Genesis 3:1-15: Hiding from God
Hiding from God, Genesis 3:8
One of the most basic chapters in the Bible: Records the temptation and fall (vv. 1-6); Promises redemption (v. 15)
God walks in the garden in the cool of the day: It is time for sweet fellowship with Him. Adam and Eve have gone into hiding.
People are still hiding from God
1. Some Hide from God at the Time of His Investigation
A. “Where art thou?” (v. 9)
B. God is always seeking sinners
a. Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10)
b. Conviction of sin is evidence God is seeking
c. God speaking through His Word shows He is seeking
d. Sometimes He seeks through trials
e. Sometimes He seeks through preachers
f. Sometimes He seeks through caring friends
C. Hiding from God is futile (Psalm 139)
a. There is no place to hide from Him
b. Even darkness cannot hide us (vv. 11-12)
2. Some Hide from God at the Time of His Invitation
A. “Ye will not come to me that ye might have life” (John 5:40)
B. The most difficult hiding to understand
C. Our Lord’s invitation goes out to all
a. The tender truth of John 3:16
b. The compassion of the Cross
D. Our Lord’s gracious invitations
a. “Come unto me” (Matthew 11:28)
b. The last invitation in the Bible: “Come” (Revelation 22:17)
E. Adam and Eve hiding among the trees
F. Trees people hide behind today:
a. Busy schedules, hypocrites, other excuses
b. Nothing changes (Luke 14:16-24)
3. Some Will Hide from God at the Time of His Indignation (Revelation 6:16)
A. The wrath of the Lamb
a. How strange: an angry Lamb!
b. The Lamb slain on the cross
B. Jesus is the Lamb
a. He came to take away the sin of the world
b. He came to deliver us from wrath (John 3:36)
C. Identifying those trying to hide
a. The kings of the earth (position makes no difference)
b. Chief captains and mighty men (power doesn’t protect)
c. All who are free and slaves (riches do not save)
A. Safety Comes from Hiding in Christ Now
1. Hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-3)
2. Cannot hide from Him but can hide in Him
B. Respond to God’s Call and Come Out of Hiding
C. Come to Him and Be Safe