teaches
hillside where Jesus feeds the 5000
Chariots coming from between bronze mountains
war chariots, taking care of sin, something good from God
The Horses
The Horses
Zechariah 6:2–3 (LEB)
With the first chariot there were red horses, and with the second chariot there were black horses. And with the third chariot there were white horses, and with the fourth chariot there were strong dappled horses.
And another horse came out, fiery red, and it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace from the earth, and that they would slaughter one another, and a large sword was given to him.
And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and the one seated on it had a balance scale in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not damage the olive oil and the wine!”
And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and in order that he might conquer.
Dapple ?
where do they come from?
And the angel answered and said to me, “These are the four winds of the heavens going out after presenting themselves before the Lord of all the earth.
Spirits/ winds/ angels
who are before the throne
going out to do His work
The one with the black horses is going out to the north country, and the white horses go after them, while the dappled ones go to the south country.”
2 horses go north
all of the attacks on Israel either came from the north
or south
North- Assyria, Babylon. Babylon had to come up and over to get to Israel
South- Egypt
This vision was telling Zechariah that in the future God, the maker of history will take care of Babylon and Assyria
2 chariots are going north
When the strong horses went out, they were anxious to go to patrol the earth. And he said, “Go, patrol the earth.” And they patrolled the earth. And he cried out to me and said to me, “See those going out to the north country have set my spirit at rest in the north country.”
the dapple horse has gone to the rest of the world
the north has been judged
lets look at the north country in the last days
North Country
North Country
turn to Ezekiel 38
vs 1-7 Russia, turkey, Iran,
God will put a hook in your cheek
you will go up against Israel
God will cause you to want to destroy and plunder them
what they have you want
God will cause them to go to war
Vs 8-9 you will come unto a people who brought the land from ruins
and advance as a cloud upon them
Vs 10-12 it will come to your mind to
God will cause it to come to your mind
Vs 13 the people from Saudi Arabia will protest the invasion
Vs 14-16 you don’t realize that you are fighting against God
Vs 17-23 God fighting against the armies
a great earthquake, mountains will crumble,
every wall on earth will fall
men will fight against his tent-mate
Rain, Hailstones, fire, sulfur,
God talking to Job
Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?
Chapter 39
God will cause these nations to come to war against Israel
And God will soundly defeat them
Remember There are 2 chariots going to the north
one to the south
one around the rest of the world
after this is the battle of Armageddon
Battle of Armageddon
For that day is to the Lord Yahweh of hosts a day of retribution, to take revenge on his foes. And the sword will devour and be satisfied, and it will drink its fill of their blood, for a sacrifice is for the Lord Yahweh of hosts in the land of the north by the Euphrates River.
And the sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, in order that the way would be prepared for the kings from the east. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are the spirits of demons performing signs that go out to the kings of the whole inhabited world, to gather them for the battle of the great day of God the All-Powerful. (Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who is on the alert and who keeps his clothing, so that he does not walk around naked and they see his shamefulness!) And he gathered them to the place called in Hebrew Armageddon.
There is a judgement coming against the nations
they will be destroyed
governments will topple
armies will be annihilated
the religious system of satan
that is all of the religions that are not believers in Jesus
all will be judged and found guilty of worshipping satan
all individuals of all time will be Judged
if your name is not written in the lambs book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire
Read Rev 19 11-21
Read Rev 20 11-15
Jesus came to earth to provide salvation to all who will receive
free gift of eternal life
God is a holy God perfect in every way
in order to be in His presence we have to be as perfect as He
Jesus provided that on the cross when he died for our sin
He was the perfect sacrifice
the substitute for us
when we turn from our way of trying to get to Him
to believing in the work Jesus did for us on the cross
we are given Justification, found not guilty by the Judge /The Father
we are adopted into the Family of God