First Belief: Remembering the Gospel Message

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Remember the Corinthians had been arguing over who was greater according to their giftedness.

Paul had corrected them, telling them that the loving each other was more important than their gifts.

Some of the Corinthians questioned the Resurrection of Jesus.

They listened to voices other than the Apostles.

They may have served to undermine Paul’s leadership.

But, they came to believe because of what Paul had preached to them.

Either way, Paul wanted to remind them of what he taught them.

Sometimes, we become distracted from our core truths.

Like the Corinthians, we may have allowed other voices to override messengers from Christ.
Maybe, we allowed ourselves to become distracted by the world around us, or our place in the world.
Maybe, we have succumbed to despair because of suffering in the world and in our lives.

We may even lose the core truths of the Gospel by inattention.

From time to time, we need to be reminded of why we believe.

Paul reminds the Corinthians of what was most important:

Christ suffered and died for their sins;

Christ’ body was buried in a grave;

Christ was raised in the third day;

He appeared to Peter (Cephas), the Twelve (less Judas), more than five hundred at the same time, James (his brother), and all the apostles, and last, to Paul.

All of this is part of the Gospel that they came to believe in.

Any other Gospel cannot claim to be a part of the same message from God.

Paul does not claim special authority or a different Gospel.

He claims the same Gospel message that all of the apostles preached.
He claims the same Scriptures that Jesus and his apostles claim.
In fact, Paul claimed humility for who he used to be and who God extended him grace to become.

Paul says, “I am what I am,” because of the grace of God given to him.

Not as an excuse to continue sinning as others might use.
Possibly remembering God’s response to Moses from the bush.

Because God is who God is, Paul is who he is.

God’s grace made him who he became.

This is what they all believed.

God reminds us why we first believed.

When we are reminded of grace extended to us, we extend that grace to others.

The Lord longs to be gracious to you; he will rise up and show compassion, this is the true Justice of God.

When we return to the Lord in Repentance and receive rest in our Salvation, we live in Peace and Trust in the strength of God.

God strength displayed in Jesus’ resurrection is resilience to live beyond suffering and death.

We are reminded so that we will share the Gospel with others.

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