Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
If you have your Bibles, go with me.
Again, this morning to Romans chapter 14.
We going to pick up, where we left off last week on this aspect of how we are to treat one another.
In the work of the Lord.
God's got people all over the world, ministering for him, people all over the world, sharing the gospel message.
We don't all share the gospel, message the same.
We don't all presented the same way.
There are different people there.
Different gift, different Ministries.
Didn't get the different talents that God gives each and every one of us.
So we need to be aware that just because somebody does not agree with me or just because I do not agree with someone else.
Doesn't mean that they're not a believer.
We have all kinds of denominations in our own country that we got to be concerned with and then deal with here's the key.
It's scripture is from the word of God.
Unless you believe in the Lord, Jesus Christ, you will all perish.
That's it.
You can't believe it's not just a head knowledge.
It's deeper than that because the world believe that they believe.
When in Jesus, when there's trials and tribulations.
But do you believe that he is the savior of the world?
Have you put your faith in your trust in him?
Are you seeking a relationship with him today?
So how do we treat one another?
We talked last week about not arguing over our differences?
It's easy to argue over differences.
We can argue over the simplest things in life.
Can we not?
I've heard people argue over, going to McDonald's, are going to Taco Bell and I can't believe you eat there will done if you don't like it, don't eat there.
Pretty simple.
Am I right?
Are a strong swimmer loves Taco Bell.
He also loves hot sauce.
I don't mind eating at Taco Bell, but I don't care so much for the hot sauce, the older you get, the more that stuff bothers you I found out.
It's like well, do you know what?
They put in their hamburger?
My wife and I ate at Cracker Barrel last night.
You know what, I had Cracker Barrel last night for my wife.
It took me back to when I was probably 6th grade 7th grade.
First time I ever had it.
Wooden something when the Staple in our house, but I went to a, a, a dinner of football sponsored in the Lions Club.
I played on the football team.
For the Lions Club.
They had the Lions of Kiwanis, and rotary all the different clubs are sponsored a peewee football team.
I was on the Lions Club, the Lions Club sponsor to dinner for the first time ever that I can remember.
I had country fried steak.
I saw that on the menu last night.
Guess what?
I'm having?
Country fried steak.
I worked it off yesterday afternoon.
So I was allowed.
We were here tripping ice.
You saw he might as well that Facebook post and ignored it.
Thank you very much.
I yelled for some help.
I got some.
At least a bronze and Rich Brian showed up in elise's sets.
Her clock.
Her Apple.
Is it?
What are you doing?
All, this is my exercise time.
I'm going to see how much exercise we get in here.
Okay, so we're chipping ice for chipping, ice for chipping ice.
We get all done chipping ice and time to go home.
And I said hey, how many calories did we burn?
344 bad.
I don't keep up with that stuff.
340 calories.
I'm thinking I might have burned a few more than that.
Anyway, so now we write make up for that Cal.
We just burn.
Don't, we do things that way a lot.
I'm going to burn this up, so I can have this over here.
No one followed me that night.
Like, ice cream.
Who doesn't like ice cream?
You don't like ice cream.
You love it.
I didn't see it or not.
I said, who doesn't love like you don't love it cuz you don't can't eat that much.
That's why it's a sore loser right there for the 49ers fan.
I love you too, brother.
See, that's what we can disagree and we can still love each.
Other can't help it and he's rooting for the wrong team.
Differences caused a lot of problems.
Have you noticed that?
Have you noticed that in life?
Somebody does not agree with you and suck that.
I shared this couple weeks whether whether you're a Chevy's fan or a four-door Dodge van or whatever kind of fan you are box fan.
You can be anything if you don't agree with somebody.
Big deal.
If they want to drive a Ford and you want to drive a Chevy, I drive cheap not Jeep cheap.
So it's a big difference.
I write, whatever I can afford when it's time to get a car and we drive them into the ground.
The last car.
We had our our 05 Camry had 260,000 Mi on it.
Bonaparte Russian apart underneath.
< .5
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