Go Get It!!!!
Year of The Intentional Week 1
Opening Day
Opening Day
“Go Get It!”
Being Intentional
Being Intentional
What does it mean? Done on purpose, deliberate.
Why should we be intentional with God and our purpose?
Why now, why being intentional is so critical? After encountering the uncommon It should’ve compelled us to go after everything else since we’ve encountered such unexpected things in the year pass that we overcame, endured, and received.
David corrals his army to go battle the Amalekites to go and retrieve their wives and children.
Why is this so critical? Because the Amalekites came and took their legacy and legacy producers. We have got to be intentional about establishing our legacy in this season like never before.
God has given us a grace from last year to overcome and encounter uncommon things, but now that, that season is over we now have to go after the very things that we thought were snatched from us from the enemy and withheld from ourselves by us and our bloodlines.
David and the Battle at Ziklag
1 Samuel 30 (entirety)
This was a pivotal moment, it was though David had seen providential purpose in God sparing him from King Saul, but this was a desperate situation with his return to Ziklag, and might have concluded that the Lord had deserted him. It was the culmination of bitter attacks before his period of being on the throne. (Somebody say INTENTIONAL ATTACKS for an INTENTIONAL PROMOTION)
In the very next chapter is when the prophesy of Samuel came forth from him going to get “a word” from the witch of Endor.
What you’re intentional about will always have fuel for your destiny and purpose. It’s in the moments when everything that can happen will happen and does happen, you press! Why? Because in Philippians 4:12,13 (not only am I intentional, but I also know where the fuel of it comes from, and that is Christ Jesus and Jesus alone! Then in a chapter behind that in Philippians 3:13,14 what I’m sure of I GO AFTER IT, because in the end there’s a reward, I must REMAIN INTENTIONAL!
So you have to know that your INTENTIONAL abilities comes from a place of God’s sufficiency though it may be perceived to others as it is your own, it is in fact God’s endorsement that is leading us to fulfill that which we are in pursuit of.
Are you willing to take the blame for where you are currently? Yes. Good then His Promises fulfilled will be your portion for just as David was blamed and he took it, he also killed the Amalekites, Recovered All that were captive, Rescued, and brought back all that he and his army could, and was blessing to all that supported him.
So now David requested for Abiathar which his name means “The Father is Great” to grab his ephod. He runs to get it. God will always keep people around you to let you INTENTIONALLY know you’ve got this! Then David dons his help…. The ephod, why because The Father Is Great!!!! When I call on God, I’m not just calling on Him to handle something normal, it is because I INTENTIONALLY KNOW that what God does will always be done GREAT!
So David is consulting the Lord, and upon him taking up the rest of the courage he had left after his own people wanting to conspire to stone him.
(Watch your surroundings, if you have some of that “support” around you, good you’re in an INTENTIONAL space)
At his lowest point he asked of the Lord and said,” Shall I pursue this band of raiders ( current day vernacular the oops of my legacy and purpose have stolen it can I go touch them up and get it back? Can I catch them?”
You have to understand they had two of his wives and the other soldiers of his army’s family.
God was waiting for him to come to this place because when we reach the place of INTENT that means we are now driven beyond conceivability we have as we say in the sports world a “hot streak,” this is where whatever you do in this moment will prosper you and ADVANCE!
Now get in your mind and all of the Lord’s visions and desires that He has shown you that you’d be in and ask Him,” shall I pursue this?”
And God will say,” GO AFTER THEM!!!! Now I love this part because most of the time in battle if I can kill your leader that ends the battle, but God said THEM meaning get ALL OF THEM CONNECTED TO THE PLACE THAT HAS TRIED TO STEAL YOUR LEGACY keepers and producers!
What is holding you up from producing that you haven’t been intentional about?
There were six hundred with him, but he has to leave two hundred of them back….. cut the dead weight before you reach the place of battle where you will receive victory. You don’t need tired nouns attached to your intentions.
This happened with Gideon if you read your Bibles. This is not uncommon, it is yet again another INTENTIONAL MOMENT where God is showing David that “The FATHER IS GREAT!” and is with YOU like I was with those that came before you back in Judges. God is not about repeating things, but there is yet another opportunity for God to show us that He will KEEP HIS GREATNESS IN TACT so that those that are watching and opposing you will see that it IS IN FACT HIM WHO IS GOING TO PROVIDE THIS FOR YOU!
The intentional attacks are going to come when you are vulnerable, out of place, not focused, life is positively sensational (you know those times when everything just FEELS good?), and my personal favorite at a moments notice (whether times are good or bad).
Intentional attacks aren’t a time to get upset or sad, but if you are going to do it give it a swift cutoff.(1 Sam 30:6,7)
When those closest to you are conspiring against you, turn to God like David did. God is INTENTIONALLY WAITING!
Then we get to the place of battle understand as a church we will have some who will feel entitled to speak on the spoils or blessing of the Lord from all of our hard work.
I have news for you if you’re here and any advancements are made where we all benefit and you get an attitude about it please understand that what you achieved is not of your own, but because you were connected to us and graced to receive what you have now.
Nothing and I mean nothing is ours, and ours alone!
A few things I need us to walk away with:
1. The opps have a way of sending you people formerly of their camp to help you out. Remember this,” YOUR BEEF IS A MEAL I DON’T HAVE TO EAT, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE GOING TO HELP ME GET WHAT GOD HAS ALLOWED ME TO PURSUE, ACQUIRE!”
1 sam 30:11
2. There will be some help that will fall off along the way. Don’t Be Bitter, BLESS THEM FOR THE SERVICES THAT THEY DID GIVE YOU!!!! Any help is better than no help, IT’S TIME WE GREW UP in the church! They rocked with you and y’all built some things, but something happened and for whatever reason it didn’t work out, so what,” Bro/Sis thank you so much for all that you DID DO, and what I expected you to do that you didn’t, no that wasn’t a shot, because had you done it I wouldn’t be able to give God the praise for getting what I have now. So thank you!!!! In the words of Latka from Taxi,” Thank You, VERY MUCH!!!!”
Everybody doesn’t have the nature to keep going when you have nothing left. They met their limit with how far they could go with David. You have to know in this season know what your measure is and how you are built. You have some people out here thinking they are built Ford tough, but they are really marshmallow soft, and that’s ok, but know your lane that’s where you success is.
The 200 of the army was left at a place called Besor which means cheerful. Now this is what you call an INTENTIONAL REST because they didn’t just stay anywhere they were at a place where they could be cheered up, encouraged, or empowered.
1 Sam. 30:21
3. Those that ride with you that have something to say about it, tell them explicitly to,” Shut Up, because they did a part you didn’t.” Know that everybody has a place in your life while you’re intentionally after God’s purpose. It doesn’t speak of what they did, but it says,” they were exhausted…..” now I don’t know if you read your bibles like me I need you to understand that David had HITTAS with him at all time none of them just slacked off just because, they really rocked with him heavy. So here again for more validation, Bless them and tell those who have so much to say, they are on the team and they get some of the bounty of this victory!”
1 Sam 30:22
And my personal favorite part of that exchange:
1 Sam 30:24
People are out looking for personal recognition in a team sport, if you get it, cool, but please understand it isn’t a requirement in this work of ministry.
We all have bad days and there will be some days where you are out sick can’t make it to different events does that mean you can’t come into the new facilities that God blesses us with? Absolutely not! For those that subscribe to that you can leave now. We are a team and every team has reserves and they still get a ring!
1 Sam 30:26
What you are intentional about please understand that there are some people connected to you that will be in low places in their life, but because of their connection to you will encounter some amazing blessings. All because you were INTENTIONAL!
Living a life INTENTIONALLY unto God you’re agreeing to accept the facts that the cards MUST be INTENTIONALLY stacked against you. The true victory you get is not the fact that the ones that doubt you now have to wear their words, but it’s the fact that you have an understanding that wherever God is, that’s where I’ll be in my life, and it WILL NEVER BE REVERSED once my feet touch victory!
Are you ready to be INTENTIONAL? This is what intentional looks like, GO AFTER IT!
The difference between Saul and David when it came to the contrast is that Saul’s battle was to bring judgment to a nation that mocked Him, and had ultimately angered God so God wanted nothing in His sight to exist let alone an offering of them to Him which Saul did.
The next time it was because per my wife’s revelation God could trust David with any and everything in the camp. Not only that the battle was given to a son after His heart and he would gather whatever they had in the camp and he would give it to those that he believed deserved it.
So your heart plays a huge deal when GOING AFTER IT! God tells you to destroy it, what should you do? Leave nothing LEFT!
Then there is David who gave everyone a piece of the spoils. He has his wives (legacy producers) so he was good. He understood the wealth wasn’t in the possessions, it was in what he needed to produce through the wombs of the wives he went to rescue.
You can’t be greedy with IT!!!! Uh oh….
What you go get, it belongs to God, not you, or should you allocate it where you think is best. Take it, get your portion, and sow the rest!!!
God is also about to SPEED UP what you thought has slowed, or completely shutdown in this season simply because you dared to be intentional this year about those very places!
So whatever you do GO AFTER IT!!!
1 Samuel 30:8
Pursue and Subdue