A Not So Wonderful Life
Judges 16
Christians value LIFE from miraculous conception to natural death.
In a time when people did what they wanted to do, God raised up judges to deliver God’s people and guide them back to the Lord.
if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me—His herculean powers did not arise from his hair, but from his peculiar relation to God as a Nazarite. His unshorn locks were a sign of his Nazaritism, and a pledge on the part of God that his supernatural strength would be continued.
Resemblances with Christ occurred to some interpreters: both had wondrous births; both freed Israel; both defeated a lion (in Jesus’ case, Satan); the spirit departed from both; each struggled alone and succumbed to foes as a result of a bribe; both were bound; both broke down gates (Jesus destroyed the gates of hell); both achieved victory in death.
Christians value LIFE from miraculous conception to natural death.
Small and ALIVE. Judges 13:24-25
Searching For Love and ALIVE. 14:1-4
Serving the Lord and ALIVE. 15:4
Sinning and ALIVE. 16:4-10
Carol Everett was involved in the abortion industry in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth, Texas, area from 1977 until 1983. As director of four clinics, owner of two, Ms. Everett was responsible for the clinics’ daily operation as well as for all employee training programs. Everett, who had an abortion soon after it became legal in 1973, now speaks out on: What I Saw in the Abortion Industry:
Each time I sold an abortion to another woman, I justified my own abortion all over again. I was really quite good at abortion marketing, and soon watched my employer’s abortion business more than double. When I realized how profitable the “business” was, I wanted more money.
Because my employer would not give me an equity interest, I negotiated a more lucrative arrangement with the next clinic, I was paid $25.00 for each abortion that was done. The first month we did 45 abortions and the last month in the abortion business, with two clinics open, we did 545 abortions. Multiply 545 times $25.00 and I made $13,625.00 in July, 1983. However, we had much bigger plans. We actually planned to have five clinics, all run out of one yellow page advertising budget and one central telephone counseling center. We wanted to eventually pull patients from a five-state advertising area.
Starting in January, 1982, we had at least one major complication each month. The woman would be loaded into my car (an ambulance outside an abortion clinic is terrible advertising) and transported to a hospital that would protect the doctor and the abortion clinic’s reputation. The woman was always told she would have had the complication if she had continued her pregnancy.
Then we had a death. A 32-year-old woman hemorrhaged to death as a result of a cervical laceration. I finally realized, we weren’t helping women—we were destroying them.
Women are told that abortion is a “choice.” Abortion is not a choice, but rather a skillfully marketed product sold to a woman at a crisis time in her life. And when she discovers the product is defective, it’s too late—the baby is dead!