New Corporate Position
Ephesians • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsPaul in this section of Ephesians is providing for the church an even better message for the Ephesians. That those who were separated from God because of their ethnicity, the Gentiles are reconciled with the Jews and with God. Now something greater has happened for them. They have been brought together as God’s people. They have been united together and are part of the church. For us today what we need to see from this passage: Since we have been united and reconciled in Christ, Be the church.
Who We Were (11-12)
Gentiles in the flesh
separated from Christ
Alienated from the common wealth of Israel/ Strangers to the covenants of promise
No hope
Without God
What has Happened (13-17)
Brought Near to God
By the blood of Christ
He is our peace
He has made us one
Broken down the dividing wall of hostility
by abolishing the law and ordinances
For the purpose that he create a new man
Makes peace
What we have become (18-22)
We now have access to the Father
We are united in Spirit
We are given a new citizenship
Members of the household of God (church)
from the apostles and prophets
In Christ
We grow in him together.
We are being united together
One of the my favorite movies is Remember the Titans. Remember the Titans is a movie based on a true story of a football team in Virginia in the 70s. This movie features many themes throughout. Racial tensions that were felt in the school in the 70’s, Racism, courage in the face of adversity, and perseverance through out. As you watch this movie you see two ethnic groups who were at odds with one another come together as one team to win the Championship. From the grit of Coach Boone to the realized truth that Coach Bill Yoast comes to when he says, “I hope you boys have learned as much from me this year as I’ve learned from you. You have taught this city how to trust the soul of a man rather than the look of him. And I guess it’s about time I joined the club.” These High School students were able to overcome their racial differences through something that bonded them together. Football. Football causes them to come together and win.
Paul in this section of Ephesians is providing for the church an even better message for the Ephesians. That those who were separated from God because of their ethnicity, the Gentiles, are now reconciled with the Jews and with God. Now something greater has happened for them. Something greater than just salvation from sin. They have been brought together as God’s people. They have been united together and are part of the church. For us today what we need to see from this passage: Since we have been united and reconciled through Christ, Be the church.
How do we get to this point of being the church.
First, we must remember who we were. (11-12)
Paul brings this ties this section of Ephesians back to Ephesians 2:1-10 with the therefore. Because you were saved through grace and you now are created for the purpose of being Christ’s people, The Ephesian church must remember who they were. They were gentiles. Being a gentile was not a good thing. While Paul was writing to a primary gentile audience, they new of the animosity that the Jews and Gentiles had for one another. Gentile were seen by the Jews as people who were created to fuel the fires of Hell. One commentator says that the Jews were not even able to aide a Gentile woman in giving birth because it would bring another heathen into the world. While Ephesians 2:1-10 can be true for both the Jew and the Gentile, the Gentiles had it worse. They were given the mocking nickname of the uncircumcision. Remember, circumcision was an outward symbol of the people of God. It was something that the Jews were proud of, and something that the gentiles didn't have. Even though as Paul makes clear circumcision was something made with hands, they didn't have it.
They were separated from Christ. The Promises of the messiah were not given to them but the people of Israel. All of those spiritual blessings that Paul said was theirs the gentiles didnt have them apart from Christ. They were alienated from the promises that were given to Israel. they were strangers to the covenant of promises. They were a nation ruled by a theocracy they were ruled by God. And the gentiles were not apart of it. If a gentile were able to go near the temple but they were not allowed to go past the wall around the outer court. On the wall in the outer court there was a sign that made it clear is any foreigner would go past this wall they would be killed. They were not able to go and offer sacrifices to the God of Israel. They were cut off. They had no hope. Salvation was for Israel because they were God’s people. They were hopeless people. They did not know of the promise to Abraham that they would be blessed through the messiah. They did not know what these promises were. They had no hope. They were without God himself. As William Hendriksen says they were ‘Christ-less, state-less, friend-less, hope-less and god-less’.
This wasn't always the case. When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden they were together. God and Man. They were united. However, because of the fall it caused a corruption of the relationships that we have with one another and with God. We see this corruption in the form of murder in the chapters following Genesis 3. Relationships with one another became hard, difficult, pride and prejudices set in. Relationships with God became what can I get out of him to bless me rather than giving him glory and adoration that he deserved. Relationships are hard because sin is in the world. Sin distorts relationships. Instead of humility we have pride. Instead of love we hate. Instead of empathy we are condemning. Instead of forgiving one another we become angry and hold grudges. This wasn't the purpose that God created humanity for. We were not supposed to be separated but united.
There is a reason that Paul tells the Ephesian church to remember their former corporate position. It rides on what he says in Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Paul is making it clear, as you are working in ministry, doing the work that Christ has created in you, Doing the ordained work of God, there is a humility to it. I want to make it clear to you I am not only talking only about pastoral ministry but i am also referring to the ministry that you should be doing. Remember this is a book written to a church on who they are in Christ. Brothers and Sisters, Ministry is hard. It takes time, sacrifice, patience, love, and humility. Paul is telling the church that We should remember who we were without Christ while we work because those who we are working with and to were just as we were. They are Christ-less, friend-less, hope-less, and god-less. Those who we are ministering to are going to look like that. We shouldn't expect them to look like us. They are still dead in their sins. This is why we bring the good news of the gospel to them. We tell them about a savior so that they may have Christ, Friends, hope, and God. Remembering our former condition is more than dealing with those outside of the Church. We need to be constantly reminded who we were without Christ and Who we are now in the church. Laboring alongside one another we should be quick to forgive grudges from our past because our past, present and future is filled with forgiveness. We need to be quick to give the benefit of the doubt with showing grace and mercy. When we are wronged we don't let our pride get into the way but we are gentle and loving to those who transgress against us. Isn't that what we pray in the Lord’s prayer. “Forgive us of our trespass as we forgive others of theirs”. Lets be quick to work in a manner of remembrance of who we were and of What Christ has done for us. For when we remember these where we were as a people the beauty of Christ is much more sweeter. When Christ is sweeter then everything else it is easier to be the church.
Second, we need to remember what has happened to us as a people. (13-18)
Again we get to another conjunction. If the but God in verse 4 was amazing to a person this conjugation, but now, is glorious for a corporate people. For the gentiles in Ephesians they were reminded that because of Christ they have been brought near by his blood. The language of being near and far is common in the Old Testament. The Israelite and God were said to be near one another. While the opposite was true for the gentiles, they were far off. Now in Christ Jesus they have been brought near. Gentiles are given the same ability to be near to God because of the Messiah. Jesus Christ through shedding his blood provided atonement for the sins of those who believe. As 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,” Christ’s suffering provided the means in which all nations would be blessed. This is what the covenant with Abraham foretold in the promise. That from the offspring of Abraham all the nations would be blessed. Both Jew and gentile. For us who have believed in Jesus Christ we experience this same nearness. We have been given access to the Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is good news for those who were Christ-less. Another, implication of Christ atoning work is that Christ is our peace. There is no longer enmity between us and God. Through the blood of Jesus all of our sin has been atoned for. The wrath of God has been satisfied through his son. Now, we have true peace with him. This peace streams father than in the vertical relationship between us and God. It flows into the horizontal relationship between two people groups that were at odds with one another. Christ is the peace for both Jew and Gentile, through Christ there is no longer a dividing wall of hostility. Christ died for all people groups, all races, all nations. In Christ they all are one, the people of God. There is no longer a national pride for the people of God for they are from many nations. They are all united in Christ through his blood.
When we think about Christ shedding his blood we need to understand that It did three things, abolished the law, created a new man and reconciled us.
Christ abolished the law of commandments expressed in ordinances
Paul is not referring to the moral law but rather the ceremonial law. They rules and regulation that were seen in circumcisions, sacrifices, ritual cleanness, and dietary regulations. The Jews could distinguish themselves from the gentiles because of their circumcisions, their ability to sacrifice and what they ate. but Col 2:11 “In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,” The gentiles had been separated from the people of God because of the ceremonial law and now they are able to break this barrier because of Jesus’s death. Stott writes, “Jesus certainly did not abolish the moral law as a standard of behaviour (it is still in force and binding on his followers); but he did abolish it as a way of salvation.” The moral law separated us from God. No matter how hard we try it we are never able to fulfill it. Jesus obeyed it perfectly and took our punishment upon the cross for our disobedience. He through this work abolished the law. This purpose was so that God could bring the two people groups together as one new man.
That he might create in himself one new man in the place of two
Those who were against each other have been made one. They were made to be in Christ. This was the commonality between the two. Both Jews and Gentiles have died and are now in Christ. That is the identity of the people of God. They are in Christ. Galatians 3:28-29 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.” All those who believe are united together in Christ.
might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross thereby killing the hostility.
Reconciliation is the key for the church. We can be united and reconciled both in our relationship with God and to one another. All barriers have been broken down for those in Christ. We are reconciled to one another.
Brother and Sisters, We are reconciled to one another as we are made in Jesus Christ. The dividing wall of stereotypes, races, and ethnic lines have been vanquished. When I went to Guatemala in 2018, one thing stands clear in my memory. I was able to worship with Christians that dont speak English, that sang different songs, the worshiped differently than us. One thing was clear. There was no hostility toward one another or to us. They welcomed us in and made sure that we were comfortable.
When I sat in the prison there in Guatemala next to the pastor who was a hitman, the worship pastor who was a hitman, others who before Christ committed horrendous sins. It was clear the love in which they loved us. In a poor country while in prison they used their money to get us food and drink. They did not see us as outsiders but as fellow brothers and sisters. They loved because they knew that they had been reconciled with God therefore there were no hostility toward one another or to us. This is how we should live. We should live as reconciled people. We should seek to make others reconciled with God no matter what they look like or sound like. This can happen here in Edenton. Who are you ministering to? Are you sharing the gospel with anyone? Do all of these people look like you and dress like you? We need to be investing in people of all colors. All can come to Jesus. These dividing walls have been broken. Lets be active, church in our communities, not just in parts that make us feel comfortable but also where it isnt.
Sunday is the most segregated day in this country. The church is a place that all peoples should feel welcomed but yet it is still a place that people feel judged for who they are or what they wear or what sin they are in. We called to love, preach Christ and his salvation and work for his glory. The attitude that says “they are not our kin,” destroys rather than builds up. We need to be actively investing our time with those who look different than us, regardless of our political views which come near last on the list of things referring to the Kingdom of God.
Another application of our reconciliation to God is shown in the way we live. We are actively to pursue God and our relationship with him. This means that worship is an active part of our life. We were far off people and we have been brought near to God. Worship him. Praise him with thanksgiving for all he has done for you, our local gathering of the church and the universal church. Live as though you are reconciled. We are to imitate our God, he calls us to be holy for he his holy. Be his people.
Finally, Because we have been reconciled together with God through Christ this is what we have become we have become the church. (17-21)
There are a few things that have happened to us because of our new position in Christ. Pail says that Chrit came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. He preached peace, true and lasting shalom to both the jews and the gentiles. This peace again is vertical, between ethnic lines and horisontal, between God and man. This new corporate position that the gentiles have provides for them and in turn us new positional characteristics.
First, They have access to the Father in One Spirit. (18)
Before there was no access to God for the gentile. Now because of Christ’s abolishment of the law the gentiles now can approach the throne. Their positional change has caused them to enter the throne room of Grace and now have access to the father. Paul will go on to write in Ephesians 3:12 “in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him.” Before, the gentiles were not able to go into the temple and had to stay on the outskirts but now with boldness there is access through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:19–20 “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh,” We have an eternal confidence to enter into the holy places because of Christs blood for us. We have been reconciled to God, through the blood of Jesus, united together in one spirit. now we have continual access to him. How does that look for you? Do you use this access regularly? I dont like to text, I like to call someone and speak directly. It is more personable, i can hear tone in the voice, I can relate better. One of my pet peeves is when I call someone and they don't pick up and then they text me, “Hey man i missed you call” or they just don't call back. For the past month I have been trying to get my glasses fixed, I have been calling the vision center in Lexington, SC and they dont answer neither do the call me back. This is not our relationship with God because of Jesus Christ. He answers, He listens, he hears your complaints, your thanksgivings, your sorrows, your distresses. Through the blood of Jesus you now can have access to him. Corporately, we both jew and gentile in Christ are able to approach our Father together. This is a gift. This is a grace. On Sunday mornings we should be eager to pray with the body of Christ. We should be eager to sing songs of worship. We should be eager to hear the preaching of the Word of God. We should be saddened when service is over. We should look forward to discipleship groups. We should look forward to Wednesday night Prayer meetings. If we have 150 in attendance on Sunday morning, we should have 150 that night and that evening. Because remember before we were Christ-less, now we have Christ. we were state-less, now we are the people of God. we were friend-less, now we have many friends and family throughout all nations. we were hope-less, now we have an everlasting hope. we were god-less, now we have 24/7 access to God.
Another new positional Characteristic that we have that we given a new corporate citizenship. (19-22)
God through tearing down the dividing walls has now provided for gentiles a position in the kingdom of God. The gentiles were strangers and aliens, they were outsiders. but now because they are in Christ they are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. I want you to notice two things about the new corporate citizenship that we have in Christ
We have new citizenship. (19)
The gentiles who were separated from the commonwealth of Israel. Are now brought into a new Kingdom. For us today we need to realize that we are no longer citizens of the world in which we once walked, following the course of this world following the prince of the power of the air. but now we have been given a new leader, a new hometown, a new citizenship. This citizenship is not of this world. The gentiles were no longer citizens of Ephesus or Rome. But they were citizens of the Kingdom of God. That means for us national pride is secondary to our citizenship to the kingdom of God. They are not something that goes hand in hand. Im not referring to patriotism, where we can be thankful that we are in a country where we have the freedom to worship God without consequences. Im referring to a love for nation that outweighs our love for God and neighbor. Thomas Kidd says this: “As ‘strangers and exiles on the earth,’ our ultimate allegiance is to Christ’s kingdom. Our love for a non-American brother or sister in Christ should exceed our comradeship with unbelieving American patriots, whose numbers are legion.” See the key is our ultimate allegiance to Christ’s kingdom. We have an eternal king. Lets live for his mission.
We are members of the household of God (19-22)
the people of God were build on the apostles and prophets that we see in scripture. This is the means in which we live and we decide how we function on membership. Ultimately our membership is built on Christ Jesus. Who joins us together and builds us together as a Dwelling place of God. This means the word guides what we do. as members of God. This is why the preaching of the Word is so important. When we come together for worship and we hear the preaching of the word corporately it is building us into a holy temple in the lord. It is joining us and growing us. We cannot separate what we do on Sundays from the preaching of the word. Furthermore, We are being built together as a church. Paul will talk more about this in Chapter 4 but for us today we should see the necessity for active church membership. Membership in the church is different than anything else. I am a card carrying member to the sams club. I payed my dues and I can go anytime that I want to. Church membership is different than this. Our dues were paid not from us but from Christ. His blood gave us access to God and to his household. Christ blood has brought us into a community together that we should not be separated from. I can still be a member of sams club without going to it weekly, monthly or yearly. As long as I continue to pay for my membership I can be a member. Again the church is different. We must be active in our church membership. This is seen when we gather. We should make the church priority in our weeks. It should take priority over lesuire activities, sports, movies. It should be priority in our lives. This is hard for us sometimes. We like to prioritize things that are good in nature but they are not above the gathering of the church. If we have to miss an hour of Netflix then we need to. If we have to miss getting lunch quickly Because we are gathering with he local body of Christ then we need to. We need to be a part of the local gathering in the church. It causes us to grow in Christ and now together. Membership as the people of God locally breaks through family ties, it is closer than family. We are knitted together with one another in Jesus Christ. For us we need to have higher standards for membership. We need to take seriously the covenant that we have made with each other and with God. Membership in the household of God is more than just Sunday mornings. Its more than twice a week. Its a new way of living. Its a new mindset for us as Christians. We who were under the law have been saved by grace and have been brought into the household of God through the blood of Jesus. This is a better gift than anything the world would give. In an age that we are told to individualize and hide in our houses. Church membership is corporate. We are a holy temple and a dwelling place for God. This is the local gathering of the church. Lets not squander the gift that we have in it.
Brothers and Sister Christ has brought us near through his blood. He has made us a new people together closer than any others. There is no dividing wall or hostility to it. Lets be the church, church. Lets live in light of the gift of Grace that we have been given. Lets be the church with remembering who we were, what has happened and who we are now.