Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good morning Church!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful week!
I would like to ask all who can to stand with your Bibles, hold them in the air, and repeat after me.
“This is my Bible.
It is God’s Holy Word.
It is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and I will hide its words within my heart that I might not sin against God.”
Don’t you love the Word of God?
I absolutely love it.
I love it because it meets you where you are.
I love it because it gives you truth.
I love it because it teaches me about God.
I love it because it teaches me about myself.
I love it because it guides me through life.
I love it because it shows me a better way.
I love it because it is God’s word unto me.
I love it because it teaches me my purpose in life.
That is where we are right now.
We are discussing our purpose in life.
Did you know that if you ask people what their purpose in life is, you will get a vast array of answers depending on who you ask.
If you ask a child, they might respond by saying simply “to be good and obey my parents”.
If you ask a mom, they might respond by saying, “to take care of my kids”.
If you ask a dad, they might respond by saying, “To provide for my family.”
If you ask a middle aged individual, they might say, “To work hard and make a good living.”
If you ask an elderly individual, they might say, “to make the best of every day, since it could be my last.”
Regardless of who you ask, there is always the possibility that they might say, “I don’t know”.
The idea of purpose has been taught in so many different ways, that no one really knows what their purpose is anymore.
Thankfully, God has clearly laid out in His Word what our purpose is.
That is why we have decided to hang onto this word for a little while.
Today, we are starting a new series in the book of Acts.
If you have your Bibles, would you please be finding the book of Acts 2:41-47?
Our new series is going to be titled “Building TEMPO”!
Doesn’t that excite you?
I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use some direction on building tempo in my life.
It seems as if the past two years has been specifically designed to do nothing but bring us down.
We have been surrounded by sickness, death, negativity, anger, sadness, spite, divisiveness, pain, and confusion.
I am tired of all of the negative.
I am tired of everyone being down.
I am tired of everyone being against everyone else.
I am tired of excuses.
I am just tired.
I am ready for a change.
I am ready for something better.
I am ready for something more.
I am ready for smiles and laughter.
I am ready for hugs and friendship.
I am ready for a positive change.
I am ready to see people back in church consistently.
I am ready to see people get saved in the house of God.
I am ready to see the church thrive again.
I am ready to feel the presence of God in this place and in my life more than ever before.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
I’m ready to see the church begin to gain traction.
I’m ready to see the Church excited to be in the house of the Lord!
I’m ready see the Church excited about serving in the community!
I’m ready to see the Church excited about getting into the Word of God! Are you ready?
Church, are you ready?
We aint even got into the sermon yet, and you already got me preaching!! Are you ready for the Word?
Let’s get into the Word of God!!!
Today, we are going to look at the idea of “Functioning Like A Family”.
That is the title of the message today: “Functioning Like A Family”!
I cannot begin to explain the importance of these verses!
This is a picture of the very first assembly of the Church.
It is the beginning of what God intended.
It is a picture of how God designed it to be.
With that being said, the magnitude of these verses are astronomical.
They deserve our utmost attention.
They describe ultimate victory.
They direct us into our God-given purpose.
These are our three points for the message today, so I hope you write them down.
They deserve our utmost attention.
They describe ultimate victory.
They direct us into our God-given purpose.
They Deserve Our Utmost Attention
In order for us to truly understand the gravity of these verses, we must grasp some level of understanding of where we are in the Word of God at this moment.
God has just moved in a mighty way that only He can do.
These men were sitting in the upper room wondering and waiting for what was supposed to happen next.
They had no idea what to expect.
They only knew that Christ had told them something great was going to happen.
He told them that His presence would fill them.
He told them that they would be infused with power to great things.
He told them to expect greatness.
Yet here they set with no idea of what all of this was supposed to look like.
They sat and they waited.
All of a sudden, a mighty sound filled that place like that of a rushing mighty wind.
It wasn’t a wind, but it sounded like one.
Also, an unexplainable sight happened.
Something like flames of fire, but it wasn’t fire.
These events are what we would call indescribable.
They happened, but no words can truly and accurately paint the picture.
Regardless of what or how, it was greatness.
It was Godly.
It was amazing.
It was life-changing.
To put it plainly, the presence of God fell on them that day.
If you have ever felt that overwhelming feeling, then you know what this is like.
You can try to explain it, but you can’t.
< .5
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