Invitation to something better.

Matthew  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Repents in an invitation to something better, Gods way instead of our way.

Matthew Chapter 3. An Invitation to something better.
(In those days - the days of Jesus, - where Jesus lived in Nazareth)
John (God has dealt graciously - Gotthold) the Baptist, (There are many other Johns, in the bible). It is not his last name it is what he does. John is related to Jesus, because John is the child of Elizabeth and Zachariah, and Marry and Elisabeth were related.
John busts in to the story, and he comes preaching, like one of the prophets of the old testament (400 years of silence from God).
What is it that John is preaching? “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. (This is and was an invitation in to something better). Stop going you own way, turn around, away form your sins, to God. Why? Because the kingdom of heaven is near or at hand. The total rule of of God, on earth as in heaven. - The kingdom that never ends, the king is coming. It is close so repent and turn to God.
Matthew is letting us know that not only Jesus fulfills prophesy John also does, the word form the prophet Isaiah. John is the one crying out in the wildness, prepare the way of the Lord. (The last OT Testament prophet).
Okay so john is preaching and calling people to repent and turn to God. Is he a seeker friendly type, well we know his sermons are not really, but what does he look like and where dose he live, and what does he eat. Well again John looks a lot more like a prophet form the old testament that the religious leaders in his time, that had nice clothe and houses lived in the city. John does not seem to be trying to please anyone, except God. John is wearing camels hair and a leather belt, and his food for protein, he ate locusts and to get some carbs and sweeten the taste he ate wild honey. And it seemed like he lived in the wilderness.
Did it work? Did people hear Johns massage? yes they did, and many people came out to him repenting and confessing their sins, and John baptized them in the Jordan river, as a sign of cleansing from sin, (People that really heard the massage of something better that singing a life lived for and with God.)
But then when Pharisees and Sadducees came out to be baptized, - He clearly in very garfic langue call them out, John calls them snakes, and tells them that baptism has no meaning apart form true repents. Asking who warred you? from the wrath to come?
Show in your actions that you have repented at follow God. And it dose not matter what ethos you are from God can make people from the stones, that are Abraham children. (Why is John saying that, well it is because, that was one of the defences of the people we are sons of Abraham, so God will not judge us - Jesus also has encounters about this). It was like some of the Jews did not know their history, that God will judge his people, when they keep serving them self and other Gods, that is what happened in the deportations and God had other nations judge Isreal and Juda.
And see the contrast -It is a strange thing when last week the wisemen the forenerires aliens worshiped Jesus, - Gods own people seem, to seek their own instead of God.
John presses even harder in verse 10, if you don't repent, and bear good fruit, the axe is ready to cut you down, and be thrown in to the fire, - Johns sermon seems hard and full of Judgment, but for all of them it is an invitation to something much better that being cut down, and thrown in to the fire. Then John explains what he is doing, cleansing with water as a sign of repentance, then he also say “but look out the one coming after me he is mightier than me ( I not worthy to carry his sandals ) He Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Not only water as cleansing, but also fire burning away, all that are just pretending to serve, refining remaking, empowering by the Holy Spirit.
But he is not a person to mess with he is ready to get the “hay in the barn”, with his winnowing fork, to gather wheat, but the chaff will burn with unquenchable fire.
Therefore don't come out her to be baptized if you have no intention of repenting an living for God, - Jesus will know, and separate the ones that truly believe and the ones that are pretending, to love God. 1 commandment love the lord your God with all your heart and all your strength.
Before we go on… What about you? John is calling you to something better, new life with God, for God, to be gather to him, what is it that leads us to repent? Fear? No, it is the kindness of God that leads to repentance Romans 2:4–5. God is inviting you for the 1 time, to turn to Jesus believe in his work, and live for God. (Something better). I don't believe I or John can scare you to repents, I don't think that is what he is doing, but John is saying the truth, and pressing on the people that are religious or conforming on the out side, but live lives that lead to judgment, it is very loving of John to press and tell the truth, to confront the people so they get a change to turn. (What about us? Speaking the truth in love). In my life I have observed and heard about people that gave their life's to Jesus to get out of Judgment and Hell, they got scared by hearing about hell judgment, being left behind, not wanting to be alone away from ones family, some would even give it the strange and kind of vulgar term fire insurance. Looking at peoples lives that only turn to God because of the fear of judgment, often does not lead to lives lived for Jesus in his abundance life, if the greatest commandment is to PPT Mark, 12:29-31 from Duet 6. Heart - the impulse of all you are, and soul psyke is the word, and mind our disposition, All of us, is enjoying and loving God.
That is fare from fire insurance, or I will give my life to Jesus so he wont judge me, and then I will go live my life for my self. - That reveals a big misunderstanding of the good news of the Gospel) , we are to love God. because he loved us first, the question for us all is then, do I love God?
I think it was R.C. Spoul that said, do you love God? And the question was well how much? He said do you love God at all? Do you have a desire to love him more? That is a good indicator weather you believe and trust in Jesus, and his life death, resurrection. If you think you got fire insurance, repent and love Jesus for who he is, and out ward action that is not motivated by inward change will not change you. No matter what words you said, or say. Therefor yes be woken up, there is a judgment coming, but that is why Jesus came to be he Christ, the one that could save us from our sins, - that is where life in Jesus is found, that in Jesus we see the love of the Farther to the world. And that calls us to turn and follow him. With great Joy, and excitement, not begrudgingly complaining mistrusting, but knowing that God is calling us something better, life with Him away form Judgment to new life.
For you who know Jesus and live for him, every time we repent, turn to God, we are invited in to something better, we went our own way, was seeking our own kingdom, turn, come back, be renewed, remind that it is the kindness of God that leads to our repentens, - (Kindness and server). We trust that God loves us and run to him instead of ruining away to hide, why we understand the gospel of Jesus, that we are loved and forgiven in Jesus Christ. That is what a life to be like with Jesus not a fear of punishment but: 1. John 4 14-19 PPT.
Rejecting Jesus forever or never turn, and trust in him but reject him has the consequences that John said, judgment, (Presetting in sin and rebellion will lead to Judgment and punishment). I don't what that for you, and when I think rightly not for anyone. That is why we share about Jesus to people. Therefore today if you know you don't love God, and have not trusted in Jesus, this it you chance to do so, turn and see the love of God. (You might have many objections, i did to, well i want to do this first, does God know what he is doing, i have been disappointed so many times, it will just be the same, well what ever you thinking, how is it going now? Could it be that God is right, and the loved God showed in Jesus is also for you, to know and love him). Pray and ask God to meet you were you are, - Holy Spirit do that now remind us all about what Jesus said and did.
Next time… -
Then Jesus comes to John, and asks to be baptized, John is trying to stop Jesus, Jesus dose not give us a long explanation, he said it was to fulfill all righteousness. -
Then in verse 16 and 17 Jesus is baptized, the heaven spilt open and the Holy Spirit descend no Jesus like a dove and rests on him. And God speaks form heaven this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased. King and and savior - Is 42 and song 2.
We will talk more about it next week, but this is the identity of Jesus, and the father speaking it over Jesus, as the Holy Spirit is also resting on him, (well pleased beloved before he had done any public ministry).
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