Saturday Service
And that Austin.
All call us adore adore. Adore. You are you all alone?
We give you glory glory. We give you all the glory.
Rare, Praise Your Name Forever. Reprise your name for?
Watch my last Me by. Yeah, might as well as me.
Nyada Throne of my calendar, Wednesday Pantry, My Savior, savior, savior. Yeah, I do not pass me by Justin Nolan. Josten on Lind. I Am I Wrong. Dead broke and speak. I dye my hair.
Your daughter spring me, the savior. Siri Siri, on my glass. That's not fair to me.
Let's pray. We don't want to be pass by today. We were 105. That you rescue us want you to deliver. We want you to accept us. Today, I know, I want you. Oh, Father, we call upon you in the name of Jesus. That you will resurrect us that you were reformers that you were Transformers so that it will be more like, you know, where to meet you when you come again, finally. Oh Father, we want to spend eternity with you.
Hey, man.
See, you don't like a real mess.
All free.
I'm Maddie.
Call Todd.
All I know.
All free all free.
Amazing Grace.
God's favor.
I once was lost.
All free.
Revelation chapter 18 verses 21 through 24 read with me and mighty engine to copy Stone, like a good Millstone, Justin into this season. Dolls with violins, Charlotte Bridge, City Babylon, be thrown down. I'm sorry phone. No, more at all. I'm the voice of The Hoppers on the musicians, and the papers and the trumpeters shall be hard. No, more.
I know Craftsman, I whatever crafty, maybe she'll be phone anymore, Indie, and the sound of millstones shall be hard. No, more Envy on the Lights of the timer on the voice of the bride. Groom and the bride shall be hard. No more for the merchants, who are a great man. I'll be on in this evening, in the hall was found the blood of profit enough sense on off all, that was slain upon the Earth. Know. That mr. Bobby Babylon. The great hollow.
You know, that's kind of, that's telling you that the whole world is what the world is deceived, right?
This year. So who is this in the world?
No, remember we talkin about who Bobby. Am I right? Then we talked in my body.
Search we talkin about Babylon, right? And we only says that Bobby Lundy did one deceive who, how many. The whole world, right? Wow, that's that's a tragic situation, right? Very tragic situation. Very, very tragic situation.
In Babylon by a woman. I'm so is the Church of God depicted by a woman. No, I didn't notice something. Whenever Babylon is depicted by a woman. The abdomen is it is specifically.
Also notice, we are going to study symbol of spiritual.
I'm not even important for you to learn as we go along the symbol of
not in shop that however, God final three-point message of love and mercy is being taken to the entire world in Hawaii. Dick. That means today. There's a three-point message. Buy the world must get before. Jesus Christ was the Clouds Of Heaven.
No, I want to notice. There's a lot of preaching taking place all over the world.
But if you're not bringing this message, cuz I'm coming.
What going to make rice? Come is when the 3-point message has been delivered? And the last message is called Angel message. Then Jesus will come. So as we look at Revelation chapter.
If you find me a Revelation chapter 14.
When you read, verses 6 to 11. You will notice the three-point message. Is that. Must be taken to the world? I'm at the end of the message, Jesus Christ, presentations, and you will notice is coming.
So that process mostly Play-Doh.
So, you will notice in 46. The Angel. Flying a mix of heaven and he's doing one, having won the Everlasting, God gospel to preach to everyone.
That's right. Every person that dwell on the Earth is going to receive this Everlasting gospel and you will notice that is saying with a loud voice.
God gives glory to me for judgment is gone. Man's judgment is Washington heaven and all the sea and functions of water. So God is calling people back to do a wash and you will notice in the next bus.
I'm not a engine. So that's the second Point. Message. I know the angel, send me one.
Good. So today we're going to study. Avoid Babylon is Fallen is fine. God respect, God love him. Give glory to him and worship him. So we are study about washing and then we realized worship how you could remember to wash it to be. Sunny view me about what happened to him. He's calling you to stay away from that type of washer.
But I type a lot wash it look real. You know that you can do what you want. So we have two very important Rottweiler.
Is there. Another Angel singing Babylon is Fallen the Fallen that great City because she had made Nation drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication by Malone Babylon. Is this, even the world and it's deceiving people.
So when we talk about Bob Dylan, may I see talkin about Babylon is not Babylon in ancient Babylon is different. Diwali. In Revelation here. Let me help you understand my light. And it would destroy on my way. I'm glad say that it will never be inhabited again.
So this Babylon is gone. So God is using Babylon, the evil of Babylon to symbolize. The contrast between. D2 gospel. A gospel that is being preached by Babylon and the Everlasting gospel.
That means that gospel is not what God wants his people to follow. No, take a look at this new revelation. 18 is given so much for
Another word for a living thing. Come out of her. My people then he'd be not protecting us from perfume. And then he received 90% on in Babylon. He's saying that he got the planes coming and he's going to be for her Bible and receive in this world, and they're performing is far more popular, and God is calling.
The plague Knight apart of the sins of Babylon. No, remember Bobby Don represents a system that brings forth a gospel, that is not comparable Everlasting gospel. Don't want you to understand. She understands. So Bobby Darin. Most represent churches. I know, right? And gospel.
Barbie doll represent churches, confusion and this evening Asian, but the people inside a bit short organizations, and he's calling them.
So you see what we have today is because the people in these charges are not getting the Everlasting. What? They're not getting the shoes that is for the last. I'm driving saying. You got to get out of there, get out of this end shut you in that is not bringing to you the Everlasting Gospel. According to Revelation Chapter 14, verse 6 and 7, you have to do what?
No, I know that. How do I know that? Because we all talked about Jesus. We're not all who call my name right now because of call in the Name of Christ.
Is not about how fancy the charges is not about how nice and services. It's all about the one thing Miss cartoon. That's the only thing that's going to set us. What?
So this Everlasting gospel. You must fear God and give glory to him because of the judgment is what is your judgment? How is a church telling you that sometime in the future?
Did the Bible said the all the judgment is coming?
On kitchen. That you are being Jewish.
The next thing is that the false gospel. The first Angel is preaching the gospel and he said that means love him to respect him. But he says, the office judgment is come out for Washington important important.
Should I give you a Washington with him? You're not the Washington, the weasel?
So you saying you are in Babylon, you love me, you are mine, but you must want to get out and worship me.
But that's what I'm doing better. You should know you're not doing that, you see. You must never take on your own. You must let the Holy Spirit on the water. Tell you what is right thing to do.
Could you trust yourself Heaven and Earth, the sea, and The Fountains of water?
Well, he's different, what you see and what you doing. You know, there's a difference.
so, my question to you, is,
How do you know that you're not worshiping the creative God when you know, when when you should? You know that you should get out at night because you're not watching him that made him in or not. But how do I know that? Some brief opposing here. Have the answer. How do I know that? I am in Babylon, Washington Avenue?
But I'm going to wash up in the Gaga creative and I'm not the Sea on the functions of water in the word of God, to identify the fact that I am.
Do you like meet me? Because of what I've got. It is what it is. What leaders do. So, how do I know that? New Commandments. Which part which one of The Commandments that tells you. Doctor in Washington who created heaven and give glory to him.
I'm keeping this one, but that is the one. The whole duty of man heaven on Earth.
Exodus 28:11. What is it?
The Lord made Heaven and Earth.
And Rick is a 7-Day. Well for the Lord blessed the seventh day, Hollywood.
When your washer. On which day signifies, you are worshiping the god of Queen heaven or not.
Yeah, no, may I marry somebody asked me that question. I ask them another question.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ, rose on the first day of the week?
According to the Bible, the Bible City rules on Wednesday.
Do we know we are aware of that is called Easter Sunday. Are we all going to church on Easter Sunday on say yes, Jesus Christ.
All we know.
Not the days of the week in my body because it gave name to give names to the first day. S a telephone. And then we know from since that time since the resurrection of Christ on the first day of the week. And the first day of the week was called Sons day. When did Men,
Different different. Different different planets are different days of the week. On my right tire on Tuesday, and then write a Saturday satin and things like that. So, we'll begin Sunday. You, you could go back and follow the transition and we'll see and has never been changed.
Rite Aid, Phoenix Saturday. So yeah. Yeah, you're hot song. It was Sons day became Sunday from Paragon X, all the way back down to nothing has been lost and it's a party in the world because even today the first day of the week, with no way to be W Sunday and it's been all over the world being accepted and that has never change.
You don't do my walk on.
Yes, papa bear was not there. When when he goes anywhere in Africa, are some places in Africa on Saturday. They don't even acknowledge, is that they don't, they don't have to have the Gas Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy on Saturday has been specially in Nepal, is your holiday. So, I mostly all religions worship on Saturday. Funny effects while she was on the first day of the week and that does not change on the Sabbath has never never change the time. We if you're looking at Luke Chapter even look in Google Luke UCS. Somebody said This Saturday. I think this will leave on July 27th. It is about to go the next Sunday, the first day of the week. So we have to stick to what the what is called Truth and then we must be guided by The Commandments and the Commandments of God show the Bible say it's perfect. It's right. So, according to the Commandments, you are always something that you are worshiping the Creator God when your worship Him.
Saturday Saturday.
I'm so he's calling the world to get back before. He also stayed is because that is important and the Christian started in Antioch. And I want everybody to know that I just wash it on Sunday.
Always always thought of it is only as we approaching the third century, when when, when when is getting tented on under constant. I'm decided to make it a law and you say on this.
Let all Christians come together. You seem so he's going to bring on make it law so that people start worshiping on Sunday. How many nearly 50 million questions? Room, did Pope, John Paul the second before he died? Apologize for the atrocity. When he was told about Ramen when he was confronted with it. The fact is God is calling us out of the Babylonian style. And the error that would have been deceived and he sent you, our minds between the organization and the Chargers and the people, there are nice people saw inside of every child that got all these. What that's why I need. I need you to get out before it's too late.
If you wash it, no, no, let us Define. I don't want to miss understanding would wash it. So we are we without taking Jenna to wash it. If your summit wash it was on Sunday in the wrong place. Because if I tell you to worship on Sunday, I'm going to be on Sunday. You're in the wrong place.
I am not saying that's why the barber sings simple. Is there in the commandant. It's there. And God is calling us out. He sent, you are my child, and I need you all to Debbie.
How do you says that? If you look in the server version, 14 will be on. Let's go. You're going to notice in Boss where we are. We just finished.
It. We just finished rainbows, eight or nine.
I want to go back. Night. Okay. That's that's
If they in the third angle Paula, Jim say was alive, was If any man worship to be right?
Call Amy Han the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without. Mr. Into. The truck is indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels. And in the presence of the man standing with Babylon for saying that because if you remember that's what eventually happened. And you will see God is present innocence those who will not receive them.
Is it smoke you smoke a determined? Ascended up into heaven.
Bill Nye in the puzzles.
That keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus receive receive.
Who keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus?
So so we have to, we got to understand what God God is a, merciful god and he's a long-suffering God and what he's doing, he's giving us what time look. I mean this world could have been gone up in smoke a long time ago, and his long-suffering and he's giving time because he knew everyone Mission Kindred tongue and people. He's giving everyone an opportunity to get to what what TV station for or against him. So, once once you get this message, might work with you is over.
You see that? Now you have to make a decision for against God is over. Jesus Christ says, we just have to give the message. I want to get a message, they decide who they move. They're going to stop there. Going to wash your God, and you have to make that decision.
so, Is calling his people out, and some say, that's not really what we talkin about you, because why Isaiah chapter 13 on Bose, 19221 the bone until 12. Babylon shall never never be inhabited again. Bobby, I shall never be inhabited again. So the place where the Bible and words is over close.
The last of us alone trying to rebuild Babylon. His name was called Saddam Hussein. Who said that he's a cousin of King.
I'm in his quest to develop Babylon that Rise Up from the Earth.
Where is Alamosa? Get your own Stone. How come because he says That Never Comes.
I'm inside, you could bill Wagner. Come to the blood pressure. It will never be inhabited against. You cannot go against. God can fight against his word is more powerful.
On Whose which nation is, right? Is pin to take him out. He was tipped out by the beach that rose up from the earth in Revelation, chapter 11, who is the Beast that rises up from the Earth? No, the United States of America. How to remove the most powerful Nation, I will remain the most powerful Nation on Earth.
The Prophecies of the Bible. We just have to read it. Don't understand it and we watching things won't really know very nice, but we don't know.
Sono. What reason does God give for telling his people to come at about 5? I mean we we we we know we read was for but why do you think you want them? You wanted to become the habitation of what? That's right. Right. Know you see this is where we have to be very, very careful because God's people does not want to be directed by Daryl's House.
I'm good. Hobbies people in there, honey. Ones them out. We got the dragon is in control. Corner. Tank wants to destroy us.
That'll definitely know.
I'll drink of the wine. What does award-winning prophecy mean? Wine in the prophecy means teachings. How many nations in the world is going went along with with. With with, with Babylon, how many nations? All Nation. How many nations of the world today that, you know, of that does not honor the song God?
Not one of them. You look through the wall. You want to see they all do. Because since the law was instituted and the nations of the world follow, and the papacy got its power. Now, you know, when I said to pick my see what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the papacy, run by the Pope. The office of the pope is what I'm talking about.
Protesta Nissim, you know who that is. Protest. Amazon is all the religions are there.
Korea. Allerton Presbyterian, Baptist.
Rome City. All of my children coming back home.
No. Today they are all what? 1.
Just recently. We have to leave early. Evangelical leaders went up to her room and the leader of the Evangelical movement here in the US and big guys. They went up the room and they told the Pope in their composition.... The Reformation is over, know, we are one. So why did room-to-room say the poops? Are we not going to evangelize each other anymore?
Do you see how Satan Works in Babylon? And then, somebody has to bring one the message, right, but when he said that we not going to, he's going to stop the message.
Kind of walk against God, can walk again Sky? A long. Will we wait for you to avenge The Souls of those? That were beheaded. God said, hold on, not yet. Because they are those that must also join bring this good news of Salvation and be killed. And then I was the one advantage.
Br12. Picture of the Earth have committed fornication with an. What does that mean? The Bible say the kings of the Earth have committed? What? Sonication with her. What does that mean? That means that they in bed with her?
Bobby. Good job, would listen to me, you know, of the sins of Babylon. That's why the reason why I want you out. I want you or because I don't want you to receive the plagues of Babylon. On lying because this ritual into heaven.
I want you to know something.
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be?
That's right.
So, we have to get to the place to understand. The reason why those faces were destroyed, as soon as we reach up to it.
Is enough. I'm a series of this present world that we're living in Ghana.
Garden scene. Mama.
He said, looks like I'm getting ready to come and take my people out of then. But before I come and take them out today, they got some things they got to do. I need them out of Bobby. I need them out of Babylon because I'm coming together and I'll see if you are in trouble and he can take you. Because you have made a choice against you.
No. God. How do you remember how uniquities not going to forget it?
In Revelation chapter 17.
125. Let's read somebody's going to reach for me.
And talk with me saying I'm to me come here either. I will show on TV the Jasmine of the great for that sentence upon many Waters.
The Grinch. On many Waters. Remember that the whole Kings of the earth, is what sonication with her on Hall, is referring to what? Bible on the church, right? And it's saying no.. Good, ho, sit upon many. What, what does what does? What does mean in Prophecy Nation anthem?
Richmond. The kings of the Earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the Earth have been made drunk with the Do you remember the inhabitants of the Earth has made? What junk? I know when you taking strong drink, you like to get what and what get you drunk. The strong drink when you're taking the wrong doctrines and you're taking the doctrines of Babylon, what will happen to you? You want to get what John this, wrong Doctrine, and karate said, look, I don't want that happened to your wife.
Sonic Colors be full of the name of blasphemy. Having seven heads and ten horns with the name of what blasphemy, what's blasphemy. Blasphemies life. But blasphemy is what?
Bass Blaster. You call himself the holy what? Father? That's a dangerous man.
When you in that office in the dentist office, Union office that is being controlled by the Dragon. Who is the dragon Satan the devil? And then the whole world Wonder after this man. Because Batman becomes a very what 666. I'm the only man with his face.
No. Bobby Lundy grid. Is calling Revelation 17-5 Babylon, the great. That means she come on. He's calling Mother of Hollows that miss you. That's right.
And those children are those that form an image of the one. That's right. So if the mother of Alice set up a kingdom and she says about the wall most no warship on the first day of the week. I'm John Doe going to set up at church and he decide to Worship On the first day of the week following up.
Bobby lands. Following after the great home, the murder Hollow.
The universal religious system.
On the papacy. When we talk, you know, I'm referring to the office of the papacy. He takes us straight to the office.
The kings of the Earth. We refer to. All nations of the Earth with their Prime Ministers and leaders and president.
No, we know was a source of Babylon. The source of Babylon is in Genesis, you know, and I'll just give you a brief because we could go to this. But you going to tell me you could take me to 11529.
The tombigbee is a situation where they want to do, what to take control and even decide to show me some Garden that goes all the way to heaven. So God decided he's going to do one. Destroy this. Again, with what I've heard that they're going to be on top of the water. What did God make a promise to the rainbow. He will not destroy. The reason why we have to be so careful. Anyway, on organization, religion against the Commandments of God. What Babylon?
Decimal. The name Bible because the Lord did confound the language. Of all the Earth.
No. False Doctrine intoxicated people, you know, they got Junk. That's why the Bible say there are John in Revelation 17. Most beautiful Revelation, 18 3 will read that right now. Have been made drunk with wine intoxication by false Doctrine. Calling these people out Revelation 8:14.
And you're falling. Another Angel playing Babylon is falling and falling that Gracie because she made all the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her mother's phone case. That's right. So he's going to because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of an equation in the world. History show has the influence to have the whole world. It's only two nations in the world who has that ability.
Is emission control. Other people don't know that, you know. Dick dick. Dick. Dick dick.
Yeah, it is ammunition country. It is a nation inside of a Nation government. The own government have the unfair administers the first Ambassador, the first United States ambassador to the Vatican was named by who Ronald Reagan.
Do you know you're going to Ronald Reagan and the pope suffer similar problems?
Did you know? There was an attempt on Ronald Reagan?
How do you serve God?
Isn't that a coincidence?
What is around the same time when you restore the relationship between the United States and the Vatican? Is only two powerful Nation on Earth. One is small, but has the world and the other one is his has come in late in the world young, but I was going to be the most powerful.
Both of them.
She may Carnation drink of the wine of the wrath of a funny question has been confusion. People junk. What are those enormous man? It's call The Ten Commandments. Did, you know that? Did you know that one of the problems we have in the world today is called The Ten Commandments know? This is what a lot of people didn't know that but the Vatican, the Vatican, the Commandments.
Did you know that this change of The Commandments?
Nevada County change of The Commandments. If you read your body, can you use the catechism? He's on Ten Commandments and you're going to see how they listed it and put it against your Bible and you going to see how they make it all different numbers. In a matter of fact, you know, there is a command or say do not make any graven images. Now about them. The date that the dead are moved out. Why is the deal with the gods of the pagans and the take the gods of the pagans and turn them into Mary and Peta and all this kind of stuff like that? But one of the secretive, one of the things that we needed to be noticed, as I can be scarce on this secret mess. Write Scala second chance. Another one is called the secret rapture.
Nobody on the secret. Rapture is not bad. Going to call my music onto stereo secret there and go with you. You going to be disappearing, Jesus Christ, How many will see me every eyes going to see me? But yet, mom is teaching you that when Christ come and steal you away secretly. What if you are in a church, where teaching a Doctrine like that that you don't know? Because he's going against God's word.
We have to pay attention. He's talking to us and telling us where we should be. God's people in the end timer, keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ. Eternal, Tom and Jerry. Do you know what that means? Did you know, did you know that? Some people believe that there is a hell.
I'll be over there before. He never stops. So you inhale.
No, I sucking things out, because the Bible says that you going to finish born.
The bible say that the roster of the Hellfire newborn the ashes going to be going to be there, and then he's going to be Friday. So how is going to be Friday? Same or I'll make it, you know, we fight every morning money, money, money money, and there is no place here. The Bible is very clear on a lot of attention, but yet man has developed itching.
Did you let me go? The soul cannot die.
Ariana Grande perfume.
Yeah, somebody is right in front in the car, but yet.
Looking down looking Dawn, smiling.
I don't know where those things.
Marlowe's, father, Bible songs from the Bible. Say, when am I leaving? Because back-to-back, who give it? You didn't tell me where that was implemented. Leave you? Which is what it means really believes you and when somebody's died there, but I think of nothing on the immortality of the soul is also wrong about ism. I'll be at my notes.
There's that was about this time that took place in Florida. Show me some years ago. And that made me laugh a lot. Because why, why did I did he got the hose? He better be hot all of them in one, please.
Who did, who was on there?
Kipplee's devising, all kind of thing. I mean, it's really taking this whole thing like a joker. You know, what is the Vatican? Do the change baptism from emotion to Springfield to a status Trinity baby under water? defeat.
So, the papacy in the past present and future.
Past present and future important. You will see what I'm talking about. 1780.
the beat that down salt was and is Hey Jealousy. Of the bottomless pit and go in. Audition were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world. When they behold the Beast that was and is not and yet is the Beast that was The business is not yet is solely Beach was the option is not, you know, in 1790. Do you know what happened to him? What happened to in the pool in anybody new in 1798 history? You got arrested and put into prison? Right is not. Aunt is, yet. He came back and got this power, and today, they're presently strawberry in Jeremiah. 5125, 235? What nation? Our powers are represented by the Seven Mountains?
Revelation 7 mountains. Yeah, you know, I know it is seven has a seven mountains on which the woman said. All right. Now.
Middle portion, Grease. The papacy? Remember that when they went into the Wilderness for how long? 768 and 42 months. So
The papacy got the deadly worm on the deadly wound, was healed and was supported by 10 Kings. He is the heir. Nope, if I see Julian did Tanner Holmes the Confederacy coming together. So according to invoice.
Kingdoms. All right, so we know when the Bible in Ten Kings so we have to understand when the Bible speak about this is talking about 1. So we have to understand symbolic. So when we see you wash it in the Beast, you are worshipping at Kingdom in the ignition know, when United States of America which which is another subject, but America pass a law stating that I must worship. God only on Sunday when they pass a law like that. Then what happens here is that that's the nation speaking and it's causing people to worship the Beast according to Revelation 14, so How many acts as we come down? Many asked why the church is so cold and worldly-wise Godzilla. Not talk on, why you saying is not condemn. The poor boy is gone. They say, why is the reason why that is, what is follow some feel. We should try to reform the judges that have fun.
God said to come out, don't try to reform if you swallow get out. Okay. There are nice people and he wants them all Jesus. Referred to Christian people who are not in this church. He says, all the ship. I have not have this phone. Hear my voice and a real, right? One for an 1 Shepherd. So we know that God's church today is controlled by him and just like you have. No God. Ask people to get into the app saving. I was asking people to get into his full of safety of safety today. And he say, 47 Oz. Be coming to a close.
That's right. I'm the Lord already to the church daily such as to be safe. So God wants to bring us to his church. If it remained in Babylon, we cannot and would not be able to go into the kingdom of God. If you're staying Bible on your way to partake of the skins of Babylon and you will receive the place. So the question is, what will you do season be? Are you going to go into the ark?
Ireland, to going to judge, who keep the Commandments of God. Call me tomorrow. I am today and I pray to God that way, that way.
Make a conscious decision. The Sting. In Barberton. Is that, is that, is that a good decision? Make a conscious decision to let us shower. Father in Heaven is thank you for your word and thank you, Lord for baby dolls for teaching us. So keep us from. Keep us in your lawn.
Soon and very soon. We are going to see the game. So we're going to see that we are going to see the Hallelujah. We are going to see the king.